Annotated Bibliography- Understanding decision-making processes in end-of-life care for terminally ill cancer patients.

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Health Medical

Evidenced Based Practice

Mount St Mary's University


Paper: Annotated Bibliography

Instructions: Choose a specific nursing topic or area. Conduct a comprehensive search of scholarly literature, including research articles, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and other credible sources, on your chosen topic. Utilize academic databases, such as PubMed, CINAHL, or Cochrane Library, to access relevant articles. Choose a minimum of 4 to 5 sources that are directly related to your topic and represent a range of perspectives. Ensure that the selected sources are within the last 5 years and come from reputable academic journals or reputable websites. Evaluate each source critically by considering its credibility, relevance, and quality of evidence.

1.Annotation Writing: For each selected source, write a concise annotation that includes the following information:

a.Citation: Provide a full bibliographic citation using the appropriate citation style (APA).

b.Summary: Summarize the main arguments, findings, or key points of the source.

c.Relevance: Explain how the source is relevant to your chosen nursing topic.

d.Strengths and Limitations: Assess the strengths and limitations of the source, including the study design, sample size, methodology, and any potential biases or limitations.

e.Formatting: Compile your annotated bibliography in a clear and organized manner. Ensure that each annotation follows a consistent format and is presented in alphabetical order according to the authors' last names.

2.Reflection: Write a brief reflection at the end of your annotated bibliography, summarizing your overall learning experience, challenges encountered, and insights gained from conducting this research.

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Explanation & Answer



Annotated Bibliography: Understanding Decision-Making Processes in End-of-Life Care
for Terminally Ill Cancer Patients

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Annotated Bibliography: Understanding Decision-Making Processes in End-of-Life Care
for Terminally Ill Cancer Patients
Edwards, M., Holland‐Hart, D., Mann, M., Seddon, K., Buckle, P., Longo, M., ... & Nelson,
A. (2023). Understanding how shared decision‐making approaches and patient aids
influence patients with advanced cancer when deciding on palliative treatments and
care: A realist review. Health Expectations, 26(6), 2109-2126.
A realist review aim is to investigate how a complex intervention of shared decisionmaking (SDM) and patient aids affect the decision-making situations of patients with advanced
cancer regarding palliative treatment. Regarding patient involvement, the authors urge that SDM
improves engagement and satisfaction since patients are well involved in decision-making. The
review integrates findings from several studies emphasizing an aspect that relates to
communication between healthcare professionals and patients. They point out that some of these
approaches are more beneficial than others depending on the patient’s characteristics and the
health care setting, arguing that the one strategy, fits all’ model is unhelpful.
This source is pretty connected with the problem of decision-making at the end of life of
terminally ill cancer patients as it describes mechanisms of decision making in palliative care.
Coordinated decision-making follows present-day nursing approaches involving patients in
decision-making processes that entitle them to consent. Such knowledge enables the nurses to
help the patients make decisions that are most favorable to them, given the several aspects that
influence the decision-making process.
Strengths and Limitations

A significant advantage of this source is how coordinated it is, synthesizing multiple
works to present a more holistic view of SDM in Palliative care. As it will be seen, the realist
review methodology enables consideration of context-specific factors, which enrich the
identified trends. Nevertheless, a weakness is that the research data is collected from other
sources, and any bias in the studies is continued. Also, although the review incorporates a
variation of patient views, it can barely present service approaches for minoritized communities
whose opinions are often ignored in research studies.
Folleco, A. (2023). Understanding End of Life Decision Making in Teens with Cancer.

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