clinical practice

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Health Medical

Prince George's Community College


This assignment aims to introduce students to Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs), emphasizing their importance in evidence-based nursing practice. Students will learn to locate, evaluate, and apply CPGs to make informed clinical decisions. 


1. Introduction to Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs). Answer the following prompts: 

Define CPGs: Explain what CPGs are and how they differ from other forms of guidelines in healthcare.

Importance of CPGs: Discuss the significance of CPGs in standardizing care, improving patient outcomes, and reducing variations in practice.

Overview of CPG Development: Provide an overview of how CPGs are developed, including the involvement of multidisciplinary teams, evidence synthesis, and stakeholder input.

2. Search for clinical practice guidelines (CPG) online. Here are some possible resources:

  • PubMed/MEDLINE: Utilize filters to locate guidelines (e.g., "Clinical Queries" in PubMed).
  • Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ): Offers access to evidence-based resources and guidelines.
  • National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE): Provides guidelines and pathways for various health conditions.

Professional Nursing Organizations: Check websites of nursing associations (e.g., American Nurses Association, Royal College of Nursing) for specialty-specific guidelines.Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNA0 Links to an external site.Cincinnati Children Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Search site: Research Publication 

3. Select a Clinical Practice Guideline and answer the following questions:  

What is the name of the selected CPG?

  • What year was the CPG developed?
  • Select two recommendations stated in this CPG.

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Explanation & Answer



Introduction to Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) in Evidence-Based Nursing

Student’s Name

Introduction to Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) in Evidence-Based Nursing
Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) are informative directions targeted at the clinician's
assistance in decision-making regarding the patient. These, like all guidelines, are developed to
the best of my knowledge at the moment to standardize patient care and achieve optimal
outcomes regardless of the healthcare delivery system. Unlike other guidelines that internal
practitioners institute, CPGs are usually established through a process of research synthesis,
including expert practitioner collaboration (Shannon and Maughan, 2020). The advantage of
CPGs is that they help minimize variation in care delivery processes and thus enhance patient
care. ...

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