Major Approaches to Clinical Psychology Presentation

User Generated




•Select one of the following disorders:

•Depressive disorder
•Generalized anxiety disorder
•Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
•Obsessive-compulsive disorder
•Create a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you compare and contrast the major approaches to clinical psychology—psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, humanistic, and family systems—in relation to the selected disorder. Address the following items:
•Discuss the philosophical origins of each approach.
•Identify the goals of each approach.
•Describe the techniques and strategies used by each approach.
•Explain how each approach affects the treatment strategies for your selected disorder.
•Evaluate the effectiveness of each approach, in relation to your selected disorder, based on treatment outcome research.
•Include speaker notes with your presentation.

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Clinical Psychology


Origin of the Approaches

The philosophical origin of psychodynamic approach in
depressive disorders are mental conflicts that may
result from attempt to reconcile.

The cognitive behavioral pattern origin of depressive
disorder is maladaptation of behaviour.

The humanistic approach in depressive disorder
originates where individuals are not able to cope with
their life occurrences.

Origin of the Approaches

Family system approach in depressive disorder

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