One of the responsibilities placed on managers in today's On-Demand Economy is that of ensuring that the business processes are held to a high degree of cybersecurity. Because the concept of data-on-demand is an operational necessity that places the enterprise's and customers' resources at risk to potential fraudulent hacks, all employees, including those that sit in the loftiest of office spaces, must be trained, made aware of the various methods and practices that can lead to vulnerabilities, and held to very high standards of compliance with standard cybersecurity practices.
The growth of mobile technologies and the IoT have played a significant role in the On-Demand Economy environment. A downside to the proliferation of such technologies is the cracks and doors into the corporate and agency networks that have been opened along the data path, allowing for an increased level of black hat intrusions and reconnaissance.
Case Study Assignment
Conduct research on various methodologies and solutions relating to the implementation of effective cybersecurity programs that may be utilized to thwart outside-agency attacks on an enterprise’s networks. Your approach here should be to seek out scholarly source data relating to examples of the various cybersecurity measures that top management and IT departments might provide for employees and contractors, including data access enforcement, network intrusion detection and prevention systems, and real-time responses to incidents and attacks. You could focus your research on any one of the various types of defenses such as anti-malware applications, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs), Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPSs), biometric access, rogue app monitoring, mobile kill switch, or remote wipe capability technologies.
Case Study assignments require you to analyze real-world information systems topics and provide examples that illustrate how prominent businesses and organizations implement the theoretical concepts you are studying. Case Study assignments provide a broader, integrated, critical thinking process that helps you to expand on and clarify your understanding of the information systems topics.
Be sure to conduct in-depth research on the topics and provide factual details obtained from primary sources that support the case that you are making.
Use the APA Style template as a guide for completing this assignment. Delete the notes and fill in the template with your data.
- Scholarly paper
- Microsoft Word® (DOCX)
- Current APA style
- Times New Roman Font
- 12 pt font
- Double-spaced lines
- Title page
- Page headers on all pages
- Body of the text
- Introduction paragraph
- Citations Conclusion
- Reference list page
- MINIMUM of TWO FULL pages in the body of the text
- Provide data from research utilizing a minimum of TWO primary sources OUTSIDE of the course textbook
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Explanation & Answer

Cyber Security- Outline
I. Introduction
A. The unprecedented advancement in On-Demand Economy environments has
called for stronger cybersecurity measures especially with organizations relying
on interconnected networks and IoT devices.
B. Using methodologies from scholarly resources, this discussion will consider how
these specific measures, including AI defenses, can combat external cyber threats
in the current connected business environment.
II. Data access enforcement is significant in the protection of sensitive information within
and organization.
A. Measures such as Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and Role-Based Access
Control (RBAC), and others are important.
B. By integrating these controls, it becomes possible for the organizations to make
sure that only authorized people are able to access their critical IoT and systems
hence limiting internal and external risks.
III. Two critical tools which can help to identify and prevent unauthorized network access are
Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS).
A. IDS monitors network traffic and sends notification to the system administrator
when potential intrusion has occurred whilst IPS has the capability of blocking
out intrusive traffic immediately.
IV. There are also Real-time response systems such as Security Information and...