Management Question

User Generated


Business Finance

DeVry University



For the assignment this week, you will be using an artificial intelligence tool of your choice. Example tools include ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Bing AI, YouChat, and so forth (other AI options are welcomed). Use two different AI tools to create a project charter for your Capstone Project. Then write a paper to compare and contrast the results of the two AI tools. Your objective is to determine the best way to utilize a project charter for your project. Make sure that you consider the following. (Note: If there are other factors you want to consider, you can add them to the list you already have.)

The industry


  • Location
  • Sociocultural factors
  • For this assignment, address the following.

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Explanation & Answer



Project Charter

Student Name
Course Name
Course Code

Project Charter: Rock Crushing and Sand Production Plant
Project Name: In-House Crushing and Sand Production Plant
Industry: Construction Materials (crushed rock and sand)
Project Sponsor: [Your Construction Firm Name]
Project Manager: [To be assigned]
Date: 2024-07-18
Project Purpose
The purpose of this project is to set up a rock crushing machine with a VSI sand making
machine, hydro-cyclone, and vibrating feeder to aid our construction firm in promptly obtaining
materials needed for completing its various projects. Additionally, the plant will crush materials
for sale to surrounding companies and individual builders.
Project Objectives

Establish a rock crushing plant to supply materials for our construction projects.

Provide crushed materials for sale to external companies and individual builders.

Complete the setup and installation within 9-13 months.

Ensure compliance with all regulatory requirements.

Project Scope

Site assessment, clearing, and preparation

Foundation design and civil works

Purchase of essential machinery

Installation of machinery and equipment

Machine testing

Obtaining mining permits and other regulatory requirements


Staff Training and Handover

The project will be located at the construction firm's designated site in a region suitable for
mining and crushing activities.
Project Stakeholders

Internal Stakeholders:

Project Sponsor: Approves project budget and provides overall direction.
Project Manager: Oversees project execution and leads the project team.
Construction Team: Responsible for site preparation and foundation construction.
Operations Te...

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