Education & Teaching Question

User Generated



University of Mount Olive


Part 1–

Written Assignment 4: “Head Start”

Review the A, B, C format (Intro, Body, and Closing) for an effective paper.

Appendix on Professional Expectation for Papers (Appendices A, D, and E).

Directions: Based on Chapter 8 discuss one of the following:

Explain the Head Start Program and the services provided to young children.

  • Describe Early Head Start and other Head Start Programs provided to young children and their families.

The essay should be at least two pages and should illustrate your best effort at writing, as described in Rubric for Written Assignments in Resources in Moodle and should follow the format guidelines given in the appendices of this syllabus.

  • The essay should be at least two pages and should illustrate your best effort at writing, as described in Rubric for Written Assignments in Resources in Moodle and should follow the format guidelines given in the appendices of this syllabus.

Computer-Generated Documents Formatted per Instructions

  • All papers written out of class are expected to be 8 ½” x 11” computer-produced documents that follow this format:

   Margins: 1” top and bottom; 1” left and right

  •    Type: 12 point

   Font: Times New Roman

  •    Title page of assignments: Title page is to be written in this manner: In center format, place the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the course name and number, and the date when paper is due to the instructor.  Note: The title page and title on page 2, should have no quotation marks, using upper and lower-case letters.  Students will be expected to pledge their work by writing the following statement on the cover page of all work submitted: “I, (insert your name), pledge that I have neither given nor received unapproved help on this assignment.”

   APA style: required in all citations and reference. See the APA Publication Manual.

The following are the guidelines for title pages and headers.

  • Do not use a Running Head.  The use of a running head is to notify the publisher of the head that will be used in the review process once the title page is removed.

   Page Headers. Page headers are required on all assignments.

Identify each page with an abbreviated title consisting of the first three words from the title of the paper.

Place the abbreviated title in the right-hand corner at the top of the page. In order to do this, use the automatic functions of Microsoft word-processing program:

o Under “Insert” on the toolbar go to “Page Number” (The page number will automatically be generated).

o   After clicking on “Insert,” select “Header,” choose “Blank (Three columns)”; at this point,

go back to the tool bar and select “Page Number.”

o   Click on “Top of Page” and choose “far right” and you will see the page number appear.

o   At this point you can type in the short title of the paper.

o   Finally, on the tool bar under “Design,” select “Different First Page” so that the page

number will not appear on the title page.

o   Finish by clicking on “Close.”

The following are the guidelines for body of the paper.

Body of Paper: The body of the paper includes the introduction, supporting sentences and a conclusion.

   Spacing: Double spacing throughout the document

   Indention: Indent the first line of each paragraph, using the tab key.

The following are the guidelines for references.

   Reference page: The reference page is a separate page at the end of the assignment. Click on

Insert and select Page Break for a new page.

   Title of reference. Title the reference page References.

   Hanging Indents: APA references are hanging indent paragraphs. Go to Home, click on

Paragraph, select Special, and toggle to Hanging. Make sure Line Spacing is toggled to

Double and Spacing for both Before and After is set at 0 pt.

Part 2– 

Forum 4: No specific format. It will be copy & pasted into a discussion forum so just type out on a separate document. 

Review the chart on pg. 200 of the text – Central Domains.  Define each domain IN YOUR OWN WORDS: Social and Emotional Development, Language and Literacy, Cognition, Perceptual Motor and Physical Development.  List an activity for one domain for a preschooler.

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Explanation & Answer



Part 1 and Part 2

Student Name
Institution Name
Course Code
Course Title
Instructors Name

Part 1:
The Head Start Program and Its Services for Young Children
The Head Start Program is a comprehensive early childhood education initiative designed
to foster the development of children from low-income families. Established in 1965, Head Start
generally seeks to offer children a thorough understanding and preparation for their schooling
through education, health, nutrition, and other related services provided to the families. In these
services, Head Start assists children and their families and ensures all children will have the
opportunity to advance in school and later years. This paper will discuss the general services of
the program with a special emphasis on educational aspects within the Head Start program, health
aspects, and comprehensive family support.
Educational Services
The focus given importance in the Head Start program is early education for children,
which is planned to prepare them for kindergarten. The subject areas of focus in the program
include the following developmental domains: social-emotional development, language and
literacy, cognition, and perceptual motor (Morrison et al. 2011). They are critical as they enable
young children to acquire the psycho-social and learning skills required in school.
Teachers in Head S...

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