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Module 1: CHOPKINS Worksheet. Concept Map: Gain facility with rules for displaying neutral and ionic compounds using Lewis Diagrams. Element symbol, n dots representing electrons surrounding, where for a neutral situation, n=the periodic table group number for each element in the compound. Example: Lithium…Group 1, 1 dot next to Li symbol. To Do: 1) Draw diagrams for 5 different elements. 2) Show diagrams for 3 neutral compounds formed from the 5 in (1). 3) Form positive or negative ions and show the new diagram for each of the 5 from (1). EEE3394.F14.Mod 1 CHOPKINS WS 1
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Module 1: CHOPKINS Worksheet.
Concept Map: Gain facility with rules for displaying neutral and ionic compounds using Lewis
Diagrams. Element symbol,...

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