Research & Summaries Question

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Once the topic and the draft questions are finalized, various aspects related to the topic should be explored. For this purpose, visit Saudi Digital Library website and download at least 15 research articles (at least 5 articles must be published in last 5 years) related to the topic and research questions. Prepare the Literature review as per the sample format provided in the blackboard (available in Week 4 course materials). The topic must be supported by quality literature. Similarly, the individual questions (objectives), which will be converted to hypotheses, must derive support from latest and relevant literature.

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‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬ ‫وزارة التعليم‬ ‫الجامعة السعودية اإللكترونية‬ Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Education Saudi Electronic University College of Administrative and Financial Sciences Critical Thinking Assignment 2 Course Name: Academic Writing and Student’s Name: Research Skills Course Code: RES-500 Student’s ID Number: Semester: CRN: Academic Year: , Term: For Instructor’s Use only Instructor’s Name: Students’ Grade: / 100 Level of Marks: High/Middle/Low Regulations: ✓ This assignment is an individual assignment. ✓ Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook along with few scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles. ✓ Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines, citing references as appropriate. ✓ Submit your findings in a 3–4-page document, excluding the title page, abstract and required reference page, which are never a part of the minimum content requirements, in the Assignment Dropbox. ✓ It is strongly encouraged that you submit all assignments to the Turnitin Originality Check (available under Information folder on your Blackboard) prior to submitting them to your instructor for grading. If you are unsure how to submit an assignment to the Originality Check tool, review the Turnitin Originality Check – Student Guide for step-by-step instructions. An Overview about Assignment submission Time & grades: Type of Assignment Posting Date Due date Marks Critical thinking Week 4 End of Week 5 100 Grace period* 3 days * Grace Period: with accepted excuse (accepted by instructor) with deduction of 10% for late submission Module 4 Assignment-II: Literature Review (100 points) Once the topic and the draft questions are finalized, various aspects related to the topic should be explored. For this purpose, visit Saudi Digital Library website and download at least 15 research articles (at least 5 articles must be published in last 5 years) related to the topic and research questions. Prepare the Literature review as per the sample format provided in the blackboard (available in Week 4 course materials). The topic must be supported by quality literature. Similarly, the individual questions (objectives), which will be converted to hypotheses, must derive support from latest and relevant literature. Answers REVIEW OF LITERATURE This is a sample. Replace with your own. In this assignment, all the literature available on the different approaches to the concept of your research is explicitly reviewed. Here you can write the outline or plan of your review like in how many sections and what you are discussing in each section. Sample Main Heading 1 (as per your topic) This is a sample. Replace with your own. Social entrepreneurship in common parlance refers to entrepreneurial activity with an embedded social purpose. Although, entrepreneurial activities with a social concern can be traced back in the history but the social entrepreneurship as an innovative model for social problem solving has recently emerged (Robinson et al., 2009; Mair & Marti, 2006; Peredo & McLean, 2006; Dees et al., 2002; Chell, 2007). Thus, social entrepreneurship mainly stands for endeavors which primarily focus over social value creation and thus social mission remains central to every social entrepreneurship activity. The social entrepreneurship has become a global phenomenon, impacting societies by catalyzing social transformations for societal wellbeing. The phenomenon mainly addresses the basic needs of human society which were neglected in the race for mainstream development. As such, the 2 phenomenon can occur in any society and often such local social entrepreneurship initiatives have the potential for scale up and replication at the global level. E-g: Microfinance of Bangladesh. Sample Main Heading 2(as per your topic) This is a sample. Replace with your own. As described above, the idea of social enterprise is certainly not new as businesses with social missions can be traced back in the nineteenth century. Thus, the practice of social enterprise may well be ahead of the theory as in other areas of social action (Sarah et al., 2002). Sample Main Heading 3(as per your topic) This is a sample. Replace with your own. As described above, the idea of social enterprise is certainly not new as businesses with social missions can be traced back in the nineteenth century. Thus, the practice of social enterprise may well be ahead of the theory as in other areas of social action (Sarah et al., 2002). References (in APA format) 3 ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬ ‫وزارة التعليم‬ ‫الجامعة السعودية اإللكترونية‬ Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Education Saudi Electronic University College of Administrative and Financial Sciences Critical Thinking Assignment 1 Course Name: Academic Writing and Student’s Name: Research Skills Course Code: RES-500 Student’s ID Number: Semester: 1st CRN: Academic Year: 2024/2025, 1st Term For Instructor’s Use only Instructor’s Name: Students’ Grade: / 15 Level of Marks: High/Middle/Low Regulations: ✓ This assignment is an individual assignment. ✓ Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook along with few scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles. ✓ Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines, citing references as appropriate. ✓ Submit your findings in a 3–4-page document, excluding the title page, abstract and required reference page, which are never a part of the minimum content requirements, in the Assignment Dropbox. ✓ It is strongly encouraged that you submit all assignments to the Turnitin Originality Check (available under Information folder on your Blackboard) prior to submitting them to your instructor for grading. If you are unsure how to submit an assignment to the Originality Check tool, review the Turnitin Originality Check – Student Guide for step-by-step instructions. An Overview about Assignment submission Time & grades: Type of Assignment Posting Date Due date Marks Critical thinking Week 2 End of Week 3 15 Grace period* 3 days * Grace Period: with accepted excuse (accepted by instructor) with deduction of 10% for late submission Module 2 Restricted - ‫مقيد‬ Assignment-I: Topic selection & research questions (80 points) A topic of research should be chosen. It can be either a research paper or a startup concept. Once the topic is finalized, the research questions (based on which objectives of the study will be formed) must be developed (not more than three). Each selection must be discussed in detail with logic and rationale. Reasons for the topic should be discussed first followed by discussion on selection of each of the research questions. Answers The Impact of Digital Transformation on Customer Experience in the Retail Sector in Saudi Arabia. Introduction. Digital transformation is taking over the industries of the world, and the retail industry of Saudi Arabia is no exception. With digital technologies being deeply embedded within business processes, retailers are striving for the improvement of customer experiences across all three dimensions of e-commerce, mobile, and AI. The transformation, therefore, has been driven by evolving customer expectations towards convenience, personalization, and frictionless interactions. It is within this perspective that the government of Saudi Arabia has established its strategy-what is known as Vision 2030whose main objective has to do with economic diversification in order to reduce dependency on oil (Masoud & Basahel, 2023). Therefore, the retail sector stands at a very key position in furthering the country's economy. Hence, it is vital in terms of the success of this industry that strategies for digital transformation be welcomed. It would be much too limited to view digital transformation in retail as simply a shift to online sales. It's about deeper integration of technologies like AI, machine learning, and data analytics technologies which will really facilitate personalization of experience, 2 Restricted - ‫مقيد‬ enhance operational efficiency, and open up new ways of reaching out to customers. While there are several advantages, transformation also has its challenges; some of the challenges include the technological infrastructure required, a skilled workforce, measures regarding cyber security, and investment in terms of money. This study is, therefore, poised to explore how digital transformation influences the customer experience of Saudi Arabia's retail industry, with specific attention to e-commerce, AI in customer service, challenges of retailers, and opportunities. Research Questions. • To what extent do e-commerce platforms and mobile apps influence customer satisfaction and loyalty in the retail industry in Saudi Arabia? • How does AI-powered customer service impact customer experience and engagement in Saudi Arabian retail? • What are various challenges and opportunities that Saudi retailers face in the adoption strategies of digital transformation? Rationale of Research Questions. RQ1:To what extent do e-commerce platforms and mobile apps influence customer satisfaction and loyalty in the retail industry in Saudi Arabia? E-commerce platforms and mobile applications are changing rapidly as shoppers interact with retailers. Driven by growth rates in Internet penetration and smartphone usage that are among the highest worldwide, Saudi consumers increasingly shop online or via mobile apps for purchases. Consequentially, e-commerce becomes a major driver for customer satisfaction because of the convenience it offers regarding browsing products, 3 Restricted - ‫مقيد‬ making secure payments, and delivering items to one's location (Azhari et al., 2023). In addition, mobile applications enhance this convenience by allowing customers to access all these personalized features, such as product recommendations, exclusive offers, and even customer support, through their smartphones. Normally, the retailers who invest in the easiest, most responsive, and secure digital platforms show better customer retention and loyalty. Certainly, positive experiences are usually the grounding for loyalty, and a well-designed e-commerce site or mobile app might provide seamless interaction, timely support, and personalized services that encourage repeat buying. The research question will still focus on how much digital platforms drive customer satisfaction and loyalty, especially in a region experiencing rapid growth in terms of digital transformation. It is importance for analysis that will help explain how retailers can sustain their competitiveness through optimization of digital tools to meet customers' needs. RQ2: How does AI-powered customer service impact customer experience and engagement in Saudi Arabian retail? Artificial intelligence seems to have turned into a transformation force for the betterment of customer service. AI-driven technologies, such as chatbots, virtual assistants, and predictive analytics, will grant retailers the ability to provide 24x7 support, personalized shopping experiences, and on-the-spot solutions to problems. AI can analyze data concerning customer preferences to anticipate them, suggest relevant products, and offer solutions, thereby leading to increased customer satisfaction and engagement (Salman, 2021). For instance, a chatbot configured on a retailer website can assist 4 Restricted - ‫مقيد‬ customers in going through a purchase decision, frequently asked questions, and, where required, also help sort out after-sales issues. The biggest retailers in Saudi Arabia have begun pursuing AI that could further ease customer interactions in the country's march to attain its Vision 2030 goals. Such implementation of AI technologies will enable companies to scale customer service operations at minimal rises in cost. AI also supports the analysis of huge customer data that will result in critical knowledge for retailers about customer buying behavior. This helps them pack the products together as per demand. This research question aims to find out how AI improves customer experience by increasing the speed, accuracy, and personalization of customer interactions (Salman, 2021). Understanding the retail sector would unfold the role of AI that might bring a revolutionary change in Saudi Arabia regarding customer engagement. RQ3: What are various challenges and opportunities that Saudi retailers face in the adoption strategies of digital transformation? Digital transformation has been a doorway to enormous opportunities in the retail industries; it has also posed several challenges. For most Saudi retailers, this means a huge investment into new technologies and related costs of their implementations: building or upgrading an e-commerce website, elaboration of mobile applications, and integration of AI systems usually require substantial upfront costs (Al-Ruithe et al., 2019). At the same time, there is an increasing demand for professionals who can operate and develop these digital platforms effectively. Still, despite the rise in demand for digital skills, the supply of qualified talent remains rare across several industries, including retail. 5 Restricted - ‫مقيد‬ Another critical issue related to digitization that retailers are experiencing is cybersecurity. While this may mean more online deals, it equally increases the tendency for cyber threats, data breaches, and fraudulent payments. Hence, retailers should invest in good security measures that will protect customer information and give a good reason for confidence in their digital channels. On the other hand, the opportunities opening up in the curve of digital transformation are limitless. In fact, this will even let them improve their operational efficiency, cut some costs by automating processes, and reach out to more people once they expand their online presence. It also helps retailers make proper decisions on the management of inventory, marketing strategies, and product development by analyzing and gathering customer data (Al-Ruithe et al., 2019). This research question will try to present a balanced view of the challenges and opportunities of digital transformation. Precisely, by understanding both sides of the equation, Saudi retailers can then devise means of overcoming obstacles to the fullest use of the benefits of digital transformation in enhancing customer experience. Conclusion. The outlook for digital transformation in the Saudi Arabian retail sector is promising, especially since it has much potential to improve customer experience and operational efficiency. E-commerce, mobile applications, and AI-driven customer support can develop personalized, easy, and fun experiences for customers, ultimately leading to customer loyalty. However, at the same time, there are many obstacles to be met regarding financial costs, skilled professionals, and risks of cybersecurity. The purpose of this research will be to show ways in which Saudi retailers can surmount these challenges and 6 Restricted - ‫مقيد‬ exploit opportunities created by these digital technologies to remain successful in such a competitive market. 7 Restricted - ‫مقيد‬ References. Al-Ruithe, M., Benkhelifa, E., & Hameed, K. (2019). Key Issues for Embracing Cloud Computing to Adopt a Digital Transformation: A Study of Saudi Public Sector. Procedia Computer Science, 130, 1037–1043. Azhari, N. F. B., Senathirajah, A. R. bin S., & Haque, R. (2023). The role of customer satisfaction, trust, word of mouth, and service quality in enhancing customers’ loyalty toward e-commerce. Transnational Marketing Journal, 11(1), 31–43. Masoud, R., & Basahel, S. (2023). The Effects of Digital Transformation on Firm Performance: The Role of Customer Experience and IT Innovation. Digital, 3(2), 109–126. MDPI. Salman, G. (2021). The Impact of AI-Enabled Checkouts on Shoppers’ Attitudes and Purchase Intent in Saudi 8 Restricted - ‫مقيد‬ Arabia. 9 Restricted - ‫مقيد‬
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Digital transformation has emerged as a pivotal force reshaping Saudi Arabia's retail sector,
fundamentally altering the landscape of customer interactions and service delivery. As the
kingdom progresses toward its Vision 2030 goals, the retail industry stands at the forefront of
digital innovation, embracing new technologies and methodologies to enhance customer
experience. This comprehensive review examines the current body of knowledge regarding digital
transformation's impact on customer experience in Saudi Arabia's retail sector, with particular
attention to e-commerce platforms, artificial intelligence integration, and the various challenges
and opportunities faced by retailers in this digital evolution. The literature reveals a complex
interplay between technological advancement, customer expectations, and business adaptation
strategies in the Saudi context.
E-Commerce Evolution and Customer Experience
The rapid growth of e-commerce has fundamentally transformed the retail landscape in Saudi
Arabia, marking a significant shift in how businesses operate and interact with their customers.
Abuali et al. (2024) provide compelling evidence of how e-commerce has revolutionized
traditional business models, documenting substantial changes in customer shopping behaviors and
expectations. Their research indicates that Saudi consumers increasingly gravitate toward digital
shopping channels, driven by the convenience, accessibility, and enhanced user experience these
platforms offer. This shift represents a fundamental change in the retail ecosystem, where digital
presence has become not just an advantage but a necessity for survival.
The foundation for understanding consumer behavior in Saudi e-commerce was established
through seminal work by Al-Maghrabi and Dennis (2011), who conducted an in-depth
investigation into the factors driving consumer continuance intention in e-shopping. Their research
revealed that perceived usefulness and enjoyment significantly influence Saudi customers'
intention to continue using e-commerce platforms. This early research provided crucial insights
into the psychological factors affecting digital retail adoption in the Saudi context, establishing a
framework for understanding customer engagement in the digital space.
Building on these findings, Alzahrani (2019) examined how small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
in Saudi Arabia have adapted their business strategies to accommodate e-commerce. The research
demonstrates that digital transformation has become essential for maintaining competitiveness in
the modern retail environment. SMEs that successfully implemented e-commerce solutions
reported improved customer service capabilities, expanded market reach, and enhanced customer
satisfaction levels. This adaptation to digital channels has become particularly crucial in the postpandemic era, where consumer preferences have increasingly shifted toward online shopping
AI Integration and Customer Service Enhancement
The integration of artificial intelligence in retail services represents a significant advancement in
customer experience enhancement, marking a new era in retail service delivery. Aldaarmi (2024)
provides a comprehensive examination of how Fintech service quality in Saudi banks has evolved

through digital transformation, revealing that AI-powered services significantly impact customer
satisfaction and re-use intentions. This research offers valuable insights into how AI technology
can enhance customer interactions, with important implications for the broader retail sector. The
study highlights how AI-driven personalization and automated service delivery can create more
efficient and satisfying customer experiences.
Further enriching our understanding of technological integration, AL Hilal (2023) explores the
impact of augmented reality on online purchasing behavior in Saudi Arabia. The research reveals
how advanced technologies can create immersive shopping experiences that positively influence
customer decision-making and satisfaction levels. This integration of augmented reality represents
a new frontier in retail digital transformation, offering customers novel ways to interact with
products and services before purchase. The study emphasizes how such technological innovations
can bridge the gap between online and physical retail experiences, creating more engaging and
satisfying customer journeys.
Challenges and Opportunities in Digital Transformation
The implementation of digital transformation strategies presents both significant challenges and
opportunities for Saudi retailers. Al-Ruithe et al. (2018) provide a comprehensive analysis of key
issues in embracing cloud computing and digital transformation in the Saudi public sector, with
many findings applicable to retail. Their research identifies critical challenges including
infrastructure requirements, cybersecurity concerns, and workforce development needs. These
challenges must be addressed systematically for successful digital transformation initiatives.
Masoud and Basahel (2023) offer valuable insights into how digital transformation affects firm
performance through customer experience and IT innovation. Their research reveals that
successful digital transformation requires a robust technological infrastructure, skilled workforce
development, strong cybersecurity measures, and significant financial investment. The study
emphasizes that organizations must balance these requirements while maintaining focus on
customer needs and expectations. This balancing act represents both a challenge and an
opportunity for retailers seeking to enhance their digital capabilities.
Impact on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty
Recent research has revealed significant correlations between digital service quality and customer
loyalty in Saudi Arabia. Mutambik (2023) provides valuable insights through their study of
customer experience in open banking, demonstrating strong relationships between digital service
satisfaction and customer loyalty. The research highlights how digital transformation initiatives
can create stronger customer relationships and enhance long-term business sustainability.
The impact of digitalization on customer well-being has become particularly evident in recent
years. Akram et al. (2021) examine how digital transformation affected customer experiences
during the pandemic period, revealing that businesses with strong digital capabilities were better
positioned to maintain customer relationships and ensure business continuity during disruptions.
Their research emphasizes the importance of digital transformation in building resilient customer
relationships and maintaining service quality during challenging periods.

Retail Sector Transformation and Vision 2030
Vision 2030 serves as a crucial framework driving digital transformation across Saudi Arabia's
retail sector. Asem et al. (2024) provide a comprehensive analysis of how organizations align their
digital transformation strategies with V...

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