Historical Events in Clinical Psychology

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Go to the "Timeline of Historical Events in Psychology" on pp. 43-45 in the textbook. Select one of the events before 1950. Search for a credible article on this event on the Internet. Keep in mind that although Internet sources may not always be credible, database articles typically have been through an editing process as they often previously appeared in print.

Summarize the life of the contributor and his or her contribution to the field. In addition, relate what was important to you in the contribution of this individual. How do you think his or her contribution has had an impact on the field of psychology today?

You may also select from the following early events that are not listed in this timeline:

  1. The beginnings of the American Psychological Association
  2. The contributions of Hippocrates
  3. The contributions of Aristotle
  4. Influences from the middle ages
  5. The influence of WWI
  6. The influence of WWII

Please do your best to choose a topic that has not been discussed in previous responses. If there are more than 30 students in your class and all of the topics have been covered, you may take one of the topics earlier than 1925 and cover it from a different perspective than has already been reported upon.

The following is the generic way in which you would reference the text for this course. If you want more details please see the APA Quick Reference Guide or the library for examples.

In text citation-when you paraphrase the material utilized (direct quotes should be avoided if at all possible, paraphrasing is preferred) include the author's last name and the date of publication in one of two ways.

According to Pomerantz (2014), psychology is a very diverse field. OR

Psychology is a very diverse field (Pomerantz, 2014).

Also include a full citation as a "reference page" at the end of your post as follows-


Pomerantz, A. (2014). Clinical Psychology, 2nd Edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.

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Purdue Global Campus S Ask a new question - Study B Discussion - PS380 Clinical Purdue University Glob: X + 个 O A https://purdueuniversityglobal.vitalsource.com/#/books/9781452285795/cfi/6/24!/4/162/2/2/2/2@0:17.0 C 3 1896 Year Event Library Development of the... 1796 William Tuke opens York Retreat in England 1801 Philippe Pinel publishes book on humane treatment of mentally ill (Medico-Philosophical Treatise on Mental Alienation or Mania) Go to Development of the Prof... 1824 Eli Todd opens The Retreat in Hartford, Connecticut 1840 U.S. Census Bureau lists one category of mental disorder (“idiocy/insanity") Box 2.3: Timeline of Key Historical Events in Clinical... 1841 Dorothea Dix encounters mentally ill in Boston prison, prompting extensive efforts for better treatment 1880 U.S. Census Bureau lists seven categories of mental disorders 1890 “Mental test" is used in print for the first time by Cattell 1892 Lightner Witmer earns his doctoral degree 1893 Emil Kraepelin proposes the early diagnostic category "dementia praecox” Lightner Witmer opens the first psychological clinic at the University of Pennsylvania 1905 Binet-Simon intelligence test is published in France 1907 Lightner Witmer founds the first professional journal of clinical psychology, The Psychological Clinic 1914 Psychology clinics proliferate; about 20 in operation 1916 Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test (as translated by Terman) is published in the United States 1917 American Association of Clinical Psychologists is founded 1921 Psychological Corporation is founded 1921 Rorschach inkblot technique published 1930s to 1950s Psychoanalysis dominates psychotherapy 1935 Thematic Apperception Test published 1935 Psychology clinics proliferate further, more than 150 in operation 1939 Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Test published; first designed for adults 1943 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) published 1949 Wechsler Intelligence Test for Children (WISC) published 1949 Boulder conference held; yields scientist-practitioner training model Actilate Windows Go to Settings to activate Windows We use cookies so you get the best experience on our website. By using our site, you are agreeing to our Cookie Policy. Accept & Close it O Type here to search ga ^4 6:14 AM 5/24/2018
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The Psychological Corporation if founded




In the year 1921, a psychologist known as James McKeen Cattell who was born on 25th
May 1860 in Easton Pennsylvania founded The Psychological Corporation. James Cattell was
teaching in the University of Pennsylvania and was the first professor of psychology in the
United States. During those early years, psychology had no comparison to other sciences as it
was regarded as lesser. However, Cattell stood firm in the fight to make psychology appear

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