Strategic analysis

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Please read this information on IT sourcing strategies:

Find 2 peer-reviewed articles from academic journals on information technology sourcing. Summarize each article and compare and contrast the sourcing approaches in each article.Identify the factors that were important in each sourcing strategy and whether the sourcing decision was strategic for the long term or tactical for the short term. Which strategy did you think was more effective and why? Your paper should be in APA format and 3-4 pages, not counting the title page and reference pages. Make sure you have in-text citations and a reference page. The rubric for this assignment can be viewed when clicking on the assignment link.

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Running Head: IT Sourcing and Cloud Strategy

IT Sourcing and Cloud Strategy
Institutional Affiliations


IT Sourcing and Cloud Strategy


IT Sourcing and Cloud Strategy
Different organizations require different technologies with different computing power. Some
time organizations have complex operations and the organization cannot afford to build its own
technology to do the operations. That is, it might be too expensive for the organization to buy
servers and develop necessary software for it than just outsourcing the services. For example,
data backup may require the organization two have multiple geographical locations to increase
the availability of it.
Organizations mostly go for cloud solutions since most of the services needed in the organization
are readily available. This reduces the amount of time required to implement a new service in the
organization. Cloud services may seem to be a solution but it comes with its own challenges such
as Shirking, Poaching, Opportunistic repricing among others. Most of the organization have no
other option than to use cloud computing. It helps the organization in generating more revenue
by increasing efficiency of organization operations. Using cloud it is also easy to determine
market changes because it is agile. It also cuts the cost by automating most of the services
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