A famous New York City hotel

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A famous New York City hotel, Hotel Lux, is noted for its food as well as its luxury accommodations. Hotel Lux contracts with a famous chef, Chef Perlee, to become its head chef at $6,000 per month. The contract states that should Perlee leave the employment of Hotel Lux for any reason, he will not work as a chef for any hotel or restaurant in New York, New Jersey, or Pennsylvania for a period of one year. During the first six months of the contract, Hotel Lux extensively advertises Perlee as its head chef, and business at the hotel is excellent. Then a dispute arises between the hotel management and Perlee, and Perlee terminates his employment. One month later, he is hired by a famous New Jersey restaurant just across the New York state line. Hotel Lux learns of Perlee’s employment through a large advertisement in a New York City newspaper. It seeks to enjoin (prevent) Perlee from working in that restaurant as a chef for one year. Discuss how successful Hotel Lux will be in its action.

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A famous New York City hotel, Hotel Lux, is noted for its food as well as its luxury accommodations. Hotel Lux contracts with a famous chef, Chef Perlee, to become its head chef at $6,000 per month. The contract states that should Perlee leave the employment of Hotel Lux for any reason, he will not work as a chef for any hotel or restaurant in New York, New Jersey, or Pennsylvania for a period of one year. During the first six months of the contract, Hotel Lux extensively advertises Perlee as its head chef, and business at the hotel is excellent. Then a dispute arises between the hotel management and Perlee, and Perlee terminates his employment. One month later, he is hired by a famous New Jersey restaurant just across the New York state line. Hotel Lux learns of Perlee’s employment through a large advertisement in a New York City newspaper. It seeks to enjoin (prevent) Perlee from working in that restaurant as a chef for one year. Discuss how successful Hotel Lux will be in its action. Think Tank Rubric Note: 12.5% reduction for each late post; 25% reduction for each missing post Unacceptable (0-5) No postings or postings are made late; others do not have time to read or respond. No postings or postings are made late; others do not have time to read or respond. Satisfactory (6-10) Postings are late; others cannot read or respond. Good (11-15) Postings are timely, allowing others to read and respond. Excellent (16-20) Postings are timely, allowing others to read and respond. Comments are generally competent, but the information, applications or connections are thin and commonplace. Citations No information from the textbook or outside sources is evident in the response. Feedback Feedback is not provided. Cites some information from the textbook; information is of questionable value to the discussion. Provides feedback but it is often superficial. Comments are meaningful and sometimes reflect course content; contains applications and connections that are somewhat developed. Cites meaningful sources of information from the textbook; there is no evidence of the use of outside sources. Provides adequate feedback to peers. Netiquette Does not display courtesy and respect for others. Rules of netiquette are not followed (see Policies). Demonstrates courtesy and respect for others. Rules of netiquette are not followed (see Policies). Demonstrates courtesy and respect to others. Most rules of netiquette are followed (see Policies). Comments are meaningful and reflect insight and careful analysis about the course content; contains rich and fully developed ideas, applications and connections which add to the discussion. Cites meaningful sources of information from textbook and outside sources. Provides feedback to others in a thoughtful, academic way. Always provides feedback to others in a thoughtful, academic way. Demonstrates courtesy and respect to others. All rules of netiquette are followed (see Policies). Timeliness Substance Score
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