leadership style Interview for a Company Newsletter

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Business Finance


Resources: The Art and Science of Leadership, Ch. 4 & Ch. 6 and Leadership Newsletter Template.

Select someone in a leadership position at your organization or at a local company where you might seek employment. This individual could be a director, manager, supervisor, or CEO of the organization.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word profile of the individual that you interviewed for your company's newsletter, and include the following:

  • Identify the individual and their position within the company, and briefly describe the organization.
  • Interpret the individual's leadership style based on the Five-Factor personality model, and offer one or more examples of the management and leadership roles of this individual.
  • Explain one incident where this individual had to solve a difficult problem or situation because things did not go as planned.
  • Describe the lessons that she/he learned from being able to problem solve, even when what she/he had been taught did not work.

Format your profile in the form of a newsletter (the final format may vary depending upon the company's style; please feel free to use either the provided template or to check the Internet or Microsoft® Word for additional newsletter templates).

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Leadership Style Interview Grading Guide LDR/300 Version 7 Innovative Leadership Leadership Style Interview Grading Guide LDR/300 Version 7 Individual Assignment: Leadership Style Interview Purpose of Assignment The purpose of this assignment is to develop an engaging article that differentiates various traits, styles, and actions that allow an individual to lead effectively. It is important is to understand that leaders can learn to be self-reflecting individuals who are motivated to grow and display positive (transformational) leadership. Resources Required The Art and Science of Leadership, Ch. 4 The Art and Science of Leadership, Ch. 6 Leadership Newsletter Article Template Grading Guide Content Met Partially Met Not Met Total Available Total Earned 7 #/7 The student selects someone in a leadership position at their organization or at a local company where they might seek employment. The student develops a profile of this individual that can be submitted to a company’s newsletter. The student identifies the individual, their position within the company, and briefly describes the organization. The student interprets the individual’s leadership based on the Five-Factor personality model and offers one or more examples of the management and leadership roles of this individual. The student explains one incident where lessons were learned by the individual interviewed when things did not go as planned. The student explains what lessons she/he learned from being able to problem-solve even when what she/he had been taught did not work by the individual being interviewed. The student’s article is consistent with the newsletter template, appropriate for the audience, engages the reader, and is between 1,050 and 1,400 words. Comments: 2 Leadership Style Interview Grading Guide LDR/300 Version 7 Writing Guidelines Met Partially Met Not Met Total Available Total Earned 3 #/3 10 #/10 The newsletter article—including tables and paragraphs, headings, title page, and reference page—is consistent with APA formatting guidelines and meets course-level requirements. Intellectual property is recognized with in-text citations and a reference page. Paragraph and sentence transitions are present, logical, and maintain the flow throughout the paper. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. Rules of grammar and usage are followed including spelling and punctuation. Assignment Total Additional comments: Comments: 3 Leadership Newsletter Article LDR/300 Version 7 1 University Material Leadership Newsletter Article Template Headline [The title or overall description of the newsletter article] Opening [A statement that describes the individual, their position, and organization] Newsletter Tips 1. Interview your individual and research any information necessary. 2. Carefully consider your individual and audience so you offer an article that is engaging and worthwhile. 3. Create a compelling headline and opening to get your audience’s attention. Content [An interpretation of the individual’s leadership style based on the Five-Factor personality model, and an explanation of an incident in which the individual had to solve a difficult problem or situation – including examples] Wrap-Up Conclusion [A statement that summarizes your overall message] Citations (APA) [References for any citations or additional resources] 4. Use clear and concise sentences to generate your individual’s leadership profile. 5. Add any pictures, tables, or graphs that offer insight or clarification for the reader. 6. Review newsletter template websites for assistance. For example, open your web browser and search for either “smore newsletter” or “templates cakemail”. Leadership Newsletter Article LDR/300 Version 7 1 University Material Leadership Newsletter Article Template Headline [The title or overall description of the newsletter article] Opening [A statement that describes the individual, their position, and organization] Newsletter Tips 1. Interview your individual and research any information necessary. 2. Carefully consider your individual and audience so you offer an article that is engaging and worthwhile. 3. Create a compelling headline and opening to get your audience’s attention. Content [An interpretation of the individual’s leadership style based on the Five-Factor personality model, and an explanation of an incident in which the individual had to solve a difficult problem or situation – including examples] Wrap-Up Conclusion [A statement that summarizes your overall message] Citations (APA) [References for any citations or additional resources] 4. Use clear and concise sentences to generate your individual’s leadership profile. 5. Add any pictures, tables, or graphs that offer insight or clarification for the reader. 6. Review newsletter template websites for assistance. For example, open your web browser and search for either “smore newsletter” or “templates cakemail”.
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Leadership Style Interview
Student’s Name

Leadership style interview.
Ben Schroeder, the plant manager at Superior Foods Corporation in Kansas.
Ben Schroeder is one of the most effective managers at Superior Foods Corporation since
it was established in 1995. He joined the company on 26th June in 1995, when Superior Foods
Corporation had only one company. Mr. Ben started as an intern at the company, in the
production department. As an intern, he trained in the engineering department and through his
hard work and determination, he was able to leave a permanent mark in the company. Due to his
dedication to the work, the company absorbed him, and since then, he has been part of this
As a plant manager, Mr. Ben is responsible for Planning, organizing, directing and
running optimum day-to-day operations in the production department of the company. In
conducting these duties, he ensures that he meets and exceeds the customer’s expectations. It is
the duty of Mr. Ben to increase, production, the capacity and the flexibility of the assets. He does
this by minimizing unnecessary costs and maintaining current quality standards of the products.
As a plant manager, is responsible for ensuring that the products from Superior Foods
Corporation are of the right quality and quantity and are ready for shi0pment at the right time.
Finally, he is responsible for effective allocation of resources to achieve optimal results, and also
monitor the operations of the organization and trigger corrective actions.
Ben ...

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