Forensic Science Arson Newscast

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I have to record the newscast myself, but if you will please write the newscast script please. The lesson asks for terms from the lesson to be used. Here is a list of some of those terms from the lesson:

Fire, Fire Triangle, Flash Point, Point of Origin, Burn patterns, Accelerants, Arson, Char Patterns, V-Patterns, Heat Shadows, Glass, Chimney Effect, Color of smoke, Color of flames, Headspace vapor extraction, Solvent extraction, Steam distillation, Vapor concentration, Gas chromatography, Mass spectroscopy, Gas chromotograph-mass spectrometer, Infrared spectrophotometry, Asphyxia, Carbon monoxide intoxication, Carboxyhemoglobin, Low explosives, High explosives

In this assignment you will be able to demonstrate and extend what you have learned in a creative and fun way. You are going to create a newscast about an actual case that has occurred in North Carolina. You will include terms and concepts, and explain the case to the public, just as an expert reporter does.

In this assignment, you are going to create a TV report based on an actual arson or bombing case, using the concepts and terms you have learned in this lesson to help inform the public. To submit your assignment, you will either need to video yourself using the computer camera, or video yourself using another device and then save the file on your computer to upload. If you do not have access to your computer's video creator or camera or separate device, you can use a Web 2.0 tool such as Voki or a cartoon animator such as Powtoon to create your newscast.

1. Find an article that describes an actual arson or bomb case that has taken place in our state (or the state in which you live.) One way to find an article is to complete a Google search using the search string "arson North Carolina" or "bomb case North Carolina" and then click on "News". You will reference the article in your newscast. For example, you might say, "The details of this case can also be read in our affiliate online newspaper, the Charlotte Observer, dated May 8, by reporter Clark Kent."

2. Create a newscast about that case. In your newscast, you are a reporter who has been educated in the fields of arson and bombs, and you are both reporting details and explaining the case using terms and concepts from this lesson. You are speaking to the general public, however, so make sure you explain things clearly, with the assumption the person listening does not have a science background. You must incorporate at least 5 terms and 2 major concepts from this lesson in your report.

3.Before filming, evaluate your planned newscast using the rubric below:


Points Possible

Points Earned

Newscast includes 5 terms, and terms used correctly


Newscast includes at least 2 major concepts from lesson


Newscast explains event of article related to NC arson or bombing event and references article


Newscast is written so that public can understand


4. You can film your newscast using the computer at which you sit or you may film your newscast using a program or device of your choice, and then save the file on a flash/jump drive or your computer and upload the file or you can create your newscast with an online animation alternative such as Powtoons and submit the link after selecting "Submit".

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In this assignment you will be able to demonstrate and extend what you have learned in a creative and fun way. You are going to create a newscast about an actual case that has occurred in North Carolina. You will include terms and concepts, and explain the case to the public, just as an expert reporter does. In this assignment, you are going to create a TV report based on an actual arson or bombing case, using the concepts and terms you have learned in this lesson to help inform the public. To submit your assignment, you will either need to video yourself using the computer camera, or video yourself using another device and then save the file on your computer to upload. If you do not have access to your computer's video creator or camera or separate device, you can use a Web 2.0 tool such as Voki or a cartoon animator such as Powtoon to create your newscast. 1. Find an article that describes an actual arson or bomb case that has taken place in our state (or the state in which you live.) One way to find an article is to complete a Google search using the search string "arson North Carolina" or "bomb case North Carolina" and then click on "News". You will reference the article in your newscast. For example, you might say, "The details of this case can also be read in our affiliate online newspaper, the Charlotte Observer, dated May 8, by reporter Clark Kent." 2. Create a newscast about that case. In your newscast, you are a reporter who has been educated in the fields of arson and bombs, and you are both reporting details and explaining the case using terms and concepts from this lesson. You are speaking to the general public, however, so make sure you explain things clearly, with the assumption the person listening does not have a science background. You must incorporate at least 5 terms and 2 major concepts from this lesson in your report. 3.Before filming, evaluate your planned newscast using the rubric below: Component Points Possible Newscast includes 5 terms, 25 and terms used correctly Newscast includes at least 40 2 major concepts from lesson Newscast explains event of 20 article related to NC arson or bombing event and references article Points Earned Newscast is written so that 15 public can understand 4. You can film your newscast using the computer at which you sit or you may film your newscast using a program or device of your choice, and then save the file on a flash/jump drive or your computer and upload the file or you can create your newscast with an online animation alternative such as Powtoons and submit the link after selecting "Submit".
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