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- Download this compressed folder from this to an external site. to obtain the SPSS dataset and its supplemental materials (codebook, etc.): Feb09
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Explanation & Answer
Homework Assignment in Partial Fulfillment for
Research Methods in Political Science (POS 3703)
Full Name: [HERE]
Homework Assignment Number: SPSS 3
Homework Assignment Due Date: [HERE]
Homework Assignment Description: [HERE]
Dataset Used: February 2009 Political and Economic Survey - Feb09c
Dataset Obtained at the Following Website: Pew Research Center for the People & the
[For assignment three, I downloaded the February 2009 data set from PEW Research
Center to my computer and flash drive and proceeded to...]
Assignment Three Question 1: What percentage of respondents disapproved of the
way Barack Obama was handling the economy after one month in office in February
of 2009?
Assignment Three Question 2: How many respondents were asked the question about
Barack Obama’s handling of the economy?
Assignment Three Question 3: How many respondents didn’t know their answer or
refused to answer the question about Barack Obama’s handling of the economy?
Assignment Three Question 4: What percentage of respondents said that they were
not employed in February of 2009?
Assignment Three Question 5: What percentage of respondents said that they were
employed either full-time or part-time in February of 2009?
Assignment Three Ques...