Evaluation and Linking Evidence-Based Practice to Clinical Outcomes

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Health Medical

Concorde Career College


Discussion Prompt

Discuss how your research inquiry relates to evidence-based practice. What practice improvement outcomes do you expect your inquiry to accomplish? How do you intend to evaluate your capstone project?

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1 Theoretical Framework. Your name Instructor's name Course Name and Code. Date of submission 2 Theoretical Framework. In regard to my capstone project based on the impact of the clinical protocol for the prevention of CAP, especially for the elderly population, the model that I intend to utilize is the Health Belief Model (HBM). The HBM model or framework is a psychological framework that mainly attempts on explaining and predicting health behaviors with a focus on the beliefs and attitudes of the population (Ramlan et al., 2022). The model comprises of different critical contrasts such as the perceived susceptibility, severity, benefits, barriers, self-efficacy, and cues of action. Furthermore, the HBM model is mainly relevant to the capstone project for different reasons. Initially, the population of elderly, as a result of possible comorbidities and age, is mainly perceived as susceptible to different aging diseases such as CAP. Therefore, the perception can impact their dedication and willingness to comply with the measures of preventive care. Furthermore, addressing the perceived severity and susceptibility, the protocol can be mainly tailored to highlighting the CAP risk and serious issues, thus promoting adherence to measures of prevention. In addition, the perceived barriers and benefits are critical based on the determination if the population will follow the protocol. Therefore, the protocol needs to precisely demonstrate the main benefits of compliance, such as reduction of the CAP risk and improved life quality, including the challenges in access to healthcare services or comprehension of the protocol as a result of cognitive impairment. Therefore, with the incorporation of strategies for overcoming the barriers, the protocol can be accessible and user-friendly. Furthermore, self-efficacy and cues to actions are critical in making certain of the success of the clinical protocol. The cues to action will be implemented in the protocol through continuous follow-up, educational sessions, and reminders, prompting the population to 3 comply with measures of prevention. On the other hand, self-efficacy can be gained by offering precise instructions, support, and training to population and medical providers. Therefore, the HBM framework is well-aligned with my clinical interests by offering a significant approach to comprehending and influencing well-being behaviors in the elderly population. By managing and addressing the HBM model constructs, the protocol can efficiently enhance adherence, improve health results, and prevent CAP for the population (Ramlan et al., 2022). 4 Reference. Ramlan, W., Huda, B., & Saliluddin, S. (2022). HEALTH BELIEF MODEL-BASED INTERVENTION ON KNOWLEDGE AND PRACTICE OF STANDARD PRECAUTIONS AMONG PRIMARY HEALTHCARE WORKERS IN A STATE OF MALAYSIA - ProQuest. Www.proquest.com. https://search.proquest.com/openview/ee6d5b24ef8865245b5727e96cf8be51/1?pqorigsite=gscholar&cbl=34824 EFFECTS OF CLINICAL PROTOCOL ON THE PREVENTION OF CAP 1 The Effectiveness of Clinical Protocols in Preventing Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Elderly Populations Bianca L. Baylon, RN, BSN United States University MSN563: Evidence Based Inquiry For Scholarship And Practice Alice Martanegara, DNP, RN February 02, 2023 EFFECTS OF CLINICAL PROTOCOL ON THE PREVENTION OF CAP 2 Project Purpose Statement The purpose of the project is to determine the impact of a clinical protocol on the prevention of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in elderly populations receiving primary care, in comparison to standard care, conducted over one year, as well as to evaluate the efficacy, cost-effectiveness, and feasibility of implementing the protocol. The initiative's goal is to lower the prevalence of CAP while simultaneously increasing the level of care provided to senior populations. Background and Significance Due to weaker immune systems and difficulty obtaining essential healthcare services, elderly populations and those with chronic illnesses are at a higher risk of acquiring community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), also known as pneumonia acquired in the community. The management of CAP, a severe and sometimes life-threatening infection, must be early and effective. The purpose of the clinical protocol that has been presented is to both increase the prevention of CAP in elderly populations and to offer further assistance to healthcare providers so that they may better adhere to evidence-based standards (Banoei et al., 2020). The project's innovative aspect lies in developing and implementing an evidencebased clinical protocol specifically tailored to the needs of elderly populations. Elderly populations are prone to illnesses that must be treated immediately before they become fatal. The treatment protocol has to be effective and should also provide results that can be replicated for other patients. The protocol will give medical professionals further assistance in managing their patients and will also include up-to-date recommendations for the prevention of CAP. The influence of the protocol on patient outcomes, such as quality of life, patient satisfaction with care, and adherence to the procedure, will also be evaluated as part EFFECTS OF CLINICAL PROTOCOL ON THE PREVENTION OF CAP 3 of this project. The protocol is supposed to be better than the existing plans for elderly patients. This initiative has the potential to have a substantial impact on healthcare because it can both increase the quality of care provided to senior populations and reduce the incidence of CAP. If the project is successful, it will be able to provide insightful information regarding the efficiency of clinical protocols in the prevention of CAP and act as a model for efforts of a similar nature in other healthcare settings. In addition, the findings of this investigation could contribute to the formulation of healthcare policy and lend support to the formulation of evidence-based guidelines for the prevention of CAP in populations of older adults. The project may, in the long run, have a positive impact on the health of older adults and make a positive contribution to the overall improvement of public health (Eekholm et al., 2020). Creating evidence-based solutions to several of the problems and vulnerabilities endured by elderly populations will make it easy for future generations to have easy and affordable access to care. PICOT formatted Clinical Project Questions The older patients receiving primary care are the focus of this study's population. The execution of a clinical protocol for the prevention of CAP is the intervention subject of the current research. The clinical protocol's utilization for CAP prevention is being compared to the conventional care currently being provided. Determining whether or if the clinical protocol helps lower the incidence of CAP and increase patient outcomes such as quality of life, patient satisfaction with care, and adherence to the protocol is the expected outcome of this study. The duration of the study will be one year. EFFECTS OF CLINICAL PROTOCOL ON THE PREVENTION OF CAP References Banoei, M. M., Vogel, H. J., Weljie, A. M., Yende, S., Angus, D. C., & Winston, B. W. (2020). Plasma lipid profiling for the prognosis of 90-day mortality, in-hospital mortality, ICU admission, and severity in bacterial community-acquired pneumonia (CAP). Critical Care, 24(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13054-020-03147-3 Eekholm, S., Ahlström, G., Kristensson, J., & Lindhardt, T. (2020). Gaps between current clinical practice and evidence-based guidelines for treatment and care of older patients with Community Acquired Pneumonia: a descriptive cross-sectional study. BMC Infectious Diseases, 20(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12879-019-4742-4 4 PICOT QUESTION "In elderly populations receiving primary care, how effective are clinical protocols compared to standard care in preventing community-acquired pneumonia over a 10-week period?"
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Evaluation and Linking Evidence-Based Practice to Clinical Outcomes.

Your name
Instructor's name
Course Name and Code.
Date of submission


Discussion Prompt.
Discuss how your research inquiry relates to evidence-based practice.
In regard to my capstone project within the clinical protocol aimed at preventing
community-acquired pneumonia, mainly in elderly populations, my research inquiry is aligned
significantly with the evidence-based practice (EBP) principles. The research inquiry is
primarily related in regard to the aim of implementing and evaluating the clinical protocol as
guided and suppo...

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