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This is a discussion question doesn’t have to be long!!!

Consider that the United States is going through what some are calling an “obesity crisis.” Some fast food and other food purveyors are being blamed. Yet there is no shortage of restaurants and retailers selling so-called healthy food. What are the ethical responsibilities of companies that sell foods accused of contributing to the “obesity crisis”? What are the ethical responsibilities of the consumer and the government? Are foods that allegedly contribute to obesity and the companies that sell them destined to experience the historical restrictions and developments of the tobacco industry? What are your predictions?

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Explanation & Answer


Running head: OBESITY CRISIS


Obesity Crisis
Institutional Affiliation



The Obesity Crisis in the United States
Obesity refers to the state where someone happens to be grossly fat or in other words
overweight. An individual is usually considered obese when it occurs that his or her body mass
index (BMI) which is calculated by dividing the body weight of an individual by his or her
height is over 30. In the United States, the trend as far as obesity is concerned has been
increasing in both the children and adults leading to ‘obesity crisis.’ Therefore, the United States
has been more concerned with why the obesity crisis continues to get worse (Brownell, &
Horgen, 2004). The biggest blame has been turned on an unhealthy diet especially some fast
foods as well as other purveyors. The shocking thing is there continue to be so many restaurants
and retailers selling a massive amount of cheap, accessible, hi...

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