research paper

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I attached what my teacher wants. The research should not be on phones, tv, computers


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Research Paper The research paper will be a minimum of five pages and must bridge over to the sixth page, (typed 12 font and double spaced), anything less will not be accepted and will result in a zero (0) percent score. The research will cover a topic approved by the instructor by the second week, which will deal with the impact of an electronic device or invention in our society. The paper will include a discussion of the research that led up to its commercial production, how it works (in simple terms) and the impact it has had on our society. Proper grammar and citing of at least three different sources is a must. Cover page, diagrams, photographs, sketches, and/or drawings, and citing may not be a part of the research body; they should be used as attachments to support the research. I want to receive your work and no one else's, it must be new work and only used for this class. Plagiarism in any form will result in receiving zero credit for the assignment. I will only receive Research Papers that are submitted to SafeAssignment, if you do not agree to this (which is your option) drop this course, it is a requirement by me, your instructor. The accepted amount of quoted material within the research is limited to 15%, anything higher than this will receive a percentage of zero (0).
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