Mod 2 General Psychology and the Scientific Method

User Generated



General Psychology 1010


The scientific method allows us to pose questions, test questions, and analyze results. Through observation and research we begin to understand the world around us. Consider research you have read about or been a part of and analyze the following in one page:

  • Was the Scientific method followed? How?
  • What pieces were or were not part of it? (Randomization, study type, placebos, etc.)

For the second part, present a research project you would like to propose in approximately one page.

  • How can it help us learn about basic principles of behavior?
  • How can you use the scientific method to find and address possible problems in your research design?

This paper should be 2pages in length and use APA formatting (cover page, paper body formatting, citations, and references)

I submitted this once and failed, this was my Instructors comments so please please take those into consideration and follow the grading rubric to a T because I only have one more chance to turn this in.

Good start, but you didn't actually identify the scientific method. That's the main idea of this module. You seem to confuse research design with the scientific method.

You can resubmit once

Criterion 1: ID scientific method: (0-4) 1 (Didn't identify what the scientific method is)

Criterion 2: Scientific method components: (0-4) 1 (Missing the pieces of the scientific method. They are there, but you need to apply)

Criterion 3: Research proposal: (0-4) 2 (Hypothesis is OK, but needs specific and testable question)

Criterion 4: ID basic components: (0-4) 2

Criterion 5: Applies scientific method (0-4) 1

Grading Rubric











Did not Submit

No Pass




Not Submitted

No identification of scientific method for identified research study

Identifies scientific method, but lacks explanation of basic features.

Identifies scientific method, but explanation is underdeveloped.

Identifies scientific method, fully explains basic features.

Not Submitted

No identification of scientific method components.

Identifies presence of scientific method components, but lacks specifics.

Identifies some scientific method components.

Identifies and fully explains scientific method components

Not Submitted

Does not propose research study.

Proposes research study very briefly.

Proposes research study and gives some specifics.

Proposes research study and gives full detail and explanation.

Not Submitted

No basic principles identified.

Attempts to identify basic principles with some supporting evidence.

Attempts to identify basic principles with adequate supporting evidence.

Thoroughly to identify basic principles with strong supporting evidence.

Not Submitted

No application of scientific method.

Applies scientific method components, but lacks specifics.

Applies scientific method components with adequate information.

Applies scientific method components with excellent supporting information.

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Explanation & Answer

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