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Business Finance

IS 101 introduction to information system

Gannon University


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Apollo Residence Network Design

Apollo is a luxury residence hall that will serve honor students at your university. We described the residence in Hands-On Activities at the end of Chapters 7 and 8.

The university has recognized that work is going virtual, with more and more organizations building virtual teams with members drawn from different parts of the organization who work together from different cities, instead of meeting face-to-face. It has joined together with five universities across the United States and Canada (located in Boston, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Dallas, and Toronto) to form a consortium of universities that will build virtual team experiences into their programs.

The universities have decided to start with their honors programs, and each has created a required course that involves its students working with students at the other universities to complete a major project. The students will use collaboration software such as email, chat, Google Docs, Skype, and WebEx to provide text, audio, and video communication. These tools can be used over the Internet, but to ensure that there are no technical problems, the universities have decided to build a separate private WAN that connects the six honors residences on each university campus (in the five cities listed, plus your university).

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The Implementation of a Collaborative Learning Network Infrastructure for InterUniversity Honor Programs



The Implementation of a Collaborative Learning Network Infrastructure for InterUniversity Honor Programs

The design of Wide Area Networks (WANs) for educational institutions requires careful
consideration of technical and pedagogical requirements. As García-Chitiva (2021) emphasizes,
internet-mediated collaborative learning in higher education demands robust and reliable
network infrastructure to...

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