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Florida Atlantic University


  1. Use this new template cover page for this SPSS assignment: M3 SPSS-3 Template
  2. Download this SPSS assignment to your course folder on your drive: Methods SPSS Assignment 3
  3. Download this compressed folder from this to an external site. to obtain the SPSS dataset and its supplemental materials (codebook, etc.): Feb09
  4. If the webpage is not showing the dataset to download, download it HEDownload HERE
  5. Follow the SPSS assignment directions

Once you have loaded the data file into SPSS, you should save the SPSS data to your drive as: Assignment Three Data [PROPER DATE].sa

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Assignment Three Downloading and Manipulating Survey Data in SPSS This assignment shows how to think about theories and hypotheses, and examine appropriate data in SPSS. For this data assignment (Assignment Three), we will be using the survey results from the February 2009 Political and Economic Survey located online at the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press. The survey is entitled “Obama Faces Familiar Divisions Over Anti-Terror Policies; No Change in Views of Torture, Warrantless Wiretaps,” and it was conducted on Feb 18, 2009. To obtain the survey data, click the Assignment Three - Pew Research Center for the People & the Press and it will take you to the datasets website. Then locate the survey dataset, and download it. Downloading will result in a Winzip compressed file that contains three files: Feb09c (SPSS data file); Feb09.que (survey questionnaire in Word format); and a readme file in text format. Unzip into your Methods folder on your flashdrive and then launch the file labeled Feb09c by doubleclicking the data file because remember, we always save our files in another name before we start manipulating them. This is to make sure that if you make a mistake, you have the “original” data from which you can start again. Save the file as filename: Assignment Three Data This assignment will parallel Chapter 2 of the Babbie text. The chapter discussed inductive and deductive theory. Review Babbie's analysis of the conflict paradigm. Using deductive theory construction, we could hypothesize that employed people will be more satisfied with the way Barack Obama is handling the economy than those who are unemployed. We can test this hypothesis by examining the relationship between approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling the economy and respondent’s employment status. Let us do a frequency analysis. A Frequency Analysis Remember, to get SPSS to calculate a frequency count and percentage distribution of variables choose from the top menu bar: Analyze Descriptive Statistics Frequencies... Once this is done, all the variables in the Assignment Three Data.sav file are displayed in the lefthand box. Find and highlight the following variables: Q4a Do You Approve… and the variable EMPLOY Are you now… and click the blue arrow to the right of the left box showing the variables (shown below). Now click on OK. The frequency tables should appear in the Output Viewer Window like that shown below. Q.4a Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling -- The economy? Frequency Percent Valid Approve Valid Percent Cumulative Percent 709 54.4 54.4 54.4 Disapprove 339 26.0 26.0 80.4 Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 255 19.6 19.6 100.0 Total 1303 100.0 100.0 EMPLOY Are you now employed full-time, part-time or not employed? Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Full-time 596 45.7 45.7 45.7 Part-time 164 12.6 12.6 58.3 Not employed 535 41.1 41.1 99.4 8 .6 .6 100.0 1303 100.0 100.0 Don't know/Refused (VOL.) Total Carefully examine the information that you now have from the lazy click of a couple buttons. The first thing that should hit you is how much information you have at the ready to discuss in a paper (if you were writing one for another class). For instance, just look at the information in each table one at a time and after doing so, you are required to answer these simple questions in your Assignment Three submission (cut and paste the questions and then give answers in your submitted assignment. Assignment Three Question 1: What percentage of respondents disapproved of the way Barack Obama was handling the economy after one month in office in February of 2009? Assignment Three Question 2: How many respondents were asked the question about Barack Obama’s handling of the economy? Assignment Three Question 3: How many respondents didn’t know their answer or refused to answer the question about Barack Obama’s handling of the economy? Assignment Three Question 4: What percentage of respondents said that they were not employed in February of 2009? Assignment Three Question 5: What percentage of respondents said that they were employed either full-time or part-time in February of 2009? Now let us talk about what conclusions can be drawn from the data presented here by choosing the best answers to the following questions. Assignment Three Question 6: Those respondents who were employed full-time approved of the way Barack Obama was handling the economy in February of 2009. Choose the correct answer: True False Can’t tell from the information Assignment Three Question 7: All of those respondents who didn’t know their answer or refused to answer the question about their employment situation also didn’t know their answer or refused to answer the question about Barack Obama’s handling of the economy in February of 2009. Choose the correct answer: True False Can’t tell from the information Assignment Three Question 8: Focus on the amount of people who report that they were not employed in February, 2009. The SPSS figure suggests that this number appears to be very high relative to the unemployment rate reported by the U.S. government. In one paragraph: How might you explain this large difference? Assignment Three Requirement: Now write a two-paragraph discussion of the results for both tables that is justified by the data. Finally, go to your SPSS Output window and export ALL of the output to a Word (.doc or .docx – not .rtf) file that is to be appended to your Assignment Three cover page template (how to do this is shown below), and submit to Canvas. Don’t forget to save “Assignment Three Data” to your flashdrive and as always, save your final [Your Lastname] Assignment Three file just in case. Homework Assignment in Partial Fulfillment for Research Methods in Political Science (POS 3703) Full Name: [HERE] Homework Assignment Number: SPSS 3 Homework Assignment Due Date: [HERE] Homework Assignment Description: [HERE] Dataset Used: February 2009 Political and Economic Survey - Feb09c Dataset Obtained at the Following Website: Pew Research Center for the People & the Press SUMMARY: [For assignment three, I downloaded the February 2009 data set from PEW Research Center to my computer and flash drive and proceeded to...] REQUIRED QUESTIONS: Assignment Three Question 1: What percentage of respondents disapproved of the way Barack Obama was handling the economy after one month in office in February of 2009? [HERE] Assignment Three Question 2: How many respondents were asked the question about Barack Obama’s handling of the economy? [HERE] Assignment Three Question 3: How many respondents didn’t know their answer or refused to answer the question about Barack Obama’s handling of the economy? [HERE] Assignment Three Question 4: What percentage of respondents said that they were not employed in February of 2009? [HERE] Assignment Three Question 5: What percentage of respondents said that they were employed either full-time or part-time in February of 2009? [HERE] Assignment Three Question 6: Those respondents who were employed fulltime approved of the way Barack Obama was handling the economy in February of 2009. Choose the correct answer: True False Can’t tell from the information [HERE] Assignment Three Question 7: All of those respondents who didn’t know their answer or refused to answer the question about their employment situation also didn’t know their answer or refused to answer the question about Barack Obama’s handling of the economy in February of 2009. Choose the correct answer: True False Can’t tell from the information [HERE] Assignment Three Question 8: Focus on the amount of people who report that they were not employed in February, 2009. The SPSS figure suggests that this number appears to be very high relative to the unemployment rate reported by the U.S. government. In one paragraph: How might you explain this large difference? [1 paragraph HERE] Assignment Three Requirement: Now write a two-paragraph discussion of the results for both tables that is justified by the data. [2 paragraphs HERE] [After you write up the summary, then attach the exported output from SPSS which shows the log; the output creation table “Notes”; statistics; and the frequency tables] [SPSS Output HERE]
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Explanation & Answer


Homework Assignment in Partial Fulfillment for
Research Methods in Political Science (POS 3703)

Full Name: [HERE]

Homework Assignment Number: SPSS 3

Homework Assignment Due Date: [HERE]

Homework Assignment Description: [HERE]

Dataset Used: February 2009 Political and Economic Survey - Feb09c

Dataset Obtained at the Following Website: Pew Research Center for the People & the


[For assignment three, I downloaded the February 2009 data set from PEW Research
Center to my computer and flash drive and proceeded to...]

Assignment Three Question 1: What percentage of respondents disapproved of the
way Barack Obama was handling the economy after one month in office in February
of 2009?
Assignment Three Question 2: How many respondents were asked the question about
Barack Obama’s handling of the economy?
Assignment Three Question 3: How many respondents didn’t know their answer or
refused to answer the question about Barack Obama’s handling of the economy?
Assignment Three Question 4: What percentage of respondents said that they were
not employed in February of 2009?
Assignment Three Question 5: What percentage of respondents said that they were
employed either full-time or part-time in February of 2009?
Assignment Three Ques...

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