Differentiation and Management of Abdomen, Anus/Rectum, and genitourinary Disorders

User Generated




Topic 1: Differentiation and Management of Abdomen, Anus/Rectum, and Genitourinary Disorders

Please select a disorder of the GU, abdomen, anus/rectum systems (pelvic inflammatory disease, cervicitis, STDs, UTI, prostatitis, balanitis, urethritis, epididymitis, testicular torsion, hydrocele, epispadias, rectal prolapse, hemorrhoids, GERD, appendicitis, cholecystitis) and answer the following questions:

  1. What are the presenting symptoms?
  2. How is it distinguished from other similar disorders (assessment findings, common in particular age/sex or ethnic group, etc.)?
  3. What is your first intervention?
  4. How will you confirm the diagnosis?
  5. What is the appropriate treatment?
  6. Write a prescription to treat the illness (if applicable or refer to appropriate specialty if needed) that includes (patient name, date, name of drug, dose, and strength, quantity to dispense, directions of how often to take the medicine, and number of refills).
  7. When will you schedule a follow-up appointment and what is your plan on the follow up visit?

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Explanation & Answer

Hi, Find attached the completed work.Feel Free to ask for any clarification and editing if need be.Looking forward to working with you in future.Thank you

Running head: GONORRHOEA

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Gonorrhoea is an infection that results from a bacterium known as Neisseria
gonorrhoeae which are sexually transmitted and infects both females and males, most often,
it affects warm and moist areas of the body such as the throat, urethra eyes, or rectum and in
females, the cervix can be infected as well. It is caused by engaging in unprotected sex with
infected persons or even sharing sex toys. The presenting signs and symptoms of gonorrhoea
in men include swelling or pain in one testicle, painful urination that comes with a burning
sensation, foreskin inflammation, and a discharge that appears pus-like which comes from the
tip of the penis (CDC, 2015). The signs and symptoms in women are often painful sexual
intercourse, pelvic or abdominal pain, increased vaginal discharge, v...

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