Discussion- Psychodynamic case Scenario

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Psychodynamic Case Scenario

For this activity, watch the video: Psychodynamic Case Scenario. Use the information in the scenario to answer the following questions:

  • To what extent does Mallory's behavior in this interview exemplify transference (see Chapter 12)?
  • To what extent does Dr. Santos' behavior during the session influence your judgment regarding Mallory's behavior as transference?
  • If it is transference, what, exactly, is Mallory transferring? From whom, might you speculate, is she transferring it?
  • If it is transference, and Dr. Santos is a psychodynamic psychotherapist, what is an ideal way for Dr. Santos to handle it? What if Dr. Santos was a humanistic psychotherapist, would she handle this situation differently?
  • Describe several of the defense mechanisms. (Please select several that have not all been described already by other students if possible.) Do any of those you described seem to be applicable to Mallory? How so?


Pomerantz, A. (2014). Clinical Psychology, 2nd Edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.

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Psychodynamic Case Scenario
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Psychodynamic Case Scenario
Question 1
In a clinical situation as the one described in the case study, transference refers to a
situation where the client tries to form relationships with the therapist where they unconsciously
expect them to behave like important people they have had in their lives in the past. In the
interview between Mallory and Dr. Santos, there is a great extent that the behavior exemplified
by Mallory is an indication of transference. She exemplifies transference by transferring some of
the emotions that she is going through of being bored to Dr. Santos. The transfer happens
because the client is bored with her life and work and asserts that the therapist is also bored for
listening to such conversations. She does this more than three times during the ...

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