The Disneyfication of Gender/ own words paper

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You may not realize it, but "Disneyfication" is a word. It refers to the transformation of cultural phenomena to resemble the images promoted by Disney films and theme parks. As the materials for this week have shown, these images can frame our understanding of gender and gender roles. So given this, a careful examination of the images that Disney offers to American society (and increasingly the global community) can help us better understand an important cultural influence on how gender proceeds in our imagination and in our interactions. Your assignment is analyze an animated Disney (or Pixar, etc.) character for the gendered messages that are being conveyed.

-The Assignment. Select an animated character from a Disney film (or a similar film studio) – this can be a hero, a villain, or a secondary (but still important) character – and provide a detailed discussion about how the character presents a gender strategy and what might be the message that children take from that presentation.

1.Detailing the Character's Gender Strategy. The first part of your analysis should focus on how the character presents their gender – what kind of strengths and capacities does the character present? what kinds of weaknesses? how do they interact with people of the same gender and with people of a different gender? how does their body convey a sense of gender beyond the biological?

2.Setting the Character into the Narrative. It matters whether our character is framed as a hero or villain or comedic side-character, wise sage, etc. The characteristics of a hero are praiseworthy, of a villain are scornful, and of other characters falling somewhere between. Identifying the gender message from the film requires understanding if the narrative sets the character up as a model to be emulated or reviled.

3.Gendered Message. And the final element of your paper should articulate precisely what you think the gender message is: what lesson about gender might a child take away from this film? how does this message frame out the importance or irrelevance of hypermasculinity and hyperfemininity? does the character reinforce the feminine apologetic or challenge it? For this section, look back into the readings for this week, and use some of the concepts that Wade and Ferree offer to help with your analysis of the gendered messages conveyed by your character.

4.In the end, I'd like to read a 1200-word (at least) discussion detailing of the gender messages presented by an animated character.1200 words minimum; please include the no at the end of your essay/single-spaced block format (no paragraph indents but with a line of empty text between paragraphs)

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Surname 1
Disneyfication of Gender
The entertainment industry has gone a notch higher by the masterpieces of work that they
produce. This industry is mostly known for entertainment, but in some essence, it also plays a
great role of transforming and educating the society on quite a number of issues that we
experience in our day to day lives. This is the major reason as to why this industry has been
supported in the best way possible in different parts of the world. This is both in monetary
support as well as regulations that affect them. The animation is a special sector of the
entertainment industry that has received so much fame in the past period of time. The cartoons
have been given several character roles to play that resemble the real world while others fiction.
Disney is a widely known Filmmaker in the United States that pioneered cartoons and created
several characters such as Mickey Mouse, Cinderella, and Donald Duck among others.
Disneyfication is a new term which is used to refer to the manner in which the cultural
phenomena can be transformed to resemble the various images and motions promoted by Disney
(McKenzie, 89). This paper comprehensively analyzes an animated Disney character known as
Cinderella to frame our understanding of gender and the roles of the gender.
The character Cinderella presents the role of a woman in this Disney film. This character
does not only present a normal ordinary woman, but an extraordinary woman who does most of

Surname 2
her thin...

Goes above and beyond expectations!


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