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Western Carolina


write the difference between construction management open vs closed system paper

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Open and Closed System in Construction Management

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Open and Closed System in Construction Management
In construction management, the principles of open and closed systems are critical factors
in a project's success. The term 'system' in this context refers to linked parts working together in
a coordinated manner to achieve certain objectives. Like other organizational activities,
construction projects can be implemented using open and closed system approaches, which have
their peculiarities, strengths, and weaknesses.
Definition and Theoretical Basis
Open System in construction management is a system that has connections with its
outside environment. It is characterized by a constant flow of information and resources and the
organization's impact on other actors, including suppliers, the government, the public, global
trading, and social and political networks (Whyte & Davies, 2023). Thus, the open system model
is founded on the general systems theory, according to which organizations are not autonomous
and very much dependent on their environments. A closed system, however, functions in a way
where it has limited interactions with the surrounding environment. This system is more isolated
and deals with organizational internal facets and productivity (Shadab et al., 2022). Authoritative
orientation focuses on attaining goals and targets within the contextual rules of the enclosed
environment with limited dependence on the environment. It is usually associated with classical
approaches to management, where the focus is placed on rationality, procedures, and order.
Interaction with the External Environment
One of the char...

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