Composean electronic effective bad news message(email)for one of your employees, mentioning that he /she will not get promotion this year. Please consider all the bad news guidelines as well as the principles for writing effective emails , while composing the message. (5 Marks)
Part II:
1. Suppose you bought a new mobile phone from XYZ Ltd Company. The phone is not functioning properly. Write a claim letter to a company asking them to compensate you for the defective mobile phone.(2.5 Marks)
2. Now, assumingyou are the claims supervisor in XYZ Ltdcompany, whatcommunication channel would you choose and why? (2.5 Marks).
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Explanation & Answer

Part I: Job Promotion Letter Outline
1. Salutation
2. Appreciation and Acknowledgment
o Congratulate and highlight recipient's contributions.
3. Promotion Decision Notification
o Inform about the outcome and reasoning.
4. Positive Reassurance and Encouragement
o Acknowledge efforts and reassure of future success.
5. Support for Professional Growth
o Offer a meeting to discuss strengths and development.
6. Invitation for Feedback and Next Steps
o Invite feedback and propose a meeting for career guidance.
7. Closing
Part II: Claim Letter Outline
Sender's Address and Date
Recipient's Address
Subject Line
Introduction and Description of the Issue
o State purpose and describe the defect.
5. Request for Compensation or Replacement
o Explain desired resolution.
6. Closing and Contact Information
Part III: Communication Channel Justification
1. Chosen Communication Channel
o Email as the preferred method.
2. Reasons for Choice
o Evidence of Information: Record-keeping benefits.
o Cost Effectiveness and Reachability: Reliability and low cost of email
المملكة العربية السعودية
وزارة التعليم
الجامعة السعودية اإللكترونية
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Education
Saudi Electronic University
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Assignment 2
Communications Management (MGT 421)
Due Date: 2/11/2024 @ 23:59