Target Audience for your business you created

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Business Finance


Attached you will see the first part of the assignment. My "business" that I came up with and this is the next step of it.

While your business may be happy to have any customer that wants your product/service, your target audience is a specific profile of the ideal customer - their gender, age, income, lifestyle, physical location, political views, anything.

Prepare a 2-4 page analysis and review of the Target Audience for your course-long project.

Through research and other means of collecting data:

  • Describe the profile (demographics, physical, psychological) of the intended consumer of your product/service.
  • Support the importance of your profile to your business/service.
  • As this is a marketing/sales course, your project should be visually appealing with a clear, concise point of view. Excellent spelling and grammar are required.

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Running Head: CREATE A PRODUCT/SERVICE Create a Product/Service Bella’s Boutique is a business that I have wanted to start for a few years now and it would be located in Jacksonville, FL. This boutique is for dog owners who love and adore their pet. We have many products for each type of breeds. Bella’s Boutique is a place where you come with your beloved dog and return feeling proud and blissful. This is so because we understand your true love for your puppy and also we understand your high fashion and your choice. We’d offer you a wide range of options of apparel for you puppies in order to make them look like a true member of your family. We’d make you four-legged family members look more pampered, beloved and cared. Bella is a Morkie and has a long body and I could never find outfits that would fit her properly. So I have been making her clothes since she was a puppy. I thought I am probably not the only one who has this issue with their loved one. At Bella’s Boutique Bella’s Boutique it would have a full stock of attires for your puppies and dogs giving versatility you would find nowhere else. In our racks and show cases you would find everything at display that you can dream of for your darling dog. Our trendy designer’s outfits and accessories for your dog would lionize and distinguish your pet among several others. We’d carry regular garments, sweaters, coats, dresses, seasonal costumes, carry bags, car seats, beds, accessories, collars, harnesses, and all what you can imagine. We have different sizes that normal companies don’t carry. Also if you want something specially made for your pup, we can make it for you. We want to make sure you leave happy and will return. This is what makes Bella’s Boutique unique and gives our company an advantage from other competitors. 1
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