If x²+4y²=40 and xy=6, what will be the value of x+2y? Please explain how you arrived at your answer.
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MATGAM02 Rasmussen Section 2 Module 2 Mathematics of Games Quiz
An event X can happen with probability P and Y can happen with P'. What is the probability that exactly one
MATGAM02 Rasmussen Section 2 Module 2 Mathematics of Games Quiz
An event X can happen with probability P and Y can happen with P'. What is the probability that exactly one
Use of Statistical Tools
During our course we have explored a number of different statistical applications and tools. In this week's forum you are ...
Use of Statistical Tools
During our course we have explored a number of different statistical applications and tools. In this week's forum you are to share how you intend to use one or more of the tools that we have examined in our course. Be specific. Be sure to include a description of the situation, the way in which you will employ the statistical tool you have selected, and provide some commentary about why you think the approach you have selected is appropriate and will prove to be useful. This is your opportunity to consider--and then share--how you will employ the knowledge that you have gained during our course. I look forward to hearing from you.Please keep in mind that my evaluation of your post will be based on the extent to which you participated and fostered a positive and effective learning environment--for yourself and others. Your initial post(6 points) must contain comments regarding the rationale for using the specific statistical tool you have chosen and provide insights as to why that particular tool is appropriate.
Biostatistics Exam Problems
Hi,I need help on this Friday's statistics exam. This course used SPSS software, which means you need to understand the gr ...
Biostatistics Exam Problems
Hi,I need help on this Friday's statistics exam. This course used SPSS software, which means you need to understand the graphs and forms from SPSS. This course mainly about statistics, such as Chi-Square test (Goodness-of-fit test, r*c contingency table, Mantel-Haenszel test), ANOVA (one-way, Kruskal-Wallis test; RBD two-way, Friedman-Kendall-Smith test), Correlation Analysis, Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Survival Analysis, Proportional Hazards. You also need to be familiar with the basic knowledge of statistics, such as p-value, t-test, z-test, paired samples, Independent samples(common variance&unequal variances), Sample size estimation, Wilcoxon signed rank test, Wilcoxon rank sum test, population proportion, odds ratio. And also a chapter of Prevalence. I upload the example test with answer, but due to switch to the online test, the questions should be all multiple choice questions.Please check. Thanks for your help ! !
2 pages
Importance Of Statistics
In real life, statistics is used in the graphical representation of figures that have been collected. One can compare data ...
Importance Of Statistics
In real life, statistics is used in the graphical representation of figures that have been collected. One can compare data using the mean, median, and ...
SNHU Module 3 Discussion Model of Transistors Calculations Exercise
Solve the problem below. Copy the description of your forecast in the box below and include that as part of your initial D ...
SNHU Module 3 Discussion Model of Transistors Calculations Exercise
Solve the problem below. Copy the description of your forecast in the box below and include that as part of your initial Discussion post in Brightspace. Using "copy" from here in Mobius and "paste" into Brightspace should work.Hint: The chart is taken from the chart, estimate (roughly) the number of transistors per IC in 2018. Using your estimate and Moore's Law, what would you predict the number of transistors per IC to be in 2040?In some applications, the variable being studied increases so quickly ("exponentially") that a regular graph isn't informative. There, a regular graph would show data close to 0 and then a sudden spike at the very end. Instead, for these applications, we often use logarithmic scales. We replace the y-axis tick marks of 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. with y-axis tick marks of 101 = 10, 102 = 100, 103 = 1000, 104 = 10000, etc. In other words, the logarithms of the new tick marks are equally spaced.Technology is one area where progress is extraordinarily rapid. Moore's Law states that the progress of technology (measured in different ways) doubles every 2 years. A common example counts the number of transitors per integrated circuit. A regular y-axis scale is appropriate when a trend is linear, i.e. 100 transistors, 200 transistors, 300 transistors, 400 transistors, etc. However, technology actually increased at a much quicker pace such as 100 transistors,.1,000 transistors, 10,000 transistors, 100,000 transistors, etc.The following is a plot of the number of transistors per integrated circuit over the period 1971 - 2008 taken from (that site contains a lot of data, not just for technology). At first, this graph seems to show a steady progression until you look carefully at the y-axis ... it's not linear. From the graph, it seems that from 1971 to 1981 the number of transistors went from about 1,000 to 40,000. Moore's Law predicts that in 10 years, it would double 5 times, i.e. go from 1,000 to 32,000, and the actual values (using very rough estimates) seem to support this.The following is the same plot but with the common logarithm of the y-axis shown. You can see that log(y) goes up uniformly.(the map is attach)Questions to be answered in your Brightspace Discussion:Part a: The number of transistors per IC in 1972 seems to be about 4,000 (a rough estimate by eye). Using this estimate and Moore's Law, what would you predict the number of transistors per IC to be 20 years later, in 1992?Prediction = Part b: From the chart, estimate (roughly) the number of transistors per IC in 2018. Using your estimate and Moore's Law, what would you predict the number of transistors per IC to be in 2040?Part c: Do you think that your prediction in Part b is believable? Why or why not?
MDC Nursing Statistics Discussion
The internet is host to a wealth of information and much of that information comes from raw data that have been collected ...
MDC Nursing Statistics Discussion
The internet is host to a wealth of information and much of that information comes from raw data that have been collected or observed.Many websites summarize such data using graphical methods discussed in this chapter.Find a website related to your major ((((( NURSING)))))) that summarizes data and uses graphs, and share it with the class. Let us know how it relates to your major and why it is of interest to you.
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MATGAM02 Rasmussen Section 2 Module 2 Mathematics of Games Quiz
An event X can happen with probability P and Y can happen with P'. What is the probability that exactly one
MATGAM02 Rasmussen Section 2 Module 2 Mathematics of Games Quiz
An event X can happen with probability P and Y can happen with P'. What is the probability that exactly one
Use of Statistical Tools
During our course we have explored a number of different statistical applications and tools. In this week's forum you are ...
Use of Statistical Tools
During our course we have explored a number of different statistical applications and tools. In this week's forum you are to share how you intend to use one or more of the tools that we have examined in our course. Be specific. Be sure to include a description of the situation, the way in which you will employ the statistical tool you have selected, and provide some commentary about why you think the approach you have selected is appropriate and will prove to be useful. This is your opportunity to consider--and then share--how you will employ the knowledge that you have gained during our course. I look forward to hearing from you.Please keep in mind that my evaluation of your post will be based on the extent to which you participated and fostered a positive and effective learning environment--for yourself and others. Your initial post(6 points) must contain comments regarding the rationale for using the specific statistical tool you have chosen and provide insights as to why that particular tool is appropriate.
Biostatistics Exam Problems
Hi,I need help on this Friday's statistics exam. This course used SPSS software, which means you need to understand the gr ...
Biostatistics Exam Problems
Hi,I need help on this Friday's statistics exam. This course used SPSS software, which means you need to understand the graphs and forms from SPSS. This course mainly about statistics, such as Chi-Square test (Goodness-of-fit test, r*c contingency table, Mantel-Haenszel test), ANOVA (one-way, Kruskal-Wallis test; RBD two-way, Friedman-Kendall-Smith test), Correlation Analysis, Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Survival Analysis, Proportional Hazards. You also need to be familiar with the basic knowledge of statistics, such as p-value, t-test, z-test, paired samples, Independent samples(common variance&unequal variances), Sample size estimation, Wilcoxon signed rank test, Wilcoxon rank sum test, population proportion, odds ratio. And also a chapter of Prevalence. I upload the example test with answer, but due to switch to the online test, the questions should be all multiple choice questions.Please check. Thanks for your help ! !
2 pages
Importance Of Statistics
In real life, statistics is used in the graphical representation of figures that have been collected. One can compare data ...
Importance Of Statistics
In real life, statistics is used in the graphical representation of figures that have been collected. One can compare data using the mean, median, and ...
SNHU Module 3 Discussion Model of Transistors Calculations Exercise
Solve the problem below. Copy the description of your forecast in the box below and include that as part of your initial D ...
SNHU Module 3 Discussion Model of Transistors Calculations Exercise
Solve the problem below. Copy the description of your forecast in the box below and include that as part of your initial Discussion post in Brightspace. Using "copy" from here in Mobius and "paste" into Brightspace should work.Hint: The chart is taken from the chart, estimate (roughly) the number of transistors per IC in 2018. Using your estimate and Moore's Law, what would you predict the number of transistors per IC to be in 2040?In some applications, the variable being studied increases so quickly ("exponentially") that a regular graph isn't informative. There, a regular graph would show data close to 0 and then a sudden spike at the very end. Instead, for these applications, we often use logarithmic scales. We replace the y-axis tick marks of 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. with y-axis tick marks of 101 = 10, 102 = 100, 103 = 1000, 104 = 10000, etc. In other words, the logarithms of the new tick marks are equally spaced.Technology is one area where progress is extraordinarily rapid. Moore's Law states that the progress of technology (measured in different ways) doubles every 2 years. A common example counts the number of transitors per integrated circuit. A regular y-axis scale is appropriate when a trend is linear, i.e. 100 transistors, 200 transistors, 300 transistors, 400 transistors, etc. However, technology actually increased at a much quicker pace such as 100 transistors,.1,000 transistors, 10,000 transistors, 100,000 transistors, etc.The following is a plot of the number of transistors per integrated circuit over the period 1971 - 2008 taken from (that site contains a lot of data, not just for technology). At first, this graph seems to show a steady progression until you look carefully at the y-axis ... it's not linear. From the graph, it seems that from 1971 to 1981 the number of transistors went from about 1,000 to 40,000. Moore's Law predicts that in 10 years, it would double 5 times, i.e. go from 1,000 to 32,000, and the actual values (using very rough estimates) seem to support this.The following is the same plot but with the common logarithm of the y-axis shown. You can see that log(y) goes up uniformly.(the map is attach)Questions to be answered in your Brightspace Discussion:Part a: The number of transistors per IC in 1972 seems to be about 4,000 (a rough estimate by eye). Using this estimate and Moore's Law, what would you predict the number of transistors per IC to be 20 years later, in 1992?Prediction = Part b: From the chart, estimate (roughly) the number of transistors per IC in 2018. Using your estimate and Moore's Law, what would you predict the number of transistors per IC to be in 2040?Part c: Do you think that your prediction in Part b is believable? Why or why not?
MDC Nursing Statistics Discussion
The internet is host to a wealth of information and much of that information comes from raw data that have been collected ...
MDC Nursing Statistics Discussion
The internet is host to a wealth of information and much of that information comes from raw data that have been collected or observed.Many websites summarize such data using graphical methods discussed in this chapter.Find a website related to your major ((((( NURSING)))))) that summarizes data and uses graphs, and share it with the class. Let us know how it relates to your major and why it is of interest to you.
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