assingment 1- intro to anatomy and ph

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BIOL 102



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Explanation & Answer


College of Health Sciences
Department of Public Health

Course name:

Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology

Course number:


Answer the following questions:
The body can allow its internal conditions to vary while
maintaining them within relatively narrow limits. The term
coined to name this ability is “homeostasis”.
1. Explain the importance of homeostasis. (3 marks)
Homeostasis is crucial for all organisms' lives and appropriate
work. It ensures that factors such as temperature, acidity,
alkalinities, or electrolyte concentrations within cells are
maintained within specific ranges required for proper cell
operations (Billman, 2020). For example, enzymes that
facilitate biochemical reactions are highly effective only within
the optimal temperature and pH. Any deviations from those

Understanding Homeostasis

optimal conditions can cause the enzymes’ denaturation and
disturbances in metabolic processes, which the state of the
organism may see. It also helps regulate the proportions of
blood glucose, which are essential in energy production and
general metabolic coherence.
In addition, homeostasis is also involved in handling external
stress to the body. For instance, ...

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