Contemporary issues in international political eco

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Business Finance


the assignment topic is about “US China trade war” how trade affects the economy and politics. And please follow the attachment paper..

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9. Anything handwritten in your scrapbook must be your own words. Do not copy other people's work while writing. Use printed form when you have to copy other peoples work. 10. Do not use red pen in your scrapbook. Red pen is for teachers only. Written Assignment This is individual written assignment consisting of 1,500 words based on the scrapbook. You will write an assignment making use of your own and your group members' contribution to the scrapbook. Since scrapbook may not be able to cover all aspects of the topic, you can write from sources that are not made a part of the scrapbook, but by and large your written assignment should be related to what is covered in the scrapbook. A large scale mismatch between the scrapbook and the written assignment will result in a lower mark. Your assignment structure should follow the following: 1. Introduction: 150 words approximately 2. Discussion: 1,200 words approximately 3. Conclusion: 150 words approximately You will have to give the Turnitin print of your assignment. There is no maximum limit in respect of similarity percentage but any slightest hint of plagiarism, or some act of academic dishonesty to avoid plagiarism, will land you in trouble.
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Running head: US-CHINA TRADE WAR



Over the past years after the Second World War United States has been on the length of
establishing the nation economically and making it the world most stable country in almost all
the fields including the political, economic, infrastructure wise and educationally among other
areas. The company has been known for some decades now for owning the best companies in the
world which are doing very excellent in the market system globally. Somehow some research
has revealed some evidence which shows how the United States has been the king of jungle over
the years controlling most of the most influential systems in the globe. It has been popularly
known for its army which is much equipped technologically and is estimated to be worth the half
of the country's wealth which makes the strongest.
China is a country in the east which has been over the years showing up in the competition of
being the superpower of the world by trying all the means to overtake us. China has grown from
an inferior company and has been growing at a very high rate since it becomes politically stable
to appoint that it has been pointed to be a threat to the United States nation. The nation has been
known of late by the advancement of the technology in their market system which has motivated
its growth economically. The growth of the economy of the country has posed a significant
challenge to the US government, and the two countries have turned to rivals whereby each one is
trying to outdo the other (Gallo et al. 2018).
Trade war in US and China

As seen earlier the US has been leading in the trading activities whereby most of the cartels
which are controlling the market system which has made the country very successful in the
system which creates a superpower. There are some factors which have greatly motivated the
growth of the economy o...

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