UNit 6 Evaluation

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Please complete and revise. there are 50 questions and the stories are mentioned in the questions.

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1. Which term best describes the characters in “Come and Go”? a. eccentric b. nondescript c. friendly d. happy 2. How do the characters in “Come and Go” know one another? a. They met in a store. b. They are related. c. They work together. d. They met as children. 3. Determine how Becket uses stage directions to convey meaning in this quote from “Come and Go:” “VI: She seems much the same. [RU moves to centre seat, whispers in VI’s ear. Appalled.] Oh! [They look at each other. RU puts her finger to her lips.] Has she not been told?” a. He describes the props used by the characters. b. He uses gestures and movements to indicate a secret. c. He instructs the actors to give meaningful glances. d. He has the characters address the audience. 4. In “That’s All,” what do the characters’ names suggest? a. The women are distinct characters. b. People have little individuality. c. One person could not be mistaken for another. d. People don’t deserve to be named. 5. What is the conflict or situation that drives the plot of “That’s All”? a. Mrs. B. comes to Mrs. A.’s house for tea. b. Mrs. A. and Mrs. B. have fought with a third woman. c. Mrs. A. wants Mrs. B. to come for tea a different day. d. A third woman has changed her schedule. 6. In “That’s All,” what can we assume about Mrs. A.? a. She resents Mrs. B. for talking too much and is jealous of her. b. She pays little attention to other people. c. She fears the other woman who goes to the butcher shop. d. She misses her time with the woman who goes to the butcher shop. 7. In “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night,” what does “night” symbolize? a. nature b. death c. society d. faith 8. What is the theme of “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night”? a. Society treats poets as outsiders. b. People’s faith grows stronger as death nears. c. People should not regret how they act. d. Life is short, and we should hold onto it. 9. What does “green” represent in line 10 of “Fern Hill”: “I was green and carefree”? a. spring b. innocence c. nature d. aging 10. What does Hughes mean in lines 18 and 19 of “The Horses” when he writes, “Then the sun / Orange, red, red erupted”? a. The sun exploded into many parts. b. It grew lighter, and suddenly the sun rose. c. A volcano exploded against the horizon. d. The sunrise made strange colors in the blue sky. 11. Which term best describes the style of lines 3 and 4 from “The Horses”? “Not a leaf, not a bird— / A world cast in frost.” a. unclear b. vague c. bizarre d. precise 12. In “The Horses,” what effect does Hughes achieve with his repetition of the word “silent” (as well as “silence” and “silently”)? a. He is more affected by the silence of the horses than by their majesty. b. He convinces readers that dawn and nature should be quiet. c. He emphasizes nature’s quietness in contrast to the “din” of the streets. d. He expresses his belief that silence is one of the best things in life. 13. What is shown on the tomb described by the speaker in “An Arundel Tomb”? a. a knight on horseback b. a poem about faithfulness c. a crown and sword d. a husband and wife 14. In “An Arundel Tomb,” what does Larkin mean when he calls the belief that love will survive us “Our almost-instinct almost true” in line 41? a. If we believe, love will carry us through life. b. The “love” that we believe in is partially a facade, like the carving. c. People are afraid to follow their true instincts in life. d. It is impossible for people to have true faith in the survival of love. 15. Why does the poet call the miners “fathers” and “brothers” in line 11 of “The Explosion”? a. to tell that the miners were all men b. to show how careless the men were c. to complete the poem’s regular meter d. to emphasize their common humanity 16. What does the glass of water symbolize in “On the Patio”? a. a cloud b. lost love c. the speaker’s anger d. nature’s power 17. How should lines 3 and 4 from “Not Waving but Drowning” be read: “I was much further out than you thought / And not waving but drowning”? a. as a rhyme b. as a song c. as two separate sentences d. as one sentence 18. What effect does the repetition of the line “and not waving but drowning” have? a. It adds humor to a humorless situation. b. It underscores the double meaning of the line. c. It qualifies the poem as an example of free verse. d. It shows the speaker’s acceptance of his death. 19. What is the speaker’s tone or attitude toward his death in “Not Waving but Drowning”? a. happiness b. anger c. satisfaction d. regret 20. What is “lost” in the first stanza of “Prayer”? a. the ability to pray b. faith c. a connection to nature d. identity 21. All of the following are signs of comfort in “Prayer” except a. the minims sung by a tree. b. the singing of a child. c. the chanting of a train. d. the repetition of towns on the radio. 22. In the poem “Prayer,” how does the truth affect us according to Duffy? a. It frees us. b. It causes us pain. c. It attacks us. d. It relieves us. 23. Read lines 2 and 3 from “Prayer” and determine the emotion they portray: “. . . So, a woman will lift / her head from the sieve of her hands and stare.” a. fear b. anger c. depression d. joy 24. Which lines from “In the Kitchen” express Shuttle’s grief over her loss? a. “A jug of water / has its own lustrous turmoil” b. “The ironing board thanks god” c. “The new frig hums like a maniac” d. “I am trying to love the world / back to normal” 25. In “In the Kitchen,” what feeling or mood does the repetition of “I am trying” express? a. joy b. yearning c. sorrow d. deceit 26. Which best describes the tone, or attitude, of the speaker toward her subject in “In the Kitchen”? a. bitter b. brokenhearted c. hopeful d. realistic 27. What does the speaker mean by “I’m trying to get the seas back on the maps / where they belong” in lines 16 and 17 “In the Kitchen”? a. She wants her world to be ordered and make sense. b. She doesn’t know how to read a map. c. She is trying to make amends for her bad behavior. d. She wants her husband to return to her. 28. What news does Rakesh get from reading the morning papers at the beginning of “A Devoted Son”? a. He is getting married. b. He has been admitted to college. c. He is going to America. d. He earned high marks on an examination. 29. As “A Devoted Son” begins, what makes Varma most proud of his son? a. his respect for his father b. his loyalty to his community c. his professional achievements d. his scholarship 30. In “Devoted Son,” which statement gives the best evaluation of Rakesh’s decision to marry a woman his mother has chosen? a. This wife will not help him achieve high social standing. b. He values his family’s support and wants to stay in India. c. He is afraid an American would not help him in his career. d. He knows an American wife would not treat his father respectfully. 31. What impact does the culture in which “A Devoted Son” was written have on the story? a. The main character rejects his new culture completely. b. The customs are used as a springboard for rejection of the culture. c. The traditions and customs are glorified in their remembrance. d. The mixture of old and new confuses the main character, Rakesh. 32. Which statement best describes the transformation Varma undergoes in “A Devoted Son”? a. He is disrespected by his son until the end, when he demands respect. b. He changes his attitude about America from hostile to accepting. c. He is respected at first, and then his son disrespects him in his old age. d. He begins as the talk of the neighborhood and remains a foundation of the community. 33. What is the parents’ main draw to St. Edward’s Preparatory School in “Next Term, We’ll Mash You”? a. It is not expensive. b. It is prestigious. c. It offers a good education. d. It is the child’s choice. 34. In “Next Term, We’ll Mash You,” what does the parents’ motivation for sending Charles to St. Edward’s say about their character? a. They are above the influence of society. b. Their decisions are driven by social climbing. c. They want only the best for their son. d. They put a large emphasis on education. 35. In “Next Term, We’ll Mash You,” what does the mother’s initial reaction to St. Edward’s as they approach the school suggest about her? a. She is determined to acquire the best education for her son. b. She is focused on the way the school can benefit her socially. c. She is predisposed to disliking the school because of the cost. d. She is entirely dependent on her husband’s impression. 36. What does the theme expressed by the results of Charles’s parents’ actions in “Next Term, We’ll Mash You” say about life? a. People are misguided in placing social status above people’s feelings and needs. b. Most people are above the effects of negative social influence in today’s society. c. Over hundreds of years, people’s priorities have not changed. d. Without social classes, people would be at a loss. 37. Which statement best describes the characters’ relationship to the Wilcoxes in “Next Term, We’ll Mash You”? a. The boys are the best of friends. b. The parents admire and respect the Wilcoxes. c. The parents are in competition with the Wilcoxes. d. The parents are quite fond of the Wilcoxes. 38. Read the following sentence from “Next Term, We’ll Mash You” and determine the overall theme that the quotation supports: “It was as though he had but to clench his fingers to crush the skull.” a. The interview was in Charles’s interest. b. Charles suffers at the hands of social influence. c. The headmaster is not a well-respected man. d. Charles’s parents fear for his well-being. 39. Which sentence from “We’ll Never Conquer Space” states the author’s main argument? a. “And now, within one incredible generation, all this has changed.” b. “Psychologically as well as physically, there are no longer any remote places on earth.” c. “In a very few years, . . . we will be able to see friends on the far side of the earth.” d. “It [time barrier] will be a perpetual reminder of universal laws and limitations.” 40. How might a reader challenge this statement from “We’ll Never Conquer Space”: “It will never be possible to converse with anyone on another planet”? a. A reader would know that Clarke cannot support his statement. b. A reader would assume that Clarke is exaggerating. c. A reader would agree, wishing this were not the case. d. A reader would want to see proof of Clarke’s statement. 41. In which quotation is Clarke making an analogy, or a comparison, in “We’ll Never Conquer Space”? a. “Man will never conquer space.” b. “Every technical device is always developed to its limit.” c. “Saturn or Jupiter [will play] the same role . . . [as] Africa or Asia today.” d. “Space can be mapped and crossed and occupied.” 42. Why does Clarke argue in “We’ll Never Conquer Space” that colonies established around other stars would be independent of Earth? a. They would be too distant in time and space for Earth to control them. b. Aliens on other planets would quickly take over these colonies. c. People who travel in space would be independent by nature and rebel. d. Communications would not reach that far, so they would not receive orders. 43. What does Clarke mean in “We’ll Never Conquer Space” when he says, “the price of Space is Time”? a. The technology for travel through space will be costly. b. It will take much time to travel vast distances through space. c. Spaceships, and the fuel to send them into space, are expensive. d. People will have to be paid a great amount to travel into space. 44. Which statement shows the complexity of the universe as described by Clarke in “We’ll Never Conquer Space”? a. The world will no longer shrink. b. The space between stars will always exist. c. Radio and light waves travel at the same speed. d. The stars in our part of the galaxy are, on average, five light years apart. 45. What does Hornby mean in “I’m Like a Bird” when he says, “you are afraid it might make you look as if you don’t know who Harold Bloom is”? a. You are afraid that people won’t like you. b. You are afraid that people will think you are a bad person. c. You are afraid that people will think you are uneducated. d. You are afraid that people will expect too much of you. 46. What argument does Hornby make about the song “I’m Like a Bird”? a. It is better than old songs. b. It is an enjoyable song. c. Its popularity will last. d. It should not be played. 47. Read the following sentence from Hornby’s essay and determine what the quote compares liking a new song to: “[I]t’s true that in our early relationship with, and courtship of, a new song, there is a stage which is akin to a sort of emotional puzzlement.” a. dating b. making a new friend c. having dinner d. being upset 48. What evidence does Hornby use to support the claim that the song is “rich and fresh and addictive” in “I’m Like a Bird”? a. He says he will be over it soon. b. He describes a specific part of the song. c. He thinks it is better than some older songs. d. He wants to play it. 49. What does Hornby mean in “I’m Like a Bird” when he writes, “So, yes, it’s disposable, as if that makes any difference to anyone’s perceptions of the value of pop music”? a. Many pop songs aren’t popular for very long, but they are still enjoyable. b. Pop music will replace classical music, and classical music will be forgotten. c. Listening to pop music will inspire an interest in classical music. d. The true beauty of pop music lies in its melody, not its lyrics. 50. Which statement best sums up the conclusion of “I’m Like a Bird”? a. Music is more important than literature. b. Pop music is not as valuable as classic rock music. c. Music is one of the good things in life. d. Music is inconsequential overall.
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