SDA one day Curriculum Plan

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Early Childhood Educacation



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Deliverable 4 - Curriculum Plan FOR ONE DAY Competencies o Describe and differentiate curriculum and instruction according to age, culture, and developmental stage of children in early childhood settings. o Use early childhood literature and resources to guide and support decisions about curriculum and instruction. o Analyze various curriculum and instructional strategies. o Summarize Developmentally Appropriate Practices (DAP) in early childhood education curriculum and instruction. o Create developmentally appropriate environments for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. o Categorize developmentally appropriate practices that advance domains of child learning and development. o Apply best practices in positive behavior guidance. o Demonstrate effective communication and collaboration with families to support children's learning in early childhood education. Scenario The early childhood setting you work in just hired two new teachers, and you were asked to mentor them as they navigate the curriculum and instructional practices encouraged by your program. You have been asked to put together a comprehensive example of a 1-day curriculum and instructional plan. The curriculum plan will focus on a theme and will demonstrate your understanding of DAP as it relates to planning for children's learning and development. Deliverable Your program asked you to include the following in your curriculum plan: o An explanation of the theme Winter animals is the theme o The age group the theme is intended to support. 4yr old preschool class o A rationale of how the theme supports the core considerations of DAP. o A detailed description of how the theme will be shared with families The identification of a children’s book to support the theme and lesson. Provide a rationale for choosing the book. The book im using is Bear Snores On by Karma Wilson (Author), Jane Chapman (Illustrator) recording of the book o At least two learning goals reflect the children’s learning outcomes for the one-day lesson plan. o One detailed activity that you would use to teach concepts and skills related to the book's theme and your learning outcomes. The activity should address teaching strategies as well as potential accommodations to prevent or minimize challenging behaviors. o A detailed blueprint (using Word or PPT and the insert shape feature) of two learning centers in the early learning environment including furniture, equipment, materials that you would create related to the book and theme. o The blueprint should include a brief rationale to describe how the environment supports learning. The rationale should include details about how it is designed to prevent or minimize challenging behaviors. o An example of how you would assess learning o A short message to families sharing the curriculum theme, including opportunities for extending the learning at home. Daily Schedule if you need it. • Arrival 7-8 AM • Breakfast 8:00-8:30 • Clean up/ Bathroom 8:30 • Morning circle 8:45 • Center rotations 9:00 • Outdoor/ Recess 10:30 • Clean up/ bathroom 11:15 • Lunch 11:30 • Clean up /brush teeth 12:00pm • Rest/Nap time 12:15-2:00 • Cleanup/snack 2:00 • Outdoor/ Recess 2:30 • Centers/ kids choice 4-5 • Departure 5-5:30 REASORCES THAT MIGHT HELP The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) states, "Developmentally appropriate practice, often shortened to DAP, is an approach to teaching grounded in the research on how young children develop and learn and in what is known about effective early education. Its framework is designed to promote young children's optimal learning and development." Curriculum and instruction provide the cornerstone for every learning environment. While there are many ways to approach instruction and many components to curriculum, such as literature choices, arrangement of the environment, and intentional interactions and activities, Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) provides the common thread. Additional Resources Environment Planning View the video and reflect on the considerations when you create infant, toddler, and preschool environments that meet developmentally appropriate practices. Engaging Families in the Curriculum Developing Respectful Partnerships
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One-Day Curriculum Plan


One-Day Curriculum Plan
Theme Introduction
Our selected theme, Winter Animals for our 4-year-old preschool class, aligns with the
DAP (“developmentally appropriate practice”) by capitalizing on the children’s instinct to be
curious about their environment (NAEYC, 2022). This theme enhances cognitive skills during
the science activities, exploring the topic of hibernation and animals’ behaviors and social skills
during shared activities. The theme is well-suited for the winter season, helping children draw
connections between the immediate surroundings and new concepts being taught. In this
curriculum, children will engage in dramatic play and interactive discussions to learn how
animals cope with winter. This theme also addresses cultural differences, discussing winter and
wildlife by introducing different views of the two subjects, and at the same time, the learning
process involves skill development in observation, thinking critically, and vocabulary creation.
Featured Book
Our anchor text is “Bear Snores On,” a fun and enjoyable book complete with knowledge
that will be pretty helpful with our 4-...

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