banks management

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What are the different types of risks the banks and other financial institutions are exposed to? 500 word

What are the Asset-Liability Management Strategies? Explain. 500 word

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Explanation & Answer


Kinds of Risk Found in Banks and Other Financial Institutions
Reputational Risk

Low patronage by the customers and contract Business ventures namely.

Results from scandals, negative word of mouth or customers service standards.

Market Risk

Impairment through fluctuation in interest rates, exchange rates and the price of in the

Includes sub-types: It includes interest rate risk, foreign exchange risk equity risk, and
commodity risk.

Systemic Risk

Wide ranging financial system risk resulting from inter-connected entities.

Example: specific funds absence in a large institution and its effects on the entire market.

Liquidity Risk

Probability of mishandling material, loss and consequently inability to fulfill the
obligations when they are due without heavy loss.

Mention funding risk which is the ability to fund assets and the other is market risk, the
ease of selling an asset.

Credit Risk

Exposure to borrower’s default or delayed payments on the amounts they borrowed.

Controlled by evaluating the borrowers’ credit status and risk distribution mechanisms.

Operational Risk

Cost that arises as a result of inadequate outcomes of, for instance, processes, systems, or
people’s mistakes.

Consists of credit risks, fraud and scams, other IT risks, system failures; mitigated with
strong internal control mechanisms and staff awareness.

It is the ALM strategies that help an organization to manage the asset and liability overcoming all
the above-mentioned factors.
Capital Adequacy Management

Safeguarding that the organization has sufficient capital to absorb loss; check under Basel
III norms.


Employing derivative such as swaps or options in order to hedge against fluctuating
interest and exchange rates.

Duration Matching

To decrease net interest income sensitivity, the maturity of assets and liabilities has been

Liquidity Management

Having cash balances, credit line availability, and modeling them for market volatility.

The diversification of assets and liabilities is a goal of security analysis.

Investment diversification; the use of many sources of funds...

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