writing a story based from a poem

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I have attached all you would need to complete this. You dont have to follow my outline, that is just for you to see what my thoughts were so its not too far fetched when you write the story.

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American Literature B: Unit 4 Portfolio Ms. Barrett/Ms. Earwood EOC Practice--Narrative Essay Instructions: 1. Do this instead of the original Narrative essay portfolio in Connexus 2. You will complete a released prompt for the U4L5 and U4L10 portfolio 3. You are welcome to turn in this outline for you U4L5 rough draft Write your essay on the following prompt: The speaker of the poem is intent on watching the interactions of her chaperon during her trip to the play. Imagine the conversations and events that might occur while they attend the play. Write an original story about the speaker and her chaperon’s conversation on their trip home from the play. (Scroll down to see poem content). In your Narrative Essay, you should do the following: 1. Use SPECIFIC examples from the passage to support the events in your narrative. 2. This should be a 4-5 paragraph essay that includes character descriptions, dialogue, and a clear ending to the story. 1st or 2nd person is okay here as long as you’re speaking from the viewpoint of one of the characters. 3. Use proper spelling and conventions as well as MLA format. 4. Use this scoring rubric below to evaluate your own essay and write what score you deserve at the top of your paper before turning it in. The Chaperon by Henry Cuyler Bunner I take my chaperon to the play-She thinks she's taking me. And the gilded youth who owns the box, A proud young man is he; But how would his young heart be hurt If he could only know That not for his sweet sake I go Nor yet to see the triffling show; But to see my chaperon flirt. Her eyes beneath her snowy hair They sparkle young as mine; There's scarce a wrinkle in her hand So delicate and fine. And when my chaperon is seen, They come from everywhere-The dear old boys with silver hair, With old-time grace and old-time air, To greet their old-time queen. They bow as my young Midas here Will never learn to bow (The dancing-masters do not teach That gracious reverence now); With voices quivering just a bit, They play their old parts through, They talk of folk who used to woo, Of hearts that broke in 'fifty-two-Now none the worse for it. And as those aged crickets chirp, I watch my chaperon's face, And see the dear old features take A new and tender grace; And in her happy eyes I see Her youth awakening bright, With all its hope, desire, delight-Ah, me! I wish that I were quite As young--as young as she! Use this outline to type a 4-paragraph essay, and submit to Unit 4, Lesson 10. Explain what you know about the chaperon. How would you describe her? The chaperon is an older lady, who is young at heart. You can tell by the way the author describes her eyes to be as young as hers but also describing her snowy hair. Explain what you know about the narrator based on the poem. The narrator goes to the show just to see the chaperon light up. In 2-3 sentences, explain what happened in the poem. The narrator feels as if she is the chaperon watching the older lady interact and light up from going to the show. Brainstorming-Alternate Ending How will you structure your essay? Will you be writing from the viewpoint of the chaperon, the narrator, or in 3rd person omniscient? I will be writing from the viewpoint of the chaperon, it will be structured in way that she is telling her viewpoint of the night. What will you have the narrator and chaperon discuss on the way home? Why? They will discuss the past of the chaperon and the future for the child. This will give a greater insight into why the chaperon was so lit up by the show and will also show how the child plans to be like her. What descriptive words will you use to describe the narrator and the chaperon? Chaperon : free spirit, happy, soulful Narrator- caring, curious, admiring How will your essay end? It will end with the narrator retelling the chaperons story . Is there any other way this story could end? Yes, it could end in several different ways.
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Chaperon by Henry Cuyler Bunner
The chaperone is a senior woman who accompanies the young lady to watch the play.
She is friendly at heart because she is easy to pick a conversation with. She does not believe in
the wealth of a man but in the way a man carries himself. She thinks of her ward that despite him
being well off, he will not have the best of life because of he is ill-bred. The speaker observes
that “They bow as my young Midas here will never learn to bow.” The chaperone and attractive

is lovable, and this can be seen in the poem when her ward and "The dear old boys with silver
hair” gain interest in her. The narrator in the poem, who is a ...

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