This is for Human Geography Class. I have to do an essay on the country Israel and talk about topics such as, population, migration, folk & pop culture, languages, religions.
Here is a more detailed description provided by the teacher :
Here are the parameters for your research project:
- Start off with picking a country (ideally, no duplicates - meaning each student has a different country).
- Cover all the topics discussed in class (population, migration, folk & pop culture, languages, religions..., in other words, all the chapters covered in class) pertaining to the country of your choosing
- Which other country in particular does your country have strong relations with? There is no need to profile that other country, but please identify the nature of their relationship (historic and/or contemporary). Example: former colony and colonial power, current trade partners, source/destination for migrants, war (invader/invaded)...
Submit a paper on your findings and cite your sources with a reference page at the end of your paper (5 pages minimum).
Layout Example:
...same with all the other chapters (we have 14)
Between your country and one other

Explanation & Answer

I appreciate working with you! In case of any further edits, please do not hesitate to let me know! See you soon! Remember me as always! Would love and appreciate to work with you in the future! Goodbye
Israel’s Human Geography
Student’s Name
Institution of Affiliation
Israel is a country located in the Middle East inhabited mainly by the Jews. It is located
on the South Eastern Shores of the Mediterranean Sea and on the Northern shores of the Red
Sea. crDespite being a small country, Israel has a rich religious history with the roots of Christ
being traced in the country. It also has rich geographical features and wonderful scenery. Telaviv
is the country's economic and Technology center while county its capital city lies in Jerusalem.
Below is a brief description of the country's population dynamics, migration patterns, folk & pop
culture, major languages, and the diverse religions that exist in the country.
Geography of Israel
The geographical characteristic of Israel places it in the Fertile Crescent regions of the
Levant area in the Middle East. On the East of Israel is the Mediterranean Sea, while to the
North in Lebanon. To the Northwest of the country is Syria while the western boundaries are
adjacent to West Bank and Jordan (Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2018). The Gaza Strip and
Egypt are located on the Southwest of the country. Israeli is located between longitude 34’36E
and latitude 29’34N. It measures approximately 20,770Km2 although its military control extends
to a total of 27,799Km2 with 2% of its land submerged in water. The economic zone in the
Mediterranean Sea is almost double the area on dry land.
Other notable geographical features of significance in Israel include the Negev Desert,
the fertile Jezreel Valley, the Galilee mountain ranges, Mount Carmel and the Golan in the
North. The coastal plain that hosts many citizens is also a unique geographical feature in Israel.
The Jordan Valley, Jordan River, the Dead Sea, the Sea of Galilee, the Araba, the Ramon
Creator, the Gulf of Eilat and the erosion criques are other unique geographical features in Israel
(Orni & Efrat, 2015). Seismicity and tectonic movements along the Jordan rift valley are also
significant features in the ...