Interprofessional Practice and Collaboration:

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Health Medical


Interprofessional Practice and Collaboration:

The future of health care delivery will require multidisciplinary teams of health care professionals that collaborate to provide patient-centered care. The key to high performance in multidisciplinary teams is an understanding of the distinctive roles, skills, and values and ethics of all team members.

What will be your role as an NP?

How do you see yourself collaborating with other health care professionals?

Why is this important to know and understand?

Who benefits?

Who are the stakeholders.

Support your work with examples and evidence-based research.

Minimum 3-5 no less than year 2015

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Assignment Unit 9: Interprofessional Practice and Collabo 50 Introductory Emergent Practiced 0 -1.9 2 - 2.9 3 - 3.9 Did not discuss the roles of a nurse practitioner in a Multidisciplinary multidisciplinary team and does not identify other team Teams members. Stakeholders Format/Style and support with evidence based research Discuss the roles of a nurse practitioner in a multidisciplinary team but does not identify other team members. Did not discuss the importance of Discussed the importance of interprofessional interprofessional collaboration , collaboration,stakeholders or who but did not discuss who are the benefits. stakegholders and who benefits Discuss the roles of a nurse practitioner in a multidisciplinary team and understand the roles of some team members. Discussed the importance of interprofessional collaboration , who are the stakegholders but did not discuss benefits. Did not reference work or provide APA format work , however 2-3 APA format with 3 or more examples references older than 3 years no supporting evidence based examples resources 3 years or less and a few examples. Total available points = 4 55 Rubric Score Grade points Low High Low High 3.5 4.0 50 55 2.5 3.49 44 49 1.7 2.49 39 44 1.0 1.69 33 38 0.0 1.00 0 33 ce and Collaboration Proficient/Mastered Points Score Weight Final Score Discuss the roles of a nurse practitioner in a multidisciplinary team and understand the roles , skills and values of all team memebers. 4 50% 2.00 Discussed the importance of interprofessional collaboration , who are the stakegholders and who benefits 4 40% 1.60 4 10% 0.40 4 APA format with 3 or more supporting evidence based resources 3 years or less and comprehensive examples 4.00 100% 55 100.00% Final Score Percentage Percentage Low High 90% 100% 80% 89.99% 70% 79.99% 60% 69.99% 0 59.99%
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