industrial question

User Generated



University of Malaysia



You are hired as an industrial designer for a consumer electronics company specializing in smart home devices (e.g., smart speakers, thermostats, and smart lighting systems). The company wants to launch a new smart home hub that can control various IoT-enabled devices. However, the company aims to align with sustainable design practices to reduce environmental impact and comply with green product certification standards.

Problem Statement:

Your task is to design the smart home hub with a focus on sustainability, user experience, and manufacturability. The device must balance aesthetics, functionality, and eco-friendly design while remaining cost-effective for mass production. Below are the specific requirements and constraints for your design.

Design Requirements:

  1. Material Selection:
    • Avoid plastics derived from petroleum unless recycled.
    • Incorporate recyclable materials or biodegradable polymers where possible.
    • Consider alternative materials (e.g., bamboo, aluminum, or bio-based composites).
  2. Product Lifecycle and Durability:
    • The product must have a lifespan of at least 5 years and offer modular components for easy repair or upgrade.
    • Include provisions for end-of-life recycling or take-back programs to reduce e-waste.
  3. Power Management:
    • Minimize energy consumption to meet Energy Star certification standards.
    • Explore options for low-power wireless communication and energy-efficient components.
  4. Aesthetic and User Experience:
    • The design must be minimalistic yet intuitive, appealing to both tech-savvy users and those unfamiliar with smart home technology.
    • Ensure the device can integrate seamlessly with various home environments.
  5. Manufacturing and Assembly:
    • Optimize the design for assembly line production to reduce labor costs and minimize waste during manufacturing.
    • Minimize the use of adhesives and non-recyclable materials in assembly.
  6. Budget and Target Market:
    • The retail price of the product must be under $150 to remain competitive in the smart home market.
    • Identify a target market and ensure the design aligns with the user expectations of this demographic.

Questions to Address:

  1. Sustainable Material Selection:
    • What materials would you choose for the smart home hub’s exterior, internal components, and packaging? Justify your choices based on sustainability, cost, and performance.
  2. Product Lifecycle Design:
    • Describe how you will incorporate modular components to enable easy repair, upgrades, and recycling at the end of the product’s lifecycle. Include specific design strategies for reducing e-waste.
  3. Energy Efficiency and Certification:
    • Which technologies or components would you implement to reduce energy consumption? How would you ensure that the product meets Energy Star or equivalent environmental certification standards?
  4. Manufacturing Process Optimization:
    • Provide a manufacturing plan that ensures efficient production while minimizing material waste. Include considerations for packaging and shipping the product sustainably.
  5. Market Strategy and User Experience:
    • Identify the target audience for the smart home hub and explain how the design aligns with their needs and preferences. What features would you include to enhance user experience and aesthetic appeal?
  6. Risk and Cost Management:
    • Identify potential risks in adopting sustainable materials or modular designs. How will you manage budget constraints to ensure the retail price remains under $150 while achieving your design objectives?

Expected Output:

In your response:

  • Provide specific recommendations for materials, components, and manufacturing processes.
  • Use quantitative metrics where possible to support your design choices (e.g., carbon footprint reduction or material recyclability).
  • Include a simple sketch or product layout (optional) to illustrate your modular design approach.
  • Offer a budget breakdown for materials, production, and shipping, demonstrating how the product can meet the target retail price.
  • Propose long-term strategies for enhancing the product’s sustainability and staying ahead of regulatory changes in consumer electronics.

This problem question tests your ability to apply sustainable design principles in the context of industrial design while balancing aesthetic, functional, and financial considerations.

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Explanation & Answer



Sustainable Design for a Hub for a Smart Home

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Sustainable Design for a Hub for a Smart Home
Creating a sustainable smart home center calls for juggling cost-effectiveness, environmental
responsibility, architectural attractiveness, and utility. We cover all facets of the design issue in
our solution and offer particular suggestions for material choice, user experience, energy
economy, and product lifetime management. This strategy guarantees that the product meets
market expectations and accomplishes sustainability objectives.

1. Selection of Sustainable Materials
Reducing the environmental impact of consumer devices depends critically on material selection.
Regarding the smart home hub, we advise utilizing the following components:

Exterior casing can be made from recycled plastic (e.g., rPET) or biodegradable polymers such
polylactic acid (PLA). These materials are environmentally friendly and help to lower reliance
on plastics derived from petroleum (Hopewell et al., 2009). PLA is fit for electronic casings
since it is also light-weight and strong.

Inside heat sinks and structural parts, use recyclable aluminum. Without degrading of qualities,
aluminum is 100% recyclable and provides great heat dissipation (Das, 2019).

Packaging: Choose biodegradable, reasonably priced mol...

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