Case report focused on the company "BlackRock"

User Generated


Business Finance

Morgan State University


The Case Report Word document is 5 pages, and the Power presentation should be 10 slides and should answer the following questions:

-what is the company ( a brief history about the company)
-Mission/vision statement

-company’s product market

- What is the precise problem facing the company?
- What underlying industry, external (opportunity and threats), and/or internal factors (Swot analysis) (issues) creating the problem?
- How will all the companies in the industry loss or gain from the problem as they are
currently positioned?
- What specific actions should the company take to respond to the problem and why?
- How are the competing firms likely to respond to the company’s actions?

- A table comparing the company’s market share and revenues with that of its competitors for the last three years (sources should be from Bloomberg, Wall Street Journals, or Yahoo Finance)

-A graph showing how the company stands out from competitors and

-Do a graph showing the company’s annual revenue for the last three years (2024, 2023, 2022)

-short-term tactics (less than 1yrs)

-Long-term strategies/actions (more than five years)

Show stock price (get a screenshot from Wall Street Journal website: (please include reference under the graph and in the work)

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Explanation & Answer


Analysis of BlackRock

Course Title:

 BlackRock, Inc.: Investment corporation based in New

 It’s the World’s largest asset manager ($10 trillion

AUM in 2023)
 Founded in 1988, initially focused on institutional

fixed-income investments now serves individuals,
companies, governments, pension funds
 Provides investment and risk management solutions

Company Overview and History
➢ Founded by Larry Fink and partners in 1988
➢ Initial focus: Institutional risk management for fixed-

income portfolios
➢ Expanded into equity, alternatives, and financial

➢ Major milestone: Acquired BGI in 2009, including

iShares ETFs
➢ BGI acquisition solidified BlackRock’s position in ETFs
➢ Today: Offers asset management, advisory, and

technology solutions globally

Mission and Vision
➢ Mission: Help people achieve financial wealth

through investments
➢ Provides financial products for both individuals

and institutions
➢ Vision: Leader in innovation and inclusion
➢ Aims to help clients achieve their financial goals
➢ Cultivates a corporate culture of curiosity,

innovation, compassion

BlackRock’s Product Market
➢ Operates in the global asset management industry
➢ Key products: ETFs, mutual funds, alternative

➢ Dominates passive investment market via iShares

➢ Provides customized solutions for institutional

investors (e.g., pension funds)
➢ Strong presence in fintech through the Aladdin

➢ Competitors: Vanguard, Fidelity, low-cost fintech firms

Challenges Facing BlackRock
➢ Controversy over ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance)

➢ Criticism from environmental activists for insufficient action
➢ Opposition from political groups accusing BlackRock of

➢ Growing regulatory risks, especially in the U.S., regarding

ESG standards
➢ Pressure to balance environmental sensibility and political

➢ Competitors offering low-cost solutions with advanced


Impact on the Industry
➢ BlackRock is a major influencer in the global asset

management industry
➢ ESG controversies impact the broader investment landscape
➢ Potential shift from passive to active management due to

ESG pressure
➢ Regulatory changes could affect the whole asset management

➢ Competitors might follow BlackRock’s lead in responding to

ESG issues
➢ Decisions by BlackRock could trigger industry-wide changes

Strategic Response
➢ ESG: Reinforce commitment to sustainable investing with

clear policies
➢ Increased disclosure of ESG strategies and goals
➢ Aladdin platform: Continue improving its portfolio

management technology
➢ Diversify beyond ETFs and passive investments

➢ Focus more on active management and alternative

➢ Position BlackRock as a leader in both ESG and fintech

Competitor Comparison
➢ 2023 AUM: BlackRock $10T, Vanguard $8.5T,

Fidelity $5T
➢ Revenue (2023): BlackRock $17.86B, Vanguard $8B,

Fidelity $27B
➢ Vanguard: Major competitor in the ETF space
➢ Fidelity: Strong in active management and

technology-driven solutions
➢ Competitive landscape: Tight margin pressures due to

low-cost solutions
➢ BlackRock’s dominance in both passiv...

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