Discussion 9

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Treating Diverse Populations

In our text, Dr. Comas-Diaz identifies the six multicultural guidelines laid out by the APA. After viewing Dr. Beam's work with his client and Dr. Robert Jay Green's work with his clients provide examples of how these two therapists demonstrated cultural competence as it relates to guidelines one, two, and five.

Cultural Competence and APA Guidelines

Create an outline for your final paper/project. Decide which cultural minority (non-whites, non-Christians, LGBTs; those with physical disabilities, or lower socio-economic status) your created client will be a member of and find two current (within the last three years) peer reviewed studies that suggest a therapeutic approach that may be successful. Choose one to summarize and discuss ways that using this information fits some or all of the multicultural guidelines laid out by the American Psychological Association.

Use your Current Psychotherapies text to read Chapter 15, "Multicultural Theories of Psychotherapy," pages 533–568.

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