Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management:

Purpose of Assignment:

The purpose of this assignment is to examine the human resource management process in relation to recruitment and selection, training and development, and retention/attrition.

Assignment Steps:

Select an organization (current, previous or one that you are familiar with) and examine the human resource management (HRM) process within.

Prepare a 1,050-word evaluation on the HRM process within organizations.

Include the following:

• Define the HRM process.

• Examine the recruitment and selection process and employee development.

◦ Discuss how these processes are handled within the selected organization and their effectiveness.

◦ Discuss the role management plays in these processes.

◦ Identify how organizations benefit from having a HRM process in place.

• Examine the retention/attrition rates within the organization over the past year and identify the drivers of the increase/decrease.

◦ Provide at least three recommendations the organization can incorporate to improve statistics and ensure employers are retaining good talent.

Cite a minimum of two peer-reviewed references in your paper.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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Explanation & Answer



Human Resource Management Processes




Human resource process
Human resource management is a critical process within an organizational environment
aimed at managing employees in order to ensure that they fully achieve the set organizational
goals. Human resource involves crucial processes which must be undertaken within organizational
environment where there is significant need to ensure smooth operations within an organization
led by highly talented and competent human labor (Donaldson, 2013). Critically evaluating the
human resource processes within an organizational context provides a better understanding on how
these processes are implemented within workplace. This paper provides an evaluation of human
resources processes within my previous organization Bright Technologies that implemented
significant human resource practices in attempt to create a conducive environment for its
Human resource management process definition
Human resource management processes encompasses critical processes that are undertaken
by the human resource department in ensuring that an organization recruits the most qualified
candidates and performs within the required threshold. The major human resource management
processes include recruitment, selection, hiring, training, induction, orientation, evaluation,
promotion and lay off. The ability of an organization to fully evaluate these processes ensures that
it performance within the required standards as well as high level of employee satisfaction which
leads to higher levels of commitment (Bateson et al., 2013).
The recruitment and selection process and employee development
The company has significant developed its operations around strong and high quality
human resource practices. Recruitment and selection processes underline the comp...

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