Patient Care Worksheet

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Health Medical

Pediatric nursing and health care

Angeles College


I need help completing this assignment. I have included the case study information below, and the assignment to be completed is attached. Please let me know if you have any questions, thank you!

Case Study

A 2-year-old black male, with a past medical history significant for sickle cell anemia (Hb SS) and hemophilia B, presented as a transport to the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) from an outlying hospital secondary to altered mental status. Symptoms of lethargy and decreased activity began approximately 1 day prior to admission. The mother reported difficulty in arousing the patient on the day of admission. The patient also began to have symptoms of nausea and vomiting on the day of admission. Review of symptoms was negative for fever, chills, trauma, injury, and recent ingestions or medications.

Past medical history: Hb SS, hemophilia B, history of hemarthrosis, previously treated with factor IX

Family history: Brother and maternal grandfather with hemophilia

A CT scan of the brain was done following initial presentation. The scan revealed a left frontal intraparenchymal and a left temporal hemorrhage, with a 1-cm right shift. There was also effacement of the left lateral ventricle and the third ventricle. Patient was intubated and transported to the PICU for further care.


Physical Examination

General appearance: Patient intubated and sedated

Vital signs: T 99.8°F, HR 191, respiratory rate 18, BP 90/61 mm Hg

HEENT: Head normocephalic and atraumatic; pupils equal and reactive to light at 3 mm in size bilaterally, no icterus; endotracheal tube in place

Cardiac: Regular rate and rhythm, 2/6 systolic ejection murmur

Respiratory: Upper airway sounds transmitted throughout, good bilateral breath sounds

Abdomen: Soft, nontender, nondistended, active bowel sounds; without hepatosplenomegaly

Extremities: No clubbing, cyanosis, or edema. Good peripheral pulses. Capillary refill 2-3 seconds. No rashes noted.

Neurologic: Spontaneous eye movement. Moving all extremities in a purposeful manner. Glasgow coma score 7.

Initial Laboratory Analyses

CBC with differential: Hemoglobin 8.5 g/L, hematocrit 25%, platelets 143,000; total white blood count 16,800 with 92% granulocytes, 0% bands, 4% lymphocytes

Metabolic profile: Within normal limits

Arterial blood gas: pH 7.39, pCO2 35, pO2 61, HCO3 21

Coagulation panel: PT 13.6, PTT 35, INR 1, fibrinogen 540

Radiologic Evaluation

Click to zoom(Enlarge Image)

Figure 1.

CT scan of the brain showing left frontal temporal hemorrhage.

Click to zoom(Enlarge Image)

Figure 2.

CT scan of the brain showing left frontal temporal hemorrhage.

Diagnosis: A spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage secondary to hemophilia

Hospital Course

Hematology/Oncology and Neurosurgery services were consulted immediately. A central line was placed without complications. The patient was treated with factor IX 80 units/kg once, then received 40 units/kg every 12 hours. He was also transfused with 1 unit of packed red blood cells. His PT and PTT were monitored every 12 hours.

Neurosurgical recommendations included correcting the patient's factor level prior to any surgical intervention and treatment with decadron, to decrease cerebral edema. Intracranial pressure was managed by keeping the head of the patient's bed elevated at 30°, with the head midline. He was kept mildly hypothermic; ventilation and oxygenation were maintained through mechanical ventilation. Sedation and analgesia were achieved with continuous infusions of midazolam and fentanyl.

A repeat CT scan was done the following day; no significant change from the previous scan was seen. A transcranial Doppler scan was done to rule out vasculopathy related to Hb SS. The Doppler evaluation was within normal limits. This confirmed that the spontaneous hemorrhage was secondary to hemophilia, rather than to Hb SS.

On hospital day 2, the patient was taken to the operating room where

a craniotomy was performed, with evacuation of the intracranial hemorrhage in the left frontal temporal area. Approximately 40 cc of blood was evacuated.

On postoperative day 1, the patient developed bilateral pleural effusions, with bilateral lower lobe atelectasis/pneumonia. In light of his Hb SS disease, imaging was consistent with acute chest syndrome. The patient was treated with an exchange transfusion. On postoperative day 2, he was extubated without difficulty.

The patient was subsequently transferred to the pediatric ward in stable condition. He was treated for pneumonia with clindamycin and vancomycin for 10 days. While in the hospital, he received physical therapy. Prior to discharge, the patient had resumed normal activity and speech. As an outpatient, he continued to receive prophylaxis with factor IX twice a week.

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PATIENT CARE WORKSHEET (INFANT, CHILD ADOLESCENT) Student: Date of Care: Name of the person giving the history (the informant) Informant’s relationship to this child Patient Initial Admission Date: Date of Birth Age: Height: Wt(kg): Unit /Room: Sex: Allergies Race/Ethnicity Religion Language Gender Identity Male Female Both Neither General Survey While taking the history, perform a general survey of the patient for the following: ASSESS level of consciousness and mental status. Findings OBSERVE facial expression NOTICE speech and articulation. NOTICE comprehension of verbal communication NOTICE ability to see, hear, and speak. ASSESS mood or affect NOTICE personal hygiene and dress. OBSERVE skin color OBSERVE posture or position OBSERVE mobility and balance. NOTICE the patient’s breathing effo REASON FOR SEEKING HEALTH CARE (Presenting Problem) HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Symptom Analysis of Presenting Problem (Onset, Location, Duration, Characteristics, Aggravating factors, Related symptoms, Treatment, Severity PRESENT HEALTH STATUS • Describe the child’s current health conditions. ο How long has the child had these conditions? ο How have these health conditions affected the child’s daily activities? What medications or supplements does the child take? (Include prescriptions, over-the-counter, and herbal supple-ments. Document if none are taken.) Name of Drug/Supplement Dosage/Frequency Last Dose Taken Reason for Taking Describe any allergies to medications, foods, medical products (e.g., latex, contrast, tape), or things in the environ-ment. Describe the symptoms and their frequency. (Document if there are no allergies.) Allergic to Findings History Prenatal care Considerations Where care occurred, gestation at first prenatal visit, total number of visits General maternal health/ disease states before and during pregnancy Complications Maternal health during pregnancy Bachelor of Science in Prelicensure Nursing Angeles College Findings May 2023 Substance use during pregnancy Mother’s emotional state during pregnancy Labor and delivery process Mother’s labor Infant delivery Newborn Course Birth history Apgar score Neonatal complications Hospitalization stay associated with pregnancy (bleeding problems, hypertension, edema, proteinuria, unusual weight gain, infections, gestational diabetes, preterm labor) Alcohol; tobacco; medications; street drugs (include type, dose, duration, and month of gestation when used) Anxiety, depression, acceptance of pregnancy, mental health issues Place of birth (hospital, home, birth center) Spontaneous, induced, duration, medications, complications Vaginal, cesarean section, use of anesthesia, special equipment and procedures Gestational age and growth pattern Apgar score and type of resuscitation if required Respiratory, infections, feeding, hyperbilirubinemia, congenital abnormalities Duration in hospital, any follow-up care after discharge, laboratory results (bilirubin, newborn screening) Was Bachelor of Science in Prelicensure Nursing Angeles College May 2023 newborn discharged with mother? Immunization (Hepatitis B) Childhood Illnesses (Check all that apply) Measles Mumps Pertussis Influenza Rubella Chickenpox Otitis Media Streptococcal Throat Other Description Date/Year Residual Problems Previous medical conditions Previous hospitalizations Injuries Surgeries Hepatitis B virus (HBV) Recommended Administration Schedule (not absolute) 3 doses between birth and 18 months Rotavirus (RV) 3 doses between 2 and 6 months Diphtheria and tetanus toxoid and acellular pertussis (DTaP) 4 doses between 2 and 18 months 5th dose at 4 to 6 years Haemophilus influenza type b conjugate (Hib) Up to 4 doses from 2 to 18 months (varies) Inactivated poliovirus (IPV) 3 doses between 2 and 18 months Dose 4 at 4 to 6 years 4 doses from 2 to 15 months Bachelor of Science in Prelicensure Nursing Angeles College Date Given Reactions Dose 1 Dose 2 Dose 3 Dose 1 Dose 2 Dose 3 Dose 1 Dose 2 Dose 3 Dose 4 Dose 5 Dose 1 Dose 2 Dose 3 Dose 4 Dose 1 Dose 2 Dose 3 Dose 4 Dose 1 Dose 2 May 2023 Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) Varicella Hepatitis A virus (HepA) Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis (Tdap) Human papilloma virus (HPV) Meningococcal serogroups A, C, W, Y (MenACWY) Influenza Dose 3 Dose 4 2 doses between 12 and 15 months and 4 and 6 years Dose 1 Dose 2 2 doses between 12 and 15 months and 4 and 6 years 1 dose at 12 months 1 dose at 18 months 1 dose between ages 11 and 12 Dose 1 Dose 2 Dose 1 Dose 2 Dose 1 3 doses between 11 and 15 years Dose 1 Dose 2 Dose 3 Dose 1 Dose 2 1 dose between 11 and 12 years 1 dose between 13 and 15 year Annually after age 6 months Date of Last Examination Physical Examination: Hearing Examination: Person Mother Maternal Grandfather Maternal Grandmother Aunt/Uncle Aunt/Uncle Sister Brother Age Vision Examination: Dental Examination: Current Health Person Father Paternal Grandfather Paternal Grandmother Aunt/Uncle Aunt/Uncle Sister Brother Age Current Health PERSONAL AND PSYCHOSOCIAL HISTORY Personal Status Describe the child’s personality and temperament: Bachelor of Science in Prelicensure Nursing Angeles College May 2023 Describe the child’s typical day: Does the child have any personal habits and behavior patterns such as nail biting, thumb sucking, rituals (e.g.,“security blanket” or toy), or unusual behaviors (e.g., head banging, rocking, overt masturbation, walking on toes)? If yes, describe. For older children (over age 6), ask about how they think their life is going, things they like about themselves, and things they do well or not so well. For the school-age child, what grade is he/she in? Are there are any issues related to school performance and attendance pattern? If yes, describe. Family and Social Relationships Describe the child’s family composition. Describe family activities Describe the influence of culture, parenting styles and skills, disciplining methods, and their effectiveness. Describe family rule What are the child care arrangements? Describe the parent and family support system, and any family conflict or violence. Ask the parent: When playing make believe or ‘dress up’, does your child prefer toys, games, or activities typically used by girls or boys Nutrition and Diet Describe a typical daily diet for the child Describe the family mealtime routines, snacks, and any concerns of the parent or child about diet or weight. Diet of the newborn, infant or toddler What is the type (breast or formula) and amount/frequency of feeding in 24 hours? At what age was the introduction of solid foods (cereal, fruits, vegetables, meats, eggs) and other liquids (e.g., water, juice, cow’s milk). Describe use of bottles for dietary intake (for infants and toddlers) and the transfer to the use of a cup and discontinuation of bottle use. Diet of the child Are there about any diet restrictions? Assess diet for adequate calcium. Bachelor of Science in Prelicensure Nursing Angeles College May 2023 Are there habits that increase the risk for dental caries (e.g., constant sipping of milk or juice, consumption of soda and sweet and sticky foods). Where are most meals are eaten (at home, school, or in restaurants)? What is the frequency of the child’s consumption of “fast food,” “junk food,” and sweet drinks? Diet of the adolescent How do you feel about your current weight? Are there actions you take to maintain or change your current weight? If yes, what are they? (Assess diet for adequate calcium and iron intake Sleep Where does the child sleep and with whom? Describe any bedtime rituals. • Approximately how many hours of sleep does the child get each night? Does the child take naps? Approximately how many hours of sleep does the child get each night? Does the child take naps? Does the child have difficulty falling to sleep or staying asleep? Are there any nightmares or night terrors? For parents of newborns or infants, in what position do you place your child to sleep? Mental Health How do you cope with stress? Have you had any recent changes in coping, mood, or behavior? If yes, describe. Do you have someone you can talk to about problems? Ask adolescents: Have you experienced bullying, gang activity, and violence in school and peer groups? If yes, describe. Sexuality (Teens should be asked privately about sexual activity. Questions about sexuality should be approached with great sensitivity, and the nurse must not make assumptions about sexual orientation. Ask adolescent females: ο Have your menstrual periods started? If so, when? How often do you have menstrual periods? ο How many days do your periods last? Are you sexually active? If yes, what are you doing to prevent pregnancy? Prevent sexually transmitted infections? Is the sexual activity consensual? (coercion or force should be documented) Bachelor of Science in Prelicensure Nursing Angeles College May 2023 ο Are your partners male, female, or both? Ask adolescent males: Have you noticed changes in your testicles? If yes, describe. Have you ever performed a testicular self-examination? If yes, what were the findings? Are you sexually active? If yes, what are you doing to prevent pregnancy? Prevent sexually transmitted infections? Is the sexual activity consensual? (coercion or force should be documented) Are your partners female, male, or both? Developmental Tasks Document findings and concerns. Health Promotion Activities What kind of exercise do you do? How often and for what period of time? Describe your amount of “screen time” (e.g., television, computer, tablet, and cell phone) per day. Describe your alcohol use. Describe your drug use. Describe your use of tobacco products. What do you do to prevent injuries? (e.g., use bicycle helmets, seat belts) Environment Circle hazards reported Potential hazards within e.g., lack of fire or smoke detectors; poor lighting; steep home stairs; inadequate heat; open gas heaters; inadequate pest control; violent behaviors; firearms; exposure to cat litter; exposure to chemicals including lead, mercury, asbestos, solvents, pesticides, and phthalates, which are commonly found in plastics. Potential hazards within e.g., noise, water or air pollution, heavy traffic, overcrowding, neighborhood violence, firearms, sale/use of street drug Potential hazards within inhalants, noise, heaving lifting, machinery, psychological work environmen stress Any travel outside the Describe locations and dat United State REVIEW OF SYSTEMS (Encircle all symptoms that apply, add comment below) General Symptoms Fever Change in energy level Chills Change in activity intolerance Bachelor of Science in Prelicensure Nursing Angeles College Night sweats (Infants) Tiring with feeding Fatigue Unusual weight gain or loss May 2023 Concerns about height, weight, or head size Comments: Skin, Hair, and Nails Yellowing skin (Jaundice) Easy bruising Piercings Hair (infestations, e.g., lice) Changes in nails Concerns about pain in infants/toddlers Pain Rashes Birthmarks Skin lesions Skin itching (Pruritus) Skin irritation Hair loss (Alopecia) Acne Sores that do not heal Scaly, plaques (Seborrhea) Ingrown or painful nails Tattoos Pain Nail biting Comments: Head Head size and shape Comments: Eyes Not fixing on objects or following with both eyes (infants) Redness Abnormal movement or alignment Comments: Ears Not responding to sound (infants/ newborns) Ear pain (Otalgia) Comments Headaches Recent trauma Difficulty reading Sitting too close to TV or computer screen Bumping into things Drainage or crusting Itchy eyes (Pruritus) Eye pain (Ophthalmalgia) Loud speech or loud television Complaint of decreased hearing Wear corrective lenses? How long? Unusual vocalizations (infants) Ear discharge Bachelor of Science in Prelicensure Nursing Angeles College May 2023 Nose Nasal congestion Drainage Frequent nose bleeds (Epistaxis) Snoring Mouth pain or lesions Coating on tongue or mouth throat pain Edema or mass in neck Stiff neck Unusual position of head/neck Breast changes (school age and adolescent) Breast pain Unilateral breast changes Wheezing or noisy breathing Short of breath (Dyspnea) Snoring Comments: Mouth/Throat Teeth (tooth loss, caries, pain) Difficulty swallowing (Dysphagia) Comments: Neck Lymph node enlargement Comments: Breast Breast engorgement (newborns) Change in voice Unexpected sequential development Comments: Respiratory System Cough Bachelor of Science in Prelicensure Nursing Angeles College May 2023 Increased respiratory rate or effort Comments: Cardiovascular System Cyanosis or pallor Swelling (Edema) Comments: Known murmur Fainting (Syncope) Diarrhea Abdominal pain Toilet training progress Repeated need to urinate (Frequency) Toilet training progress Foul odor Toilet training progress Blood in urine (Hematuria) Rash or irritation Secondary sex characteristics Penile discharge Testicular masses Pain Trauma discharge Menstrual concerns Secondary sex characteristics Gastrointestinal System Usual pattern of Constipation bowel movements Nausea/vomiting Change in appetite Comments: Urinary System Number of wet diapers daily Sudden, uncontrollable need to urinate (Urgency) Comments: Reproductive System Boys Circumcision Itching (Pruritis) Girls Rash Comments: Bachelor of Science in Prelicensure Nursing Angeles College May 2023 Musculoskeletal System Asymmetric Poor muscle tone movement Limitations in range of Muscle or joint motion trauma Comments: Neurologic System Unusual or highpitched cry Dizziness Pain in joints or muscles Spine curvature Deformity or asymmetry Deformity of legs or feet Irritability Speech problems Fainting (Syncope) Difficulty with coordination and gait Repeated and/or jerky Seizures movements Comments: Physical Assessment Body system Integumentary Assessment Findings Skin color, temperature, vascularity, lesions, hydration, mobility, turgor, edema, masses Nail color, capillary refills, angle, deformity Hair texture, distribution, strength, quantity Neurological Alert/oriented, Inspect facial expression, speech, mental status, eye contact CN II- XII Pupils (PERRLA), corneal light reflexes, EOMs Perform Romberg’s test - standing Test deep tender reflexes Coordination test & balance test Cardiovascular Apical impulse (PMI) Aucultate aortic, pulmonic, Erb’s point, tricuspid, mitral area ( with diaphragm and bell) Peripheral pulses (carotid, radial, dorsalis pedis) Palpate temperature, edema Respiratory Respiration rate, effort & use of accessory muscles Chest configuration Bachelor of Science in Prelicensure Nursing Angeles College May 2023 Auscultate systematically (min 6- 8 sites + Rt. Mid lobe) Gastrointestinal /Urinary Inspect abdomen (skin, peristalsis, contour, pulsation, symmetry) Auscultate bowel sounds (4 quadrants) Percuss abdomen ( 4 quadrants) Palpate all 4 quadrants (light and deep) Musculoskeletal (physical mobility) Inspect gait, muscle mass, configuration, & joints, symmetry, posture,& mobility Perform ROM with strength Psychosocial Needs Family support, employment, safety, speech, mental status Reproductive Fundal Assessment, Cervical dilation, Cervical effacement, G/P TPAL History FHR, Apgar Scoring Fetal/Baby WellBeing Educational Needs Knowledge . Bachelor of Science in Prelicensure Nursing Angeles College May 2023 Student ______________________________________________ Drug Name Subclass/ Patient dose Generic and Brand Mechanism of action Route Bachelor of Science in Prelicensure Nursing Angeles College, Los Angeles Frequency Date________________________________ Unit ___________ Reason THIS patient is on this medication Nursing Responsibility (What you need to know or do before and after administering) April 2023 Most common serious side effects Major Interactions Diagnosis Current treatment Medications Nursing interventions References (recent EBP articles -within 5 yrs) Submit your EBP articles Bachelor of Science in Prelicensure Nursing Angeles College, Los Angeles April 2023 16
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Date of Care: 10/24/2024

Name of the person giving the history (the
informant) Mother

Informant’s relationship to this child Parent

Patient Initial J.S

Admission Date: 2/24/2024

Date of Birth: October 24, 2022
Age: 2 years Height: 87 cm Wt(kg): 13 kg

Unit /Room: Pediatric ICU

Sex: Male

Allergies None documented

Race/Ethnicity Black/African American

Religion Not documented

Language English

Gender Identity
Male Female Both Neither

General Survey
While taking the history, perform a general survey
of the patient for the following:
ASSESS level of consciousness and mental status.


OBSERVE facial expression
NOTICE speech and articulation.
NOTICE comprehension of verbal communication
NOTICE ability to see, hear, and speak.
ASSESS mood or affect
NOTICE personal hygiene and dress.
OBSERVE skin color
OBSERVE posture or position

No facial expression observed, patient is sedated
Intubated, unable to speak
Not assessable due to sedation
Eyes closed but pupil reaction normal
Not assessable (sedated)
Hospital gown, hygiene maintained by care team
Supine, head elevated 30 degrees as per
neurosurgery recommendation
Intubated, sedated, no independent mobility
Mechanical ventilation with good bilateral breath

OBSERVE mobility and balance.
NOTICE the patient’s breathing effort

Sedated, Glasgow Coma Score of 7

secondary to hemophilia, with altered mental status, lethargy, nausea, and vomiting.
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Symptom Analysis of Presenting Problem (Onset, Location, Duration,
Characteristics, Aggravating factors, Related symptoms, Treatment, Severity
Onset: Symptoms began 1 day before admission with lethargy, altered mental status, and vomiting.
Location: Intracranial hemorrhage (left frontal temporal area)
Duration: Ongoing
Characteristics: Decreased activity, lethargy, difficulty in arousing
Aggravating factors: Unknown

Related symptoms: Nausea, vomiting
Treatment: Hemophilia factor IX replacement, mechanical ventilation, sedation, surgery (craniotomy)
Severity: Severe, with intracranial hemorrhage, requiring PICU care
• Describe the child’s current health conditions.
Sickle cell anemia, hemophilia B, acute intracranial hemorrhage.
ο How long has the child had these conditions?
Since birth (congenital conditions)
ο How have these health conditions affected the child’s daily activities?
Likely frequent hospitalizations and medical treatments due to hemophilia and sickle cell disease.
What medications or supplements does the child take? (Include prescriptions, over-the-counter, and
herbal supple-ments. Document if none are taken.)

Name of
Factor IX
Red blood cell


Last Dose Taken

Reason for Taking

80 units/kg once, then
40 units/kg q12h
Continuous infusion
Continuous infusion
1 unit

PICU treatment

Hemophilia B

PICU treatment

Pain control
To correct anemia

PICU treatment

Describe any allergies to medications, foods, medical products (e.g., latex, contrast, tape), or things in
the environ-ment. Describe the symptoms and their frequency. (Document if there are no allergies.)
Allergic to
No known drug allergies.

Prenatal care

Maternal health
during pregnancy


Where care occurred,
gestation at first
prenatal visit, total
number of visits
General maternal
health/ disease states
before and during

Bachelor of Science in Prelicensure Nursing
Angeles College

Not provided


May 2023

Substance use
during pregnancy

emotional state
during pregnancy
Labor and delivery
Mother’s labor

Infant delivery

Newborn Course
Birth history
Apgar score



associated with
pregnancy (bleeding
hypertension, edema,
proteinuria, unusual
weight gain,
infections, gestational
diabetes, preterm
Alcohol; tobacco;
medications; street
drugs (include type,
dose, duration, and
month of gestation
when used)
Anxiety, depression,
acceptance of
pregnancy, mental
health issues
Place of birth
(hospital, home, birth
induced, duration,
Vaginal, cesarean
section, use of
anesthesia, special
equipment and
Gestational age and
growth pattern
Apgar score and type
of resuscitation if
infections, feeding,
Duration in hospital,
any follow-up care
after discharge,
laboratory results

Bachelor of Science in Prelicensure Nursing
Angeles College



Not provided




Likely undiagnosed sickle cell disease and
hemophilia at birth

To be filled

May 2023

(bilirubin, newborn
screening) Was
newborn discharged
with mother?
(Hepatitis B)

Childhood Illnesses (Check all that apply)


Otitis Media




Residual Problems

Previous medical

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