Role and Engagement of Stakeholders Summary

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Health Medical

Concorde Career College


Assignment Prompt

Write applicable to your capstone project. Identify the stakeholders (use fictitious names for stakeholders) that will play a major part with your study and integrate with your project.

Topics to include:

Roles of stakeholders

Identify your stakeholders – are they supportive to your project?

List of stakeholders who will be interested in the results of your project

  1. Promoting stakeholder participation
  2. Possible concerns/barriers from stakeholders
  3. Strategies that you will use to gain support and assistance from your stakeholders

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THE ROLE OF EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM IN TYPE 2 DIABETES 1 The Role of Educational Program in the Management and Prevention of Complications of Type 2 Diabetes in Primary Care Settings Janessa Pamintuan, RN, BSN United States University MSN 563: Evidence Based Inquiry for Scholarship and Practice Blessing Isiguzo, DNP, APRN, NP-BC February 3, 2023 THE ROLE OF EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM IN TYPE 2 DIABETES 2 The role of educational program in managing and preventing diabetes complications within the first six months for vulnerable patients aged 40 years and over in a primary care setting. Project Purpose Statement Baldwin (2018) asserts that the significance of the purpose statement in a project is to state clearly and concisely what the study will accomplish. The author further notes that a purpose statement should meet three principal factors: the identification of interest variables, the description of the precise relationship between the identified variables, and the recognition of the nature of the participants. In light of the above, the following is the purpose of this study. • This study aims to investigate the impact of an education program in managing diabetes for venerable patients aged 40 and above. • The study will investigate how an education program helps prevent complications related to diabetes within six months of diagnosis for vulnerable patients aged 40 and above. Background and Significance Existing literature and statistics indicate that over 34.2 million patients in the U.S. are living with diabetes. The DRIF in 2022 observed that the increasing number of diabetic cases in the nation is a case of alarm as it creates an urgent need to prepare primary medical care to respond to the related complications. However, it is critical to notice that hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia were noted as the most prevalent complications affecting vulnerable patients aged 40 and above living with diabetes within the first six months (DRIF, 2022). An analysis of the complications shows two fundamental facts. These are; THE ROLE OF EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM IN TYPE 2 DIABETES • Access to food. • How to manage the intake of food and develop a healthy lifestyle. 3 Therefore, this research will offer critical insight that will help vulnerable patients gain knowledge on how to regulate their eating habits to avoid hyperglycemia and educate vulnerable patients on alternative sources of sugar to avoid hypoglycemia. Arguably, the skills and knowledge imparted through the study will significantly reduce the number of cases relating to hyper and hypoglycemia related to diabetes. Project target demographic The target demographic for the study is venerable patients living with diabetes aged 40 and above. The vulnerable patients in this study will include economically and socially venerable patients and patients with other conditions, thus making them vulnerable. Project interventions The project interventions will include the following; • Online facilitated lifestyle and diet management classes for patients with access to the internet. • Workshops and training on lifestyle and diet management classes for patients without access to the internet • Development of a training guide to be issued to the target group. Expected outcome By the end of the project, it is expected that the target demographic will have developed lifestyle and diet management skills. THE ROLE OF EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM IN TYPE 2 DIABETES 4 Projected time frames. • Identification of participants for the project and creation of a database – 1 month • Development of a study guide through consultation with a team of nutritionists - 1 month • Training online and on-site - 3 months. • Follow-up- 1 month References Baldwin , L. (2018). Beginning the research project. Research Concepts for the Practitioner of Educational Leadership, 9–12. Diabetes Research Institute Foundation. (2022, May 27). Diabetes statistics. DRIF. Retrieved January 31, 2023, from 1 EBP Theoretical Framework Student's Name Course Number Instructor's Name June 2, 2024 2 EBP Theoretical Framework For the theoretical framework in my capstone project, I have decided to use the "Health Belief Model" (HBM). The HBM is a psychological model that aims to explain and predict health behaviors by emphasizing the cognition of the people (Tehrani et al., 2022). It is especially valuable in planning educational approaches to the prevention of diseases and the promotion of health. This model encompasses several key components. The six constructs are "perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, cue to action, and self-efficacy" (Tehrani et al., 2022). The focus of my capstone will be to establish the effect of an educational program on managing diabetes for vulnerable patients 40 years and above. The HBM is relevant to my research interest since it involves psychological and behavioral factors that determine patients' utilization of health interventions. Therefore, perceived susceptibility and severity help me to determine how patients perceive their vulnerability to severe diabetes complications. This understanding assists in orienting the educational material with a focus on the severity of the condition and the advantages of the educational program in the short term. Perceived benefits and barriers are relevant to my project as they are the factors that influence patients' willingness to engage in and follow educational interventions. Promoting the advantages, for instance, better glycemic control and fewer complications, and resolving challenges, for instance, lack of information or equipment will be crucial to the program's effectiveness (Mohamed et al., 2022). Two other factors that cannot be overlooked are a cue to action and self-efficacy. The program will contain certain cues and positive reinforcement techniques that will be used to direct the patients into the right healthy lifestyle behaviors. Promoting self-efficacy will be another area of focus in the educational sessions, as this will help build the patients' confidence in their ability to manage the condition. 3 In conclusion, the HBM offers a useful framework for developing and implementing an educational program that targets the psychological and behavioral determinants of diabetes self-care. This alignment makes the interventions informative as well as motivational which will improve the health of vulnerable patients of 40 years and above. 4 References Mohamed, R., Mohammed Abd-Elghan, S., & Nabeh Taref, N. (2022). Effect of Applying Health Belief Model on Type 2 Diabetic Patients' Knowledge, Self-Care Practices and Health Beliefs. Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 13(2), 67-81. Tehrani, H., Dadashi, N., Movahedzadeh, D., Khorasani, E. C., & Jafari, A. (2022). The predictors of the use of complementary and alternative medicine among type 2 diabetes patients based on the health belief model. Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders, 21(1), 285-292.
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Role and Engagement of Stakeholders

Student's Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Number
July 17, 2024

Role and Engagement of Stakeholders
The management and prevention of complications of type 2 diabetes in primary care
settings through an educational program, as presented in my capstone project, largely depends on
the stakeholders. The goal of this project is to improve patient outcomes by providing an
educational intervention. Stakeholders, including healthcare providers, nutritionists, and patient
advocates, should be involved in the development, application, and continuation of the program.
This paper outlines the responsibilities of these stakeholders, their advocacy for the project,
possible issues, and ways of engaging them in the project.
Stakeholder Roles and Support
Several stakeholders will be involved in the proper implementation and sustainability of
the program. The first stakeholder is Dr. Emily Harris, the primary care physician who will be
overseeing the project. Secondly, the online and face-to-face sessions will be managed by Nurse
Practitioner Jack Thompson. He will assist in the development of the curriculum, conduct some
of the workshops, and also provide support to the participants. Thirdly, Nutritionist Anna Lee
will be in charge of developing and implementing the dietary management part of the program.
Finally, the patient's needs and their contribution to the development and implementation of the
program will be managed by the patient's representative, Lisa Brown. The identified stakeholders
are generally support...

Very useful material for studying!


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