Managing dynamic- CT3

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Saudi electronic university


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Explanation & Answer


Cote Construction Company is a mid-sized construction firm which is experiencing operational
inefficiencies, and organizational issues that compromise delivery of projects where they are
expected, on time, within cost estimates and to the required quality. These problems are as
diverse as economic misallocation and absent hierarchy, both of which hinder productivity and
create stress. To solve the above challenges, it is appropriate to employ the Change Path Model
to approach the re-organisation and improve the productivity of the business. The hallmark of the
Change Path Model is that it offers an organized approach to defining and addressing the key
problems and to supporting the change with the help of consequent change steps of change
process. Since both operational and organizational problems are highlighted, the strategies
presented here will identify the ways to address the problems and bring the company on the route
forward to accomplish sustainable prosperity.
Primary Concerns and Fundamental Problems
Laying at the center of its misery is the fact that Cote Construction experiences operational and
organizational problems that work against the company in the market.
1. Operational Issues:

Resource Allocation: The poor resource management essentially in terms of the human,
financial, and material resource has been a key cause of project failure. Proper allocation
of resources is a core business activity where some groups get assigned few tasks while
others get lots of assignments and due to the imbalance they end up being slow by being

Project Delays: Other major areas of operations concern include perennial poor
performance in handling construction project schedules. These delays have not only made
clients angry, but have also increased the cost of doing business since extra man or
woman power must be used to replace the lost time. The absence of a well-structured
system of project management also contributes to this issue; therefore, schedule
integration is unsatisfactory across teams.

Equipment Management: Another operation challenge has been the lack of efficient use
of costly construction equipment. Maintenance of equipment that is not well managed
tends to be costly, time-consuming and a major factor that results in loss of ...

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