I see. Yeah, a lot of familiar faces. That's great. Um, this course will have a lot of industry, um,
partner, come along. So I really request, uh, a very nice room so that we can we meet with
industry partners? Uh, from week four to week 11, we will have people coming from all kinds of
hotels. And I want you to work with them, not just to listen, not just a passive. Listen, I want
you guys to work with them. That's why, um, our industry partners are, uh, selective. And I will
discuss that later today. Um, this room is, uh, relatively big. Um, I also noticed a few students
can't come, uh, like, haven't arrived yet because of a visa, So I'm not quite sure how many
students we will have, but ideally, I want you guys to, at least, um, the students in in classroom
can, uh, find your team members as soon as possible. because your assessment actually start
from week four. so, um, I'm very I'm under pressure. Uh, all my courses, if some of the students
know me, all my courses are work. Integrate learning. We always engage. A lot of industry
partners, including one of your tutor, is also a full time hotel manager. She couldn't come
because this is the first day for her to become a hotel manager in one property, just moving
from, uh, Novotel to another property. But she will join us, uh, using Zoom. Say hello to
everyone from next week. She will come along after her her work. So, um, I'm very excited to,
uh, innovate this course. Uh, I'm not sure how you can perform for your assessment one,
because we only have two big assessment. One is a mini industry for forum, and the other one
is a take home assessment, uh, toward the end, um, during the exam week. So all the all the all
the weeks, all the teams need to work together to prepare for, um a meaningful You. You want
to design? No, no. You want to I want you to design you design you coordinate and deliver but I
want you to have a better engagement with our industrial partners. Otherwise, um, it's a It's a
shame. They a lot of time in the past years. They come, they they deliver 30 40 minutes
presentation. Uh, only a few selected good students ask 2 to 3 questions, then they leave. I
don't think that's that. That type of engagement is good enough. That's why I want you to fully
prepare for the questions in advance. We will have a few teams work together each week. Um,
and we sometimes can work on some of the topics Our hotel guests want to, um, uh, want you
to work on. So, I will discuss that, um, today. And, uh, the course will be fast paced so quick I
won't spend hours and hours talking about lecture contents. Uh, you will have, uh, textbooks
you can borrow from library online or, um, the hard copies. Uh, I just, uh, pinpoint a few, um,
keynotes key points so that you are familiar with some of the terms. Uh, but a lot of time. You
also need to self-learn, uh, or work in teams. Uh, in your groups. Um and, um, three team Mem.
Uh, teaching team members will work with you to go through, um, this semester. All right, so
today we will talk about course schedule, course, introduction, and assessment. I don't I'm not
sure if I I will, uh, scare you, but, um uh, my, um, discipline, Uh, we have, uh we have, uh a lot of
the, uh, teachers, Uh, but when when they heard about my plan to have a meaning for them,
they become excited, but also very, uh, worried about our student, Um, in terms of, uh, the
quality, your communication, your teamwork. But I think if you can be supported by us, you you
can deliver. Uh, and, uh, I will try to manage, uh, industry expectation as well, but I want you to
build, um, strong connection with our industry partners. And I know a few hotel brands through
these courses. Ideally, if you can find some intern jobs, uh, toward the end. That's great.
Because I will always have students from my former, uh, courses. They they find intern or even
jobs after this type. Of course. Um so during the whole semester, you will see my tutor one,
industry, Uh, tutor, uh, was my former student. Graduated a few years, uh, spent a few years,
especially during covid get promoted very quickly. You will also, um, um, be able to meet
another gentleman. My former student, Jerry. Uh, very, very excellent. I he worked with me,
uh, two years ago as a tutor. Um, he has been promoted quickly. Worked at Sofitel Brisbane for
a while, then now worked in, um, Indigo IHG as assistant front office manager. He he will also
come along and together with the guests, we we will, um, invite, uh, including the general
manager from Novotel Brisbane, South Bank. So, um, I hope you get excited about this course.
Uh, don't worry about too much about the theories. Uh, you you can learn. You can search. You
can do teamwork. But more importantly, I want you to work on problems. They have, uh you,
uh, work together with the with the the industry, um, to find some solution, or at least identify
why that happened, how we can make it. Um um, solved partially. And during this learning
process, you can learn a little bit about hospitality operations. So, uh, although we have we aim
very high. We have high goal. Um, this actually is a foundation course for our hospitality
discipline. Um, so we have four special subjects related to hospitality. 7050. Some of you may
take that, um, in the past, it's about FNB design. And, um, our course sit as the second, um,
more related to hospitality operations. The hospitality is not only about the hotel, it can include
many other sector, depending on what type of guests I can invite in the past. I also invite my
students, uh, former students from cruise ship, but, uh uh, during covid, she, um uh, quit and,
um, find other sector to to work with, Um uh, but I can always find a few people to talk about
the hospital hospitality sector. Um, go beyond hotels. So, uh, let's say club or, um uh, caravan
parks. Uh, eco lodge. Uh, these are not part of the hotels definition, but they are related to
accommodation. And also, uh, casino. I'm not I won't cover that because you have one course
called, uh, Global Hotel Resort and casino management delivered by Andy Lee. So, um, he will
talk about the gambling and casino. I won't cover that. And then, um uh, Nikki's course, Uh,
service leadership in hospitality. I'm sure this this course delivered this semester as well on
friday or Thursday, right? Yeah. OK, so, um, I hope you can learn, uh, something related to
hospitality. I know this sector has big challenge during COVID, but, um, now, uh, it's it's in the
process of recovering, and I can see a lot of opportunities. That's why I want to invite my former
students who are alumni of us. Um, um, hopefully the last session will be a panel speaker, uh,
from, um, overseas. Uh, um, uh, so so that they can share their current job. Um, as well as the
career progress. This is my teaching team. I have. And, um and, um uh, she's currently, uh, so
last week, she she is still with, um Novotel Brisbane, South Bank. Um, now, today is the first day
she moves to, uh, quest Kevin Grove as a, um uh, hotel manager. And I also have Lorna. Uh,
here, Lorna, Uh, is my PhD student. Um, So these two lovely girls will Will, working with me, uh,
to support you The aim of this course is trying to prepare you. Maybe not physically or
practically because it's hard but prepare you in terms of, uh, thinking in terms of, uh, uh, some,
uh, sort of knowledge, uh, for your career with the international hospitality industry. And I
know the main hotel department, um, or have a chance to talk to people who are from these
hotel departments. So we, uh, on the co schedule the seminar schedule you you can see each
week we will focus on one department, but that is just the the plan. But during the your mini
forum, uh, the hotel guests, we won't do that. Uh, very, uh, let's say separately. A lot of the
issue. A lot of the talk, a lot of topics you would design with them won't be only applied for one
sector, um, or department. Sometimes they across different departments. Uh, and we will also
cover some of the responsibility of the hotel. Uh, general manager. So can across different
department. But we will make sure we cover most of the crucial department in a hotel. A
property. That's why I have this, um the the the the image you will see at the bottom. Next
week, we will talk about the lodging. Uh, industry, lodging. The term is more, um, from, uh,
American term. But it's the hospitality or accommodation industry. So we will, uh, discuss, uh,
broadly about the lodging industry next week. Uh, then the the the department FNB um, front
office, housekeeping engineering. SEC security is more a core operations in a hotel property.
Uh, we will also invite people from HR sales and marketing and finance to talk about These are
more support operations to support a core operation of a hotel who deal with customer service
selling, actually selling your room like each room. Um, and we will also talk Talk about, uh,
executive and NGM what they are interested in and your mini forum. The topic. We related to
their, uh, interests. So one, topic, um, related to hotel general manager. Um, we've already
talked to a few, but, uh, the the the top one. We want what we want to have. At least the two
teams working on that session and the Novotel um Brisbane, South Bank, The hotel manager
want us to look at more strategic management for hotel for that hotel post covid so post covid
hotels have a lot of new challenges. Uh, new opportunities. Um, how are we going to help
them? To develop the vision. And, uh, with the new, uh, let's say opportunities in terms of
technology, Um, the the use of a I and and many other things how we can help them to develop
the vision. Um, and you are very young. You are future, uh, consumers. So your ideas will help
them to, um, find some clue. And that's why they are very keen to work with us. And, uh, we
also, uh, the first couple of teams will work on the the marketing. Um, so we will have one,
digital Ma digital marketing manager, um, and will give us topic very soon. So on week four, the
topics related to hotel marketing. So, um, I hope all our students can work hard on the
teamwork because, um, during the whole process, it's a team based learning. Yes, there are
some potential difficulties in terms of running teams, conflicts, communication, But that's the
reality of the workplace. You need to work in teams and we will run two activities today, so
help you to learn with each other. If you If some of you are quite new or haven't known, uh,
with each other, we we will have two activities to, uh, just to try to understand better about
your experience. Your, um um the per not necessary personality, but but your potential role in
the team and help us to organise teams quickly. So that is the schedule. Um, the first three
weeks more related to, um, the learning, Um, get more familiar with the hotels. Um um the the
accommodation sector. Um, but each week we the teaching team will work with you to be
prepared for the forum. Start from week 4 to 11. Uh, not not this 11, actually, 12, because, uh,
Week 11 is public holiday. So eight weeks, um, this we designed because of the enrol. Initially,
we thought we only need seven or 7 to 8 teams. So, uh, each week we we can only have one
teams, but because the enrollment, uh, jumped a lot, uh, we, um, need to have two teams work
together for each week, so we probably need 16 teams. Um, for today you need to consider to
pick up 5 to 6 team members to work. Work together. OK, we won't have exam. Uh, I'll let just
let you to write, uh, open book, take home assessment. Uh, but the requirement. I know it's
easier for you because I've heard, uh, feedback from our foundation course coordinators. Our
students hate exam, Uh, especially the, uh, the close book exam. I understand because you get
the use of, uh, using, uh, a I or some other platform to help you to develop assessment. I did
have some issue last semester. Uh, students, uh, uh, used, um the A I, um in a, uh, not appro
appropriate way. Uh, so fail in the in the course, But, um, I hope you guys, uh, take good
advantage of, uh, open book. Take home, uh, assessment. I want you to come along every week
because I hope my take home assessment the topics related to each week if you can't come
along, Yes. You can use a I to help you to generate some ideas or develop some writing for you.
But I want to read the essay or reflection that you really understand that some of the topics we
discussed each week especially, um some of the thing developed, um, with our industrial
partners, their concerns, their worries, um, in terms of the challenge and how our students
tackle those problems and work on that. So I hope everyone can come along. And I, uh yeah, I. I
want our students to self motivated to participate in the seminars. I know the time of this week
of this semester is not that good. It's It's a 4 to 7 p.m. and I. I just finished my early dinner. Uh,
it's not, uh, um uh, student friendly or staff friendly time. But this time, I also accept it because
we can have more industrial partners come along. They they can come after their work. Um, so
some of them they, um they said, um, actually, the time, um um is not that bad. So let's be
adaptable to the bad. Um, schedule for for this, um, course, uh, as I mentioned, uh, we will
invite people, um, mostly from Brisbane so that they can come in person. Uh, they can talk to
you directly, and you can ask questions, and sometimes you can get their contact detail
sometimes. Not all, um and, uh, build some uh, connection. It's good for you, Really good for
you to have some connection with industry. I know most of our students are international
students. It's crucial industry engagement, network connection and the people who can
sponsor, like, sponsor you or recommend you. Sometimes it's more important than a seven in
course. And to be honest, that's why I really push my development of the all the course become
work, integrate learning because I understand all the international students need that you need
some some recognition from industry, at least some photos with them. Or you can claim you
work on some industry topics. Um, here you have You worked with a few people, real industry
people rather than academics. Um, when you go to your workplace, your connection with real
industry people is more far more important than you know, a professor here. So, um, I hope
you can take advantage of those engagement. We try very best to invite people. It's not easy.
All the co ordination, all the time management and sometimes the the emergency like
management. Uh, because they are very busy, participate in courses like this is not their
priority, but why they come along because they also want to know some ideas from industry,
uh, from students and also want to connect with young people. Um, and, uh, help with our
programme. So I want you to make a good use of those connection. They probably can be your
future employer, OK, And even maybe not in Brisbane one day. You can use this experience to
find a job in in China or in, uh, Sodi or some other in Indian, uh, other country, your home
country, because that's what happened in the past. I have so many students find the job
through LinkedIn and because they mentioned I have internship here. I have, uh I have worked
on industry projects with a particular, um, industry, Let's say government or, uh, hotels,
especially big brands that will help you to improve your employability. So we will. Um uh, I this
is just some of the plan. Uh, it depends on their availability. Sometimes the the hotel manager
can't be available on uncertain time, even the schedule with us, Uh, but of other because of,
uh, due to other work commitment. But, uh, we now we have a few people from, uh, especially
from Novotel. because of, uh, uh, Andrew's, um, commitment. And I met with the hotel
manager in the past, Uh, he's from, uh, he's French. So, um uh, and very, uh, keen to work with,
uh, young students. So we we will have a few come from Novotel. Um, And the sofa, they under
the same brand. What's the brand? The same brand of a software And Novotel? Yeah, a cool.
So, um, in the past, uh, this course also have a summer summer course. Uh, I'm not sure if, uh,
schools still deliver that during the summer course intensive course, uh, across 2 to 3 weeks.
Uh, in the past, we organised the seminar, um, with a core group. So students are able to, uh,
welcome people from all the hotels from a call. So from high end Sot hotel to the middle, uh,
range of novotel, Um, And to I BS uh, and, uh uh, uh, um, different brands. Um, but you will
know. Um, I didn't mention about, uh uh, IIHG. Uh, but, um, uh, Jerry will come from IHG
indigo. Um, and, uh, Hilton, uh, human resource manager is always very keen to join us. Um, I
hope I can confirm the time with an Andrew from Hilton as well. And the Brisbane Marriott.
Um, we worked with them for a while. Um uh, but now, because there are so many other
properties, uh, come along. Let's see, uh, and, uh, um, I hope you can, uh, have a chance to talk
to people from, uh, different properties. Know their culture, brand branding and activities and
problems. If you want to, uh, send, uh, the teaching team, Uh, your, uh, inquiries, uh, or
something related to the course. Make sure you have, uh, the the course code in your subject
because we don't want to waste the time to ask you again. WW which course you are from, uh
um and and so on. So make sure you have your course co course code. Uh, not necessary,
student ID. But, uh, a lot of time you can have the the issue or, um, the very short term related
to to the problem in the subject line. Save time in your work, and I later on, we will discuss your
work experience. But, uh, if some students have already had work experience, you will know
managing tasks. Uh, managing teamwork and also the communication, um, style really
important to improve pro pro productivity. We don't want to waste the time to repeat, um,
something again, Again. So, uh, if you make us easier, uh, it it will also make your, um, your
work or your, uh um things easier to to be solved. OK, so, uh, but I'm not a fan of an answering
all the questions in email. It's waste of time sometimes. So I want our students to talk to me
directly during the, uh, course time. We will have consultation time every week that that is
more efficient to talk to us. Otherwise, uh, I can't understand your question. Then I answer in a
wrong direction. That's waste of time. Uh, so, um, talk to us directly. And also be aware of
Andrew's, uh, work commitment. Uh, she is a full time worker as a manager. Very, very busy.
Um, so sometimes we can rely on Lorna to answer your question related to the blackboard or,
um, the coordinations of the teamwork, those kind of thing more. Let's say, external industry
related questions we can ask and, um so try to differentiate their role and make yourself easier.
Uh, yeah. OK. Do you have any questions So far? Not yet. OK, good. Where's the clock? Oh,
clock here. Textbook. So, um, there are so many different textbooks related to hotel
operations. And these two, I highly recommend you to quickly scan if you can, um, for for your
learning. But we won't rely on one or two books for, um, this course if you work on some of the
hotel problems and try to identify the issue related to that, you definitely need to work search
broadly rather than the the textbooks. A textbook. Uh, the good thing is, they have definition.
They give you some insights so that you can learn a subject and and understand a few key
terms. And the key? Um uh, let's say even very basic in revenue management. Some of the
term related to occupation Occupancy rate, uh, ra pa, those kind of things you probably need
need to search and read a few chapters. Um, but it's not essential for you to buy it. You can you
can borrow from a library. Um, as I said, we will have weekly seminar highlights in the very
beginning, delivered by me then, uh, from week four, we will have a mini forum. We will have
student presentation. Two teams, student presentation first, Each team has 5, uh, 10 minutes
to present on a topic. We we will develop the topic together, and then we will have guests
come to talk about the issue. If they have more time to be with us, they they can listen to your
presentation. Uh, depending on their availability, if they only have, uh, 30 40 minutes, we will
welcome them for their guest to talk. And we will ask, uh, the student teams, maybe another
one or 22 teams to to prepare fully, prepare for the questions you can ask for not only the
students present, but also the industry guests at the talk. We will have more discussion about
that later then. Um, in week two, we'll have a case study, Um, just to let you to, uh, get more
familiar with with a few topics. And each week we will have assessment Q and A. Or we can call
teamwork consultation because the assessment 50% is about the mini forum, 10%. Uh, from
that 50% is your individual performance P a evaluation. I'll take more look at the, um, P a
evaluation and, uh, discuss that later. So now you don't need to worry about take home essay
yet. Um, the only thing you need to remember is all the essay question from each week's
discussion, Like the the forum, but the forum. Some of the topics based on the foundation
learning. But this is a 50% during the exam. Week one, um, you will have 24 hours to work on
that. We will discuss the topic at the end. Um, maybe week 30. Because I have no idea about
that yet, but need to be more dynamic. And I want to deliver based on what we've talked
during the semester. And now the only thing you need to worry about is this. 50% about a
forum. Um, we probably don't have a lot of the writing during the semester for this. Um, uh, for
this course, uh, it's more about presentation. Question like QQ and a listen. And to the industry,
um, uh, guests and all the design. You can have your own design about the forum so more
flexible just to try to better engage the guests, so it's more more. Um uh, interesting to see
what you want to design. In terms of four, you can have a debate. Two teams have debate.
Let's see. Um, but but, uh, you you just put efforts on this 50% at this stage. Uh, and, uh, I know
you have many other assessment from other 32 to 3 other courses. Um, So if you can prepare
this form, then just enjoy the whole process. Um, of the of the engagement. All right, So, uh,
now I want to know more about our students. I have a few, um, sticky note here. So, Lorna, I
will help me to distribute to you. Uh, I, I only want you to write down your name. Your, um your
your full name that we can, um, probably identify easily. Uh, because we want to, uh, know,
know more about your in terms of your, uh, communication. Uh, and, uh, so on. So let's see.
Oh, before we move on, uh, do you have any questions related to assessment? It's quite open
right now. Um, I don't have a like a one fit oil. Um um template for you guys, But But the only
thing I can say is, um, the the the com com compulsory component is student presentation,
plus industry guests talk, uh, plus Q and a so your Q and A and you need to develop question,
we will work with you. Um, but we also want you to, um, have more engaging questions to be,
um, prepared. And once the guests, um, talk something is, um, beyond what you expect or
design, you are able to ask follow up questions and and so on. We will, uh, provide the marking
sheet those kind of thing later. Um, I will put on the blackboard, but but But at at the moment,
you can, like, have a, um, a more open to to some of the forum. You by yourself. You want to
have, uh, and how you can better engage industry industry guests. OK, so no questions.
Yeah, we can talk about that later.
All right, let's do the first activity. I know here are so many different hotel brands. I can't I can't
remember all of them. Uh, and and every year new brands are developed, sometimes brand
some some brands, they disappear. But can you describe? This is more personal. OK, can you
describe your experience working or have internship with a hotel brand? And what insights did
you gain from that relationship? I know some of the students may not have that work
experience, but we want to first identify whether or not some of the students have work
experience. No pressure. But we want to identify. Some students have work experience, and
they probably can be the the team leader, or at least, uh, play an important role in those teams
because I don't want all the teams have no idea about hotel and then work on the industry
forum. Uh, but But if you don't have a very particular work experience, you can think about
whether you have, like, in the past during your bachelor degree, whether or not you work on a
hotel related projects or have any interaction with the hotel with hotels in your home country.
Uh, some may have three months or even two months during your summer vacation of the
internship. Um, that's totally fine. So, uh, maybe, um, we can distribute the the note first. Let
them to at least write on write on the paper about your name. Uh, and, uh, you think about any
hotel brands, You have interaction or you own a hotel. Your your your family own the hotel.
Even it's not a big one. could be a small boutique hotel. Or, uh, your you You change your your
your own property into accommodation in your hometown. All these type of thing relevant. OK,
anything related to accommodation? Accommodation sector has hotel resorts Caravan Park.
Uh, what else? Uh, B and B. Um so, uh, bed, bed and breakfast. Uh, motel and all kinds of
accommodation. Uh, experience. OK, so write down on the paper. Just write down your name.
Just write down your name. So once you, I'll invite you to, uh I will invite you to share, and then
we will collect the name. Just write down your name, and then start to think about the
experience, work, experience, or project experience, or you've had something related to the to
the hotel. OK, five minutes. Um, So you've heard some of the talk from OK? Yeah. You can You
can Yeah. I can invite you to discuss what? What particular? What insights you gain from the
relationship if you interview people. Yeah. If you don't have a work experience, then that also
count. Yeah, that's OK. That's OK. This is just an example. We have thousands of hotel brands.
That's OK. Yeah. OK, so just to think about that on the on the, um, note, uh, sticky note is just
just your name. You don't write on that. Just your name. So think about what you want to share
with us. Work, experience, intern, project interview or you've had, uh you have some in your
bachelor degree. You have had some guest speaker from hotel. Then think about what you
learned. What? What, what? What what things you want to share with us about that
relationship. If somebody own or operate in a hotel, that meant that's even better. I know a
few students. You, your family may may own a little, uh, property or boutique. That's OK to
share a few minutes.
Oh, you know, like one.
OK, who want to be the first to share with us?
Who who have who have had work experience in a
hotel in the past? Yeah, Ok. Can you give me your name? The the tag, the because I want to put
on? Yeah, OK, I have to uh OK, I'll put here
You got Oh, I'll give you the microphone. I hope to meet you again.
Here, all of you.
OK, all right.
Can't see that. So Di di Di di Ok, Digo want to share with us about his? Uh yeah, it works your
work experience. OK, so what brand? What hotel? The name I've worked in several before.
So OK, name a few. OK, I worked in Corinthia. It's an European one. I work in Qatar there. OK, I
work in a cruise ship and I work currently at the Ho Hotel in the Valley.
OK, that's a lot three at least. You name three? Um so pick up one. so like, let's say the longest
one. Which one is the longest? Uh um uh, relationship with that company. Which one?
Well, the three of them have been, like just for one year and a half. Something like that. Yeah,
OK, all of them. What they have in common is like they have, like, these guests like because
normally I before that, I worked in just in F and B. But when you go to the hotel. You just realise
that's like it has, like, this guest component and that there are several departments working
together. Not just you. So actually, there are, like, many aspects because pro probably F and B.
I'm I'm normally behind the bar. You have to work with housekeeping. You have to work with,
um, maintenance. You have to work with, uh, front of house, just to make sure that the guest
experience is like the best. And usually that's like that. Like that's That's a standard. That's a
common thing among all the brands. Like Guest is like, crucial. A crucial thing.
The core, the guest, um, satisfaction that the whole service is related to guests needs. So you
work, Um, pretty much about FNB in in the beginning, then you realise, uh, uh, FNBFNB means,
uh, food and beverage. So, uh, also related to, um, the other departments, like, housekeeping
or front office or other services? Uh, sector. And, uh, these all related to the guest experience?
Right. OK, so that's the insight. Or like, a one component. You summarised. Uh, the guest. Um,
Lorna, are we going to write just to write a few key key words there. So you can write FNB and
guest, um, experience on on under the name FMB and the guest experience. OK, um, so do you
want to lead a team? Uh, this time because of your, uh, relatively good, uh, work experience in
the past? Uh, because we want to identify. At least a few people have work experience, but you
definitely can, uh, have or select other other members. I I'll give. I'll let you to consider it. Uh,
it's not compulsory, but you can you can consider
I've been leading, like, the team because I'm a bar manager right now, so I'm just leading, like,
the bar team, like I work.
Yeah. Yeah, OK, But I'm in charge of the bar team, so Yeah, OK, but I'm talking about the project
team for this course anyway. Um, uh, open for you. Um, thank you for for share. Um, can can
you also tell me in your past experience, uh, what are what is the typical challenge you feel, uh,
in terms of, uh uh, the operation in Could be the B team or FNB department or or whatever. Uh
uh, is there any typical challenge that you come this programme because you have that
question and you want to solve that. Or, um, have you noticed anything related to to the
Yeah, One of the one of the things we I have found out is like communication is like one thing
that sometimes, uh, makes the team well, all the teams like, just struggle. And because FMB
usually it's like, really multicultural. You have people from all around the world, so sometimes
that even language cultural barrier can make this, um, communication to struggle a little bit.
And when there is no communication, that's where, like, the operation and like every team
effort will struggle.
OK, OK, added the communication as something Yeah, we just have a few keywords there
because, um, all the student is sharing could be some tips or hints for us to develop our topics
later on. Uh, and we want our students to share and be open to communicate. That's crucial for
this course, because later on, if we have industry partner here and none of you want to talk to
them or to open a dialogue, um, it's very embarrassing. Uh, and and you need to take those
advantage or even sometimes in in class, you can practise your your communication. OK, so
communication not only important in a hotel, but also in the the team that like the the the
learning learning environment and definitely important, uh, for your future workplace. Um uh,
Yeah. OK, thank you so much to be the first to to share. Uh, and you've touched a few things in
terms of, uh uh, which department you worked with? Uh, I can't remember all the brands you
mentioned, but it seems, uh, a few different. Um uh, brands, Uh, and, uh, you mentioned about
the the the core is guest experience. Uh, the problem is related to communication. Excellent.
Thank you so much for sharing who want to be the second. Ok, thank you. Thank you. Uh, who
want to be the second to share, uh, about your your work experience or observation? Um, we
have a few people who have experience in the past, right. Do you want to share? Don't. Don't
be shy. Shy will kill your career in the future. You lost opportunities. OK, um thank you.
In this is, uh, ZZZ.
Ok, ciao. Um, mentioned about Marriott here, Ok? All right. Zia tell us about your work
So I work in the mare like shred Hotel back in China. So its one of the hotel owned by marred?
Yeah. Where? In which city or which country? So China, China in T.
Ok, so I worked in like, uh, one month and a half, I think in food and beverages.
OK, food and beverage. F and B. And for 1.5 month, half is the internship. Internship?
Internship. OK, so yeah. OK, so, um what What do you feel about the internship you enjoy or
you dislike? You hate you. You don't want to go go back to the hotel again. What? What type of
feeling you have?
It's pretty good. I really love the place. And, um, they have a lot of rules, but a lot of the rules, a
lot of rules, different department. You have to contact with different department to get the
same words. And yeah, you have to get a lot of communication with other because I work in the
bakery and have to contact with the manager of the, uh upstairs. So culinary skills, like cooking
stuffs and have to talk to the housekeeping manager to fill a lot of documents and make make
sure the thing works together. Like like in one group. Yeah. So I really like that place. And, uh,
the only problem is, uh, they change the menu every day just to every day, every day, but they
just just some original stuff. They don't have a lot new designation. They're not open up to get
it New food or new menu. I think that's so.
Can you explain that a little bit more why they change the menu so frequently? Because, uh,
have you noticed, uh, some requirement for them to change menu?
Uh, I talked to the manager in the bakery department, so she told me she really want to change
the menu to, like how to say that to, um, to follow the step of different hotels just not to buy
cocks. So like to upgrade the menus a lot to get some food to, um, to make the customer
satisfaction. OK, like, um, is it during a particular period now
really, like a covid? Covid is really special. During that time. The operation is very different. So
it's after covid after the covid, but they they change menu frequently. That caused the problem
for staff member training as well. Right?
Really? Don't get used to it. The new stuff, How to make it or OK, OK,
maybe just to write down the problem in terms of a menu change menu. Um, frequently, Um, is
there any very, uh um let's say positive thing you want to share with us, uh, for your, um, past
Yeah, it's a lot like the relationship and the rules. It's really, um what do you mean, the rule?
The relationship? I can understand the relationships with other coworkers colleagues. That's
great, right? No discrimination? No. OK.
And the relationship with the customers are really good. 01 of the like like this is just the They
have the different customer from different countries. So they they need to get more stuff to
speak English so that they can understand.
So it's more international. Um, you have a lot of international customers and need staff
member to use English more. They need more. OK, so what about the rules you mentioned?
But they have a lot of rules and rules, but you said it's a positive. Why why you say that So I
think regulations are
really good to manage and control the stuffs so they don't have to. They got a lot of mass and
they know where to start, where to end. That's a good thing.
So probably that's more, um, the relationship more related to HR HR and HR. Uh, yeah, maybe
write down the HR a good good HR. At least they they have good relationship. Um, from her,
uh, intern, uh, experience. Ok, um, and do you want to work with Marriott again? Yes,
definitely. OK, so that internship increase your your willingness to work with them again. OK,
great. Thank you. Thank you for your sharing. Thanks. Who, uh, who want to share who? Who
else want to share? Even it's not a work experience. You your let's say, uh, uh, special
interaction with the hotel. We will definitely have one talk about the the interview or or some
of the the other type of relationship. Um, but but, uh, is there anyone has, uh, the the work
experience? Yeah. Can I have your name?
So But this, you know, you trend trend.
OK, OK, so, Trent, tell us about your work experience,
OK? So I spent like a month, half a month for working at Indigo Overseas Chinese town. It's you
located at Shenzhen. OK, And which department are working on food and beverage?
Oh, OK. Food and beverage again, which means we can enter. Enter the food and beverage
relatively easier than some other department. OK, good.
But the scene differently. Like, we are also working on the front office. Something like front
office, because we have VIP guests check in, check out at the areas. So actually, my apartment
is a VIP lounge and yeah, and we have happy hour. We have dinner. We have, like, afternoon
tea. So, uh, I work at I found out the most difficult thing is like, uh, sometimes customer can be
tricky like they can be. I don't know how how they act, but sometimes they can be rude, but we
still have to, um, like, smelling and not try to even in our inside.
Oh, why you have that wrong behaviour to me. You still need to behave very well, serve them
and meet their needs. Yeah, that's the hard part.
And for the previous to say like communications, I agree. Like communication like essential um,
essential course for the food and beverage. Because we have to, uh, Cooper with our like, a
team. We have to tell them someone need tea. Someone need, like, soda or anything else.
Sometimes we make mistake, but that can, like, uh, hook the customers, and we have to try to
make it right. That's kind of be quite challenges for working at food. And so communication
again is a challenge.
And also, um, the way you describe is emotional labour. So, um, for the staff member who work
in service sector, when if you study Niki service leadership course, we'll definitely talk about
emotional labour. We we need to smile all the time, make sure our customers are happy. And
that's a are very hard and need a lot of emotional commitment. So maybe you can also write on
the emotional labour, uh, for for 11 month, right? It's an intern again. Yes, it's the intern. Yeah.
OK, so, uh, what What do you feel about the IHG? Indigo belongs to IHG brand. What do you
think about the brand itself?
Um, I think the brain is pretty, um, friendly. Like the stuff. It's like everyone treat them. So like
they they are belongs to this hotel, whether you are intern, whether you are part time or some
other workers. But they pretty much treat each other like friendly. I was like a family member.
Yeah, I would say it feels like home.
So yeah, OK, great. That's a good experience because nowadays, particularly for young
generation, it's really hard for them to feel the home feeling in the workplace. Um, and I think,
uh, different to many other, um, type of, uh, employ employee employers. Hotels do, uh, treat
that as their goal to be. Usually they say, Oh, we If we treat our employees good, then
employees will treat our customers good. So still, can the HR still try very hard to
accommodate, um, employee needs? Although, um, it's Yeah, it's it's a hard work in hospitality,
and I find also some difference.
Like in HG Hotel. I don't know about other hotels, but, uh, in China, the hotel don't receive any
tips, especially from the server. So in my past experience, so I receive a lot
of T. Yes, right, like some.
Sometimes they just give tips. Anyways, they just give you from international customer.
Yeah, Yeah.
They just give you 100 bills and say, Yeah, take it. I said I cannot take it.
Maybe because you serve them very well. They They feel very satisfied about your work. And
you deserve that. Thank you. Trend to share your work experience. Excellent. Um, do we have
other students? Oh, let's see. Thank you. Thanks for for sharing. Right. Do we have other
students who have work experience in hotel or other type of accommodation? Yeah. Can you
have your name?
OK, so I got three internship during my, uh, bachelor. So at the beginning, I was working for, uh,
Moxi. I spent a month to learn bartending and the cocktail making right there. And after that, I
got an internship at club Lounge for, uh, Renaissance. And that's, uh, actually, it's a, uh,
apartment for front office. But we offer F and B service and, uh, check in checkout for those
VIP. And after that, I moved to the intercontinental, also working for club. But what different is I
got to teach some new stuff, let them know how to what to do and share some basic
knowledge about, like, cocktail like, uh, eco drinking. And after that, I go back to school and
finish my, uh, university. Then I got a full time job at a brand called and O, which is a lifestyle
brand belong to group hire. And I work in there at, uh, reception and do some job like check in
check out and some basic financial job. So, yeah, what is the, uh, most challenging thing is those
for financial job. So if you want a little bit missing, that can be a big problem, because it's
related to some system things like the opera season. So if you got, uh, like missing, you have to
pay that rent. Pay that for yourself so that, you know, it's actually it's like the cash or system.
But you need to do some basic financial job first, then this This problem will move to the
financial apartment.
OK, so you touch the F and B front office,
so most of them are front office apartments. So yeah, good, um, finance and finance.
So because you work with different hotels or brands, what
is the similarity or common thing you found from?
Uh so the similarity is most of this brand use the system, the the opera system so we can easily
handle the new job. Even you go to a different hotel. But like both of this brand is belong to
Marriott. So it's quite easy to to move to another brand. And, uh, I think all those jobs for for
internship is really pretty easy for the intern.
Very high expectation of the intern, um, is that some
difference among them give you a shock?
Or let's say the cultural differences or anything you feel they are. And I love these brands rather
than the other brands because, yeah, I think the most different thing is I
have to do the night shift at the Hyatt. So it's really different most most of the time. Um, those
job is really easy. But at night some people get drunk and they come here, and, uh, it's really
hard to have conversation with them. And also more financial job at night shift. So that's what I
got to learn.
Yes, you need to check, uh, all days received, Maybe
write down the, um the shift night shift as a, uh, a challenge for hotel jobs. Is there any other
insights you want to share with us All these type of Do you want to go back to hotel?
I'm really with with you, even after you want to
work in conversation with the pass. A lot of thank you so much, Steven. Because a lot of
students, all their family, like, especially parents lost. Um, let's say confidence, uh, for the hotel
jobs they thought, Oh, during covid a lot of, uh um uh, a lot of the tourism, uh, jobs, Uh, they
are, uh, not safe or not, uh, secure or are not stable, So a lot of parents will think Oh, maybe
you go for go to find some other jobs, like in government or academics, like as a teacher. Uh,
and, um uh, many other type of, uh um, or IT related those kind of jobs. So for the hotels, it's
hard to recruit employees, even after covid. That's why a lot of my former students get
promoted very quickly. Um, because of a lack of labour. Especially here. Um, but even in some
of the, uh, um, country, uh, I can see some students from, uh, like, like as an asian country. Um,
hotel jobs don't, Um receive, uh, a very high recognition from the society, Um, in terms of a
night shift, in terms of a payment in terms of respect from other communities and so on. But if
you really have passion, I hope our students can continue and keep the the the passion.
Because I also receive, um, the reflection from, uh, our alumni, uh, hotels. Yes, A lot of a lot of
times they have negative aspects in terms of a long hours. Uh, work, long working hours, low
payment. But, uh, you also get chance to if it's in a very good hotel brand, you you get to
experience very different, um, places you can move like mobility is very global. Uh, if it's a
global brand, you can move along. If you if you don't think the family issue is an issue, like you
don't have, like, a kids or or to look after, and then you need to stick in one city and you are
able to move along, uh, in different places. So So a lot of the, uh, alumni of us, they they move
in different cities, different country. I also have student, uh, work from like, um uh, some Asian
countries then move to Middle East. Um, in Dubai and and many other places. It's great for
young people to to gain experience. And the more global experience you have, the better you
can get promoted in hotel. Um, we will discuss that later during the semester, but it's good you
can have different experience in different brands, and, um, same as, uh, some some of them,
um, account, like accounting students shared. Um, because I know a lot of, uh, Stu.
International students will also study accounting and in, uh um, in Australia, there are four big,
um, uh, bank uh uh, name, like, uh, Big Four. They also called Big Four. So for students study
accounting or finance, Uh, after 10 years, you move along in the banking system here. You you
spend a few years in one bank and the other 10 to 15 years later, you you come across all big
banks because I have students study hospitality, then move on to bank. Uh, she is a, um,
customer service advi advice in, um, I. I can't remember which which, uh, which, um, bank she
is with but, uh across, uh uh, Multiple at least three banks in Australia, Like in Sydney. Uh, she is
in Sydney, but, um uh is our, uh, MM, uh, student as well. So, um, same as the hotel. Um, a lot.
A lot of, uh, even Angel and even Jerry, we will invite later on. They came along very different
brands already. Um, so, um, it's important to know the operation system are quite similar if the
the brands at a similar level. Definitely high end and low end. They have very different
operations and the scale very different. But let's say if some of the brands let's say Marriott and
Hilton, uh, Brisbane. They are very similar. They are competitors. Uh, I'm not I'm not sure if I
will invite both manager from both ho hotel, um, to to here this time, But, uh uh, sometimes,
um, our guests will talk about the competitors and maybe the competitor, um, is the guest
speaker of last week. Then they they have, uh, a lot of, uh um, competition. But privately, a lot
of them are friends. Good friends. Uh, so very interesting that you you can have transferable
skills in this sector. And if you like, um develop into a certain level. You are free to move around
easily. Uh, OK, thank you, ST Steven, uh, to, uh, Steve or Steven, uh, to to share your, uh,
experience. Uh, very, uh, interesting to hear you come across multiple department and, uh,
figure out some of the challenge. Um, and can can I invite other students? I know you want to
probably talk about other interview. What you've got from that interview with a hotel manager
is a hotel manager.
It can I have the thank you Talk about your
interview with the hotel manager? Yes, I just had a couple of years ago, I
had an interview in an intercontinental hotel in Al Khobar City in Saudi Arabia. Yes, it was. What
is it about? It's for a student project. No, it's just for and I shift supervisor Assistant, are
you? So you want to apply for a job? OK, you apply for a job in Intercontinental Hotel in your
home country, and it's a night night shift night
shift of super super assistant.
Was it successful?
It wasn't successful.
Successful, but what you've got from that interview. Well, of course I had some experience for
applying to
another job. I had it in.
Yes. So has that particular interview to give you something that you you understand better
about the the the position or the hotel or is there any learning?
Well, it was just one of my first interviews, so I had an experience how to do interviews with
companies, and that's how I got work. Who interviewed you?
Is it the department head or HR? HR. OK, so what type of questions they ask you?
One of the toughest question was, Where do you see yourself in five years?
Wow, that's a very, very open question, but can identify somebody's passion or some of the
your, uh, career plan. And so maybe everyone can think about what? What? What? What is
your plan or what you want to achieve? You want to be in five years. OK, all right. That's a
That's a very interesting uh uh, interaction with the with the with the hotel. OK, so maybe after
the study here or after a while, you If you apply for that company later again, you will be better
to communicate with them, tell more stories about yourself and sell yourself.
Yeah, and my answer was a student. That's where I see myself in five years. And here I am.
Yeah. OK, thank you. What's your name?
My name is Abdul Abu Abdul Hadi.
A AAA H Hadi Abdul Hadi. I just put here. Um although, um, that was not a successful interview,
but every lesson count. I think every experience count. That's why I want to let our students
know you only work on, Let's say, a student project on something here. You definitely need to
take good use of those, uh, how to say that It's the chance to write a story about yourself. You
need something to inspire yourself as well as your future employer. In terms of what you
achieve through that experience, the the project you've done the the lesson, the interaction
with our future. Um uh, industry guest you need to take sometimes. Take photo with them. You
can if you really want to find a job. Especially those experienced students. Prepare your CV.
Yeah, prepared sometimes. Just give them directly because I had one. not because I didn't
teach this course last year due to some reason, But, um uh, for another course, I co ordinated
uh, one student. Uh, let me to introduce to some Some, um, I think during that time is, uh,
Emporium Hotel here, a boutique hotel and she got a night audit position. Um, just the inter
because of the interaction with the, uh, front office manager we invited, um, during the call, uh,
from emporium. So for the students who have had experience, you are a little bit advanced
because they really recognise the the the the previous experience. No matter it's internship. Or,
um, the the short term work experience that count you need to sell yourself. Yes. I have work
experience in hotel, then all the interaction with the hotel brands. I hope you strategically think
about that. Let's say go back to your, um um the the interview question. They have what you
want to be in five years, but same. What brand you want to work with after your graduate after
your graduation here? Is there? Is there any particular brand you really want to work with? Is
Marriott or RHG again? Or many other hotel brands? You You thought, uh, that's prestigious
and I really want to work in in those kind of a hotel you think about that? And some of our
industry guests, Maybe they are not from that brand. Maybe they've worked in those brands in
the past. Or they may move to that brand soon. And sometimes they know friends from there.
So think about that. You need to treat these strategically. If you want to find a job in hotels,
keep in mind. You can talk to us, talk to and, uh, or let us know. Um and we will see how we can
help you to be better prepared for any opportunity that you can make impression for the
industry partners you need to make impression. Otherwise, they won't remember you Then
how to strategically find the opportunity to send your C VA lot of time for the big brand? Let's
say a call, uh, soho or Novotel they need. Or Marriott. You need to submit your CV through
their HR system. Even, uh, Hilton, um, but if they urgently need somebody, you can have that
process run quickly. And if we have HR manager come along sometime, that's a faster track.
Um, but no guarantee. You just need to think about your needs, your passion. I really want to
hear somebody say I really want to work in hotel. That's a big sometimes a big ask. It's It's so
hard for our students to continue their passion. After a while, working in hotel, I will introduce
one girl to you later. I'm not sure if I can invite her, but if I can, I will always invite um, Lila, Um
my former student. Um, now, uh, she work now she works, uh, in Hyatt Beijing. Uh, as a
revenue management executive, Um uh, she studied this course in tw 20 2016. Uh, the first
semester. Uh, she she studied this course. Then, uh, we have all the guests. And during that
time, I have a big partnership with Marriott Brisbane Hotel. So all the hotel guests are from
Marriott during that semester. She is very active. She studied hotel management during
bachelor degree, have internship in. Um uh, I can't remember the the hotel, but in Beijing, Um,
then during the the first semester, she was very active. And then, uh, talk to the guests directly
after class and then find an intern F and B intern in Brisbane Marriott Hotel. Um, and the whole
study, like one half years of MM. Um, degree, She works there part time, Like a ca casual, Um
uh, position. When she graduated, she also did, um, uh, master by thesis. So the GPA, um, her
GPA was, uh, uh high enough. So she during that time wants to do, uh, um PhD. And she
studied master by thesis and work with me as a tutor. And, uh, I can't remember 2020 17 or
2018. I invite one, revenue manager from, um, uh, Marriott cluster. It's not a Brisbane hotel,
but a cluster, Um uh, Lisa Cox, I think, uh, so she, as a tutor for me, talked to Lisa directly. Say,
can I have, uh, an intern in revenue management? Because I'm FNB and I really want to take
good use of my MA programme. I want to study revenue management. So after that semester,
Lisa gave her six months of training of revenue management. Uh, and at the same time, she
also struggled, uh, doing, um, applying for PhD and those kind of things. But, uh, after the six
months of training, she received a, um uh, in invitation from, uh, Beijing. Marriott asked her to
join them because of the training here, here at Brisbane. So then she said, Oh, let's pause the
PhD study. So I will like, uh, farewell. Uh, with my, um, lovely student Laa Uh, she then joined,
uh, Brisbane Marriott in 2018, I think 2017, 2018. Um Then after a while, she move, Move a lot
around then, uh, drawing another hotel in Changsha, Uh, another city. Uh, and, um, a few years
ago, I go back to, uh, hired, uh, so promoted, uh, slowly. But in revenue management, because
during that time, we found, um, um, students need to differentiate your skill sets. You have
analytic skills. You have master degree. Um, and, uh, if you also have passion in hotel, think
about the next chapter. Probably go beyond FMB You You can consider some other, um,
department HR is another place, and a lot of my former students work in marketing, sales and
marketing. I'll see if I can invite a few of them, uh, in our final session of the panel speaker. So
invite a few a few students who worked in, um, marketing HR or strategic management in a
global, um, not global sorry, a corporate, uh, company. Um, but they they change jobs quickly,
so I'm not sure if they're still there, but II, I hope you if you have some passion in services in
hotels, um, you keep it. You continue working on that. It's really hard. Lila want to quit the job a
few times and have long conversation with me, but she is still there, And she, um, becomes
more and more important in her role. Um, so, working with multiple big brands, um, looking
after the revenue management. So I'm I'm sure many of you can find your own direction. Um,
sometimes not in hotel, but, uh, I think the tourism across different sector, uh, you you always
can find, uh, a different opportunities. Uh, sometimes, uh, hotel sometimes, uh, tourism, Um,
related, um, companies, uh, you never know, but especially those students have passion in
hotel. I want you to to keep it and and continue, because hotels is a a very interesting place to
to work with. And you can while we have guests. Um, later on, you will see they move. They
move around all the time, but still in the hotel sector. Um, and It's It's very interesting place. All
right. Um, I think we need to have a quick break. Um, and thank you so much for for those, uh,
five students to share with us. Your your former experience, I hope, uh, you can invite more
students to to share in the second activity. Um, and, um, let let me check if and can, uh, join us
very soon. Let's have a break.
Come. Turns off. Uh, no, it was OK. So I wish you got this. The car. You you S AC. She How's it
going? Excuse me? For how many minutes is still, um, five minutes.
Just go to the toilet and then come back here.
Mm. What you if you no trying to change that now, I I don't know how.
Hello, Angel. Can you hear me?
Hello? Because the last or just Hello?
Testing me? Yeah, I can hear you. Now. Can you hear me? Ok, uh, we we are having, uh, five
minutes break. So once they come back, I'll then let you and Lona to introduce yourself. Ok, uh,
maybe it's good to just, uh, to sh to check the the webcam sounds very dark, but There is no
light here. Otherwise we just to use the room view. Um, just to check, Maybe in the future, Um,
the the guest may want to use this.
Um, he looks nice.
Yes. How is the first day?
It's sorry.
I just accidentally turned off the monitor. I not come again. OK, um, maybe let's wait for a few
more minutes, then once, once they come back, I'll let you to introduce. Um, So in the 1st 1.5
hours, we just quickly go through the course, and I invite a few students to share their former
work experience in hotel five students or five students. Shared four students have had work
experience in hotel. Most of them have only have an intern, Not a full time work. Yeah, so it
sounds interesting. And, um, we will see how we can set up the groups today. Not sure that's
the challenge.
Uh, we still have one more, um, to to deliver
in terms of, uh, let them to to, um, like, we mix them together. So we will do that. Uh um, after
the second, like during the second session? OK, I Maybe you can mute you first.
Yeah. I don't like that, right? I don't think he realised he was suffering. I don't want tissue more
than you.
So once Lorna, ask students to come back, we will start the second session.
The name is you too much because Andrew is waiting.
So how about we just start? If, you know, some other students haven't come back. Maybe
message them. We will start. We will start in one minute, like all right. I noticed. It's dark
outside. Um, OK, let's restart. We won't wait for those students. Yeah, let's see when they
they'll come back anyway. So, um, the second session, uh, I first would like to introduce the
team. Uh, first angel is here. Um, and, uh um, let us to see, uh, say hello to Angel. Can Can you
hear me clearly? Yes, I can. Can you hear me? Yes. How about you introduce yourself to the
students? We I think I'm not sure if you how clear you can see us, but, uh, a few. Yeah, a few
tables. Um, how about you quickly introduce your background? Uh, I, I think I've already cover a
few. Your your past experience in terms of the hotel. But you you may, um just, uh, talk about
that by by yourself and yeah, sure.
Um so a few years ago, I I was also one of you. I graduated UQ in, um, hospitality management
master programme in 2019. And I started to work full time in Australia in the hotel industry.
And, um currently, I just left my previous job at Noma as a former business assistant manager.
And today is my first day first shifts, Um, in the new hotel post hen grove as a hotel manager, I
looking to the department One is sales and market, and the other department is Foreign Office.
And, um, yes. And this semester, I will be one of the facilitator to assist Professor um, Doctor
Wong, uh, with the course, and I'll try my best to get more insight about this industry in, um in
Australia and especially in Brisbane with my experience here for the past 4.5 years. And yes,
that that's all about me.
Benjo. Um so next week, you you will join us in person, right? Yeah. OK, so, uh, we haven't, um,
organised the group. The group yet. Um, but I've introduced students that, uh, we will have
mini industry forum, Uh, from week four. do you have some insights related to, uh, a few topics
that we may work on that so students can start to think about that? Uh, we have last session.
We have a few students discuss their work experience. And it seems, uh, four of them have
FNB, um, intern, uh, experience And one, had, uh, uh, front office or or finance or, um, the the
audit, um, intern a little bit. So it seems the majority of our students don't have work
experience. That's OK, but can you share just some brief insights? Uh, our industry partner
maybe will let us to work on something.
Yes. Um, for I think, on week four, it will be the marketing, um, digital marketing manager from
the bank. I'm not too sure about the topic yet, but I can speak with her tomorrow. And once I
get an update, I'll email it to you. So you can, um, let the students know that on week five it's
gonna be the F and B manager from the house or either the restaurant manager from the west
in the city. So they are all gonna talk about the topic of, um, how to, uh, make more avenue on
the basis. Um, but in the meantime, we'll be, um, delivering a high quality service and also do a
good job in the cost control. So that will be the top pick for week five.
How about, uh, the the the week 10 or, um, like a later stage in terms of the hotel manager?
That topic the general manager of the bank, he's gonna
talk about, um the recovery of how how he reviewed the hotel was a challenge and was, um,
what he take for the, uh, movement to review the whole hotel and make it successful and most
guest service. Um, and OK, so any students who have interest in
these at least three topics you can think about that. So these are the potential topics in week
45, and 10. Um, we will definitely share more insights related to, um, the other department or
the other ho hotel brands. Uh, once we we receive, um um, some of the thoughts from our,
um, guest speakers later on, Um, so and, uh, Thank you very much to join us today. Do you
have any other thing you want to let our students know? Um um, before you go back to to your
work at the moment, if the student have any questions here. Ok, Any questions for Angel at this
stage? No, not yet. Too early. OK, All right. So, uh, we will, um, see you around the next week.
And we will welcome you, um, in person next week. Thank you. And thank you. See you.
Bye. Thank you. The canal.
All right. So, uh, next, I would, uh, invite Lorna to introduce herself, uh, before we move to the
next decision. Lorna.
Hi, everyone. Um, um, my Chinese name is Lorna, And and you can call me just a Luna, so it's
much easier to pronounce. And, um, I'm currently a second year PhD candidate, um, supervised
by Professor Wang. And actually, I got a really short period of, um, internship experience in
China in the hospitality industry, like, several years ago. And I worked, um, three months, uh, in
the front, uh, front desk in Beijing and this, um IPO Hotel International Company. Uh, it's not
like a really big brand of hotel, and they don't offer standard hotel like service. Uh, it's a
company. Like they run. They run like, more than 100 hotel before the covid. And all of them
are boutique hotel. And the one I worked, uh, before they only have, like, 20 more than 20 guys
to Rome. Um, and they just like most of their guys are from international to. And but I don't
know if they survive from the covid. So And after that, I just graduated from the Beijing
International Studies University. So I think, um, it's a really famous, uh, tourism and hospitality
school university in China. And then I studied in UQ in the urban planning, and then I come back
to China and work as the tourism planner. So it's like an urban planner and tourism consultant
in China for, like, several years. So, uh, I just developed, like, standard tourism attraction and,
um, give some advice and suggestions for the local government to develop their like tourism
industry. So if anyone like interest in tourism, um, industry I also I also could answer like some
questions, and then I come back to UQ and, uh, start my PhD journey. So, um, I could like, uh,
give you some advice from the theoretical perspective instead of some practical perspective in
the hospitality industry. And that's all.
OK, I hope the teaching team has a good combination of both theory and practise. Um uh, And
if you have any, uh, concern or things want to talk to us during the whole process, feel free to
reach out to us. OK, so let's move on to the second session. Uh, just to have a very quick, um,
discussion about the the hospitality sector. Um, we know in particular, um, covid has created,
um, very, uh, different, um, environment. Now, for the tourism sector, um, it becomes a
mixture of, uh, problems as well as, uh, the the consumer behaviours changes, uh, and and, uh,
with the technology and also, um, opportunities. So I hope our students can find the hospitality.
If not, uh, your passion work with, uh, But at least it's a good in, um context for you to let's say,
um in other type of tourism businesses, you always need to consider the accommodation
sector. Um, some of our students are working in the consulting, uh, space um, and, uh,
accommodation Provide a very good return of investment. Um, definitely. It changes because
of, uh, uh, the current, um, the very strict, um, the budget, uh, as well as the the financial, um,
uncertainty. Uh, but still, it's a very interesting, uh, place for the big investment company to put
money. Um, a lot of a big, uh uh, company. Like, uh uh, Blackstone and, uh, and so on. They
they invest a lot of the properties. Uh um and, uh, the hotel brands we mentioned, They just
manage those, uh, operate and manage those, um, brands, uh, or the the property. But they
owned this property owned by, uh, a lot of, uh uh, companies or or rich, like Donald Trump. So
have a lot of properties in the United States. Right? So hotels is a very good, um, business for
people to consider. And the the core, as we mentioned, um, during the the sharing session, is
the guest guest experience. Um, guests always change in terms of their psychological, physical
and whatever social needs. Um, and, uh, not only covid, but also the new generation has a very
different purchase. Um, needs purchase behaviour. um so that will create challenges for the the
the traditional business model in hotels. And nowadays we need to look at all the trends and
make sure we can meet customer needs. So the design of the hotel traditionally, uh, let's say
people will consider the lobby need to be very big and light. And, um, uh looks very luxury.
People will regard that as a luxury hotel. Nowadays, people think I want my own space. No
matter. It's a small library in the lobby, you will see from Brisbane Marriott. They have a little
library on the left hand of their lobby, so people want some separate space, Um, sometimes
isolated space, sometimes more socially connected space. You can see some of the sofa beds
connected with each other so people can talk to with each other. Um, in a a nice environment
and also the technology change the whole design. People sometimes don't want to have human
connection. They just want to play with their devices. Uh, no matter for the check in, check out
or sometimes request the service. But on the other side, opposite side people want more
human interaction. That's a debate in the hospitality? Um, space. So we in in the whole, um,
the teaching journey is just want to know how we can serve customers better. How can we
understand them better? It depends on different type of customers, right? You have different
cultural background. You have different religion. When I visit, uh, Indonesia last month, this is
the first time I have a close, um, experience with the Muslim. They need to have five prayers
every day and during the Friday afternoon. The the the the communities, the people there, they
need to have a very serious, uh uh, pray. And when some of us don't have religion, you couldn't
fully understand their needs. But if you can have some of a better understanding of those
religious needs, you sometimes can prepare a good pray space for them. A blanket. First time. I
don't know what that blanket blanket for when I, um, uh, sitting in in the bedroom. But then I
realised, Oh, this is for for Muslim, um, to to pray. And, um, there is many other different
requirements for the praise. So the religious needs Have you considered that in your, um,
hotels? Second, that's another important, um passion of my research is related to inclusive and
accessible travel. Uh, so I work with, um, very different businesses nowadays. Or even the
business. Uh, pre prepare training for the tour operators, including hotels, to be more
accessible, accessible is easy to say, but very hard to accommodate. Uh, especially for people
with disability. So, I, I noticed a few students here. Um, you work on some of the topics on
accessibility, Um, in my another course in the past. And, um, this afternoon when I, um um took
a bus, I noticed, um, from the southeast bus way. A lot of metro, uh uh, metro, um uh, in
testing. And I noticed one, full of guests. Invited guests, um, in eight mile planes. Bus stop. And
everybody look at one thing when they get off. They are guests, so it's still in testing, but they
they took photos. They they, um um make, um made, uh, videos. I also have one while they
take photos. It's about an accessible function of the metro. Um, the the the long bus, the long
vehicle. So nowadays, when you get on the bus, you'll see the drivers need to, um put one,
platform for, uh, the wheelchair users to to drive on the front of the the vehicle, right? It's the
manually. They they need to put, uh, the board on the ground now for the metro. It's
automatic. And I had one video. Um, but it's, um I don't have time to to put on this, But later
on, when you have, um, the the chance to to, um, notice those metro vehicles you will see in
the second gate, they will have a, um the board automatically open and extend for people who
use wheelchairs to to get on the bus. Um, it's very nice, and I think that's a requirement for the
Brisbane to be more accessible. Prepare for 2032 Olympic Games. And that will also be a
requirement for many of our hotels here. If you want to welcome more guests, international
guests, athletes or, um, their kids and many other people come come in this city, uh, within
eight years and a lot of upgrades there. So so religious needs accessible needs in particular for
the disability, but disability is just one example of inclusive care or service is provided by
accommodation it also require us to take care of elderly like old people, right? They they, um
the older we we are, the more requirement we we want in terms of our services and then also
many other aspects related to the business in particular how to generate revenue more
revenue and reduce cost. Uh, in, um, I think globally, um, the living cost become higher and
higher. Uh, and, uh, in Australia, the labour cost is a big issue. So for all hoteliers who will come
on board to share, I think they will talk about how to reduce cost, how to generate more
revenue. That's always the typical challenge for them. And, uh um covid? Yes, Uh, definitely
requires more hygiene. Um, but, uh, I think we also need to be aware of the new phenomenon
in the service sector. So I think as a study context or as an investment, context hotel is very
interesting for us. If you know more about it, not only the operations, but also, uh, some of the
places you can help them to earn money and generate revenue reduced cost. Be more
innovative. Uh, and, uh, be more inclusive. You will always find a lot of topics to work on, uh, or
partner with so good for our students to, um to have a chance to to to be better, understand
the ho Ho hospitality sector. As I said, hospitality is broad term. It not only involving
accommodation, uh, let's say the hotel hotel, like, uh, um YH a or motel style boutique hotels,
resorts, and and so on. But also, uh, related to F and B Um, restaurant, uh, hospital, uh,
canteen, uh, as well as a casino club, cruise line and so on. So it's a very broad term. Uh, if you,
um, have a good understanding of people's accommodation needs, you can also apply those
skills in some of the medical sector. Let's say age, age, care, sector or, um, uh, hospital.
Sometimes they recruit people from hospitality to work on that because they are service is
related to food and bed. So, um, a lot of the transferable skills can be, um, um, applied in other
sector. The core for hospitality or hotel operations is to sell the accommodation, sell the bed,
But also you will look after many other, um uh the services in terms of Let's say the the the Golf
Club if it's related to resorts or um uh, spa um Ma massage, uh, and many other services that
can help you to generate revenue. Definitely a business more corporate hotel, Their goal and
their the percentage of revenue, um, will be very different to a resort. Same, Let's say, Brisbane
Marriott and Marriott, um Resort and Spa in Gold Coast. The revenue percentage of the F and B
will be very different at a resort at the Gold Coast. Same they are. They belong to same
company Marriott, but Gold Coast one. The resort. They have more percentage of the FNB
because it's more a leisure context. You you'll have customers stay here for, like, longer. Uh,
and they have multiple, um, restaurants and cafes and bars. More than a Brisbane Marriott
hotel only have one, um, bar and one, restaurant. So the operation the the management style
of these two very different property require different uh uh efforts in terms of, uh, the the the
services and the products. That's why it's interesting to have multiple property come on board
and to share with you about their insights. Hotels are commercial enterprises like many other
businesses. So, um, the similarities, uh, here is, uh, more like service sector. They serve
customers. They need to, um, uh, understand the consumer needs. And, um uh, requirement.
They have distribution channel. Uh, hotel nowadays Have, uh, um multiple distribution
channels like OT a play an important role. Um, nowadays, But in different countries, they have
different, um, RT a S. Uh, and, uh, in China sea trip plays an important role. And in other places,
like or Expedia, those kind of things will, um, um, play a more important role in
their distribution. And that cost a lot of money for the the hotels because you need to pay
commission fee for those OTAs how to deal with those OTAs. Um, you definitely want loyal
customer. Book your room through your own website rather than OTAs. Um, but, uh, because
the OTAs become more and more powerful, um, then how to deal with that? Uh, that's some
issue. Um, the hotels need to work on. And in the past, we have air BNB those kind of a share
sharing economy to, um, buy the the piece of cake of the the accommodation. Um uh, lots of,
uh, debate related to NBNB and also the regulation and the texts and and so on. But for the
hotels, um, they also need to focus on the core products. And, uh, if you can differentiate
yourself and deliver the good service for your core customers, sometimes you don't need to
worry about the other sector, but because, um, the the business environment becomes more
and more severe and competitive. Um, today you worry about one thing, and maybe just a few
months later, something new come, come aboard. And and, uh, I remember for the taxi driver,
uh, let's say a few years ago, they worry about those sharing, uh, vehicles. Now the automatic
vehicles come on board. So the technology keep changing the environment. And as a very
traditional sector, hotels also need to be competitive and, uh, welcome all the enemies in the
business world. Um, the similarities in tech technical, business and manager skills. So our
students, if you think, um, you, um, have very good customer service, you understand the
consumer behaviour and can do, um, research about, uh, like, let's say marketing and so on. A
lot of these things can be transferable not only in hotel but also in many other sector. So, um,
it's it's similar, and I think when a I will replace a lot of the jobs, it probably will also create
opportunity for hotels to to think about, uh because hotels need to deliver service directly. Uh,
a lot of the components are not easy to be replaced by by by robotics. Um, but how to embed a
I, um technique in terms of, uh, let's say meeting customer needs, um, and create new function
in your hotel property. We, our students, need to think about that. And you need to be the
pioneer. Um, in those kind of, uh, uh, thinking and also hotels is, um, delivering, like, room
letting activities. Um, they sell the space. If you can't sell the the bed today, it's perishable. It's
gone. You have no chance to sell that, um, resell that, uh, different to an apple or some other
things you can sell that tomorrow. Therefore, the price management, um, here, like revenue
management here, play play a role, and you need to understand what is the, um, the crucial
moment that you drop the price or sometimes you can increase the the price and help you to
generate more revenue. Um, so the the yield management, uh, comes from Marriott as the first
pioneer to to do that? Um, and, uh, I think our students with more data analytic skills, if you can
have, um, like, make a good use of, um uh, STR. Let's say reports understand, um, the changes
of the occupant occupancy rate, the the the the ref part daily rate, those kind of things. You can
understand the trend and apply with the the rev the the pricing. And that's why uh laa my my
student, I mentioned, uh, really want to study the revenue manage because it requires a typical
skill. And our students, you probably are better than many other front line staff member
because in working in a hotel, you always need practical skills to start with. But if you have
analytic skills or finance financial, um, um, management skill or even, um, the the understand
the law, better you can come across the different department I in the past. I'm not sure in in
this co op, but in the past, I have, uh, students studying finance come into this uh, course, uh,
try to work in hotels, uh, with, uh, his, uh, financial, um skills. I think that's a That's great,
because, um, I'm not sure if I can invite the revenue manage manager from Soho hotel again.
But, um uh, the the the revenue, uh, manager from, uh, software last time talk a lot about the
importance of analytic skills. The the the finance. Um, knowledge. Um, maybe our students can
consider other type of degree or certificate to to combine your skill sets. Um, not only the
service soft skills, but also some of the the hard skills in terms of the num dealing with
numbers, um, and so on that will create more opportunities for you to work in, um, the hotel
sector. Um, so this figure is just trying to share the importance of, uh, accommodation sector in
Australia. It definitely offer lots of, uh, jobs for, uh, the the, um, the economy. Um, yes, it has a,
um like like if you have disaster or big. Um, um, big negative event happen will destroy the the
workplace, then, um, but, uh, it always, uh, relatively labour intensive sector. Uh, so, uh, you
can find jobs, and it will become an important indicator for the sector. The tourism sector, the
government to to look after this is, um uh the the big uh um uh, shock. Like a shock shock of
the, uh, covid. I think everybody understand that, um, tourism and hospitality is a vulnerable
sector. So any natural disaster or the the, uh, medical event like this will create challenges
because it stops people to move around and stop the mobility. Um, therefore, risk
management and disaster management also become important for, um, the, um, hospitality.
You need to adapt to the new changes quickly. So some of the hotel will become, uh,
quarantine hotels during the covid and to generate revenue and continue the business. Some of
the fine dining restaurants, hotel restaurants, they, um, can deliver food during the covid.
That's all adaptation of the, um, hotel. Try to keep the business running. It's really hard, but you
need to do something. And I, I have one student who is, um um, uh, marketing that they called
it the commerce Department. Uh, had, uh, in, um Hilton, I think Hilton in Shandong Province, in
China during covid, um, the department and the hotel manager do a lot of live streaming, uh, to
to boost the the business. Like, uh, we We have fine dining restaurants, and we we have a lot of
a good, uh, function in the hotel, and they live streaming all the, um, products and services to
increase the business. And now, after covid, they continue and find it's an important, um,
engagement with the customer. And nowadays, with the digital marketing, those managers
need to work with, uh, different social media platform, um, to boost or to capture more
markets. And that's why week four laticia from Novotel want us to work on something related
to social marketing because, uh, it's an important tool. And, um, sometimes it's, uh, um digital,
uh, channel for us to recruit consumers. It's a distribution channel as well. Um, and how we can
work with social influencer on the platform to sell your hotel products. Not only the beds, but
also, let's say, your swimming pool or something else more leisure. Um, um, people call it, uh
uh, What's a vacation so different to the vacation? Uh, some of the local residents can also
consume, uh, so new idea and, uh, need to keep, um, yourself updated about all the
requirements needs, uh, related to the consumers to to help the hotel. Um uh, have more
business. Hotels also have a, um a lot of, uh, challenges in terms. Um, uh, I will talk about six
challenges. First is about your generation young generation, Um, for the generation Y or Z or
whatever. Um, the new term of a generation. People keep changing their behaviour. Um, the
old understanding of the luxury this term perhaps doesn't have the same meaning and
component for the next generation. So nowadays, um, for example, I have one another course,
and then we will have partner, um, this term this semester, looking at the, uh, airport retail
company like, um, shops, brands in the past. Maybe before covid or, uh, 56 years ago. People
will buy a lot of luxury products in airport. Right. Those, uh, um DFO those, um, duty free shops.
But nowadays, people change not only the young generation, they have very tight budget, but
there were so many other, um, other type of markets that the generation they don't want to
buy. Same thing we previously assumed. They are luxury or high end people have new needs.
What are they who like who and what they want, who who want these and what they want And
a lot of the questions retailers need to consider. Same as hotel is the kitchen necessary when
family driven or family orientated custom become more and more popular? So in some
country, for example, my my family in the past, I am the only one child in the family. So a lot of
time, even the family trip will be only three. But now, let's say people have more kids. I have
two. Then if we go outside for hotel, we usually need a hotel, um, a bedroom to accommodate.
Four. So the standard hotel room, sometimes not suitable for a family with two kids or even
three kids, then service apartment become popular because they sometimes offer more
offering. They have kitchen. They have work washing machine, those kind of thing. So the
different type of consumers and their needs and the change of the family um uh, characteristics
will change the requirement for the the hotel room design. And sometimes when I my family go
for, like, school holiday, we go for travel. It's really hard to find those standard hotel rooms,
Let's say in Marriott or in, In in Hilton can accommodate us in one bedroom. Sometimes you
need to require two, but very expensive. So, uh, early this month, my family went to Canberra
and we realised, Oh, some of the some of the accommodation, uh, close to Canberra have a
parliament house. A lot of those attraction Some of the new, um, accommodation were built
more suitable for family and a a lot, a lot of them. I found a very, very suitable for family. Um,
with kids and I worked in, um, hotel in Canberra because my master degree was, um, uh
finished in Canberra and I. I worked in hotel, and I find, um, during that time service apartment
very, very popular in Australia, different to my home, home, country, China. And because
maybe because of the the family relatively big and some of the hotels they can accommodate,
um uh, six people like they have, uh, two storage and have, um, the the all the family function,
like the washing machine and a kitchen and so on. So that is suitable for big groups and and
when I travel back to my home country last year and find more and more service apartment,
uh, were built. And a lot of them are very, very, uh, luxury. Um, and, uh, um, expensive. Um,
because the location, because of the services and sometimes they provide a private customer
like VIP, um, customer services and and these are all related to the trends people's needs. So
hotel is as the person who work in hotel Hotel is need to understand these trends and be very
clear about what we can deliver and what can make us the business. Earning money quests. So
the company, uh, angel worked, um, with quest is also a service apartment. Previously, they
deal deal with a lot of corporate customers. Um, and and again, the the bus, the in CBD
Brisbane. A lot of, uh, corporate, uh, hotel. They, um, serve the corporate groups like, uh, the
airline crew, like all the, um, cabin crew, those people from airlines. So that's the corporate and
the mining sector. So they can serve a lot of people in, um uh, in the mining sector. These are
the very important two groups Corporates, the Brisbane CBD hotels, will look after, but a few
years ago, the mining sector has crisis and then affect the hotel here and covid. Definitely. The
airline has issue that will affect the corporate customer businesses in CBD hotels. Here again,
how we can recruit very different sort of corporate customer. Um, with, uh, even with, um uh,
Andrew's, uh, hotel, new hotel, Um, quests, um, they also look for new type of groups. They
can serve as a service apartment. Maybe that could be one topic our students can work with.
And we can invite the owner and, uh, manage. Um oh, they they call the owner and the general
manager to come on board to talk about how we can identify new market and, uh, reposition
the hotel and serve them. Um, like using the existing assets to serve new customer, um,
generation or new market. Also related to, um, the use of technology. Uh, these, uh, kiosks or
the the machine? Some people love it. Some hate it. Um, we have next hotel in Brisbane a few
years ago, um, was identify one as one of the, uh, pioneer most pioneer hotel using, um,
technology. So a few years ago, they use a mobile phone as a key to open. Now it's popular. But
during that time, uh, it's very new. Um, and also, they have a lot of new technology to apply in
the hotel. But customers or their target market, uh, have very different opinion about the
service. So they receive a lot of complaints. Um, and people still want more human contacts.
Um, so the next hotel has had a very big challenge when they open. Just open. I didn't monitor
what happened now, but a few years ago, when they just opened, we, uh we've had a lot of
complaints. So whether people need those technology or sometimes they don't need it, they or
they need a flexibility. I need II. I need it. I use it when I want. But, uh, sometimes I need more,
uh, human, uh, contacts. Uh, people use social media a lot, and this become very important
component for for, um, marketing. Uh, so if some students are really interested in digital
marketing, you can consider the Week four topic work on that. The challenge is you have a
short period of time to prepare for this. You only have three weeks to work. Work on that. But
if you have interest, I think laticia, uh from, uh, Novotel will be very keen to, um, meet with you,
uh, work with you on the digital social marketing. Uh, she is a digital digital marketing manager,
and she will give us the topic very, very soon. Um, today or tomorrow. So if I receive the topic,
particularly for week four, I will share with you guys later. Today we will organise the the
groups, and, um, hopefully we can find teams to work on social marketing quicker and FNB in
week five. So these two you you guys, uh, if some someone had interest, you probably can, um,
form the teams. And, um, we can assign that with you work with you, um, as soon as possible
on this, but I think it's it's a very interesting and typical topic related to how we can engage
people online. Different sector, um, in, um, in different country, people use different type of,
uh um, platforms. Um, so last semester, Novotel, they expressed that they have a very good
interest in Indian market because, uh, Australia now provide a lot of, um um uh pay more
attention on Indian market. And, uh, one of two. a few of our teams work on the Indian market
through through other projects in another course. But maybe, um, they also want to, uh, have a
look at some of the social platform, um, in other country. Or if we have two teams work on this,
we can have different angle. And, um uh, teams can can work on that differently. Um, so this is
the the influence of reviewer. Um, definitely trip, um, TripAdvisor or any type of like a Google.
They have a lot of online reviews that will affect people's decision making. Um, so the investors,
the managers, um, will look at the online review, uh, as an indicator, whether they want to
invest one company. So investors will look at online review, uh, manager for their, um uh the
work, uh, assessment. And whether they can get the bonus for this year also related to
customer satisfaction. So online review plays an important role not only for for the consumers
to choose a hotel, but also for investors and, um, the hotel manager. The job assessment
evaluation was important. Um, different hotels have different strategy to deal with online
review some ones they will play The tricky thing, Let's say ask, uh, the company to delete some
of the really bad review. Um, but a lot of the big hotels, um, probably will have to, uh, deal with
these more. Uh um, Strategically, um, but online review tell a lot of stories, and I hope, and I
think those are the indicators that our hotel is need to be aware social being. As I mentioned,
people have very different view on everybody's social. Um, needs. Sometimes we need our own
space. I don't want to talk to a lot of people. I'm busy. Um, but sometimes I also want to talk to
friends or visit. Um, some of people will visit me during my stay in the hotel. How to create the
space to accommodate different needs that become, um, the, um, the task for the designer.
And so this one is the lobby living room. So you can have some space with books and some of
the hotels. Um, they have, um the the products. They sell the products. Um, and, uh, uh, like,
uh, good for the, um the well being and those kind of thing. Um, some have a library. So this
really, depending on what customer you have and you can be more creative. A lot of hotels will
have the online loyalty members or club. Uh, and, uh, you can definitely using those
membership to, uh, generate a revenue. But how and what services you can provide, how you
can engage your loyal customer and the customer usually have multiple loyalty members,
right? Sometimes the business, um uh, customer They have, like have, uh, the membership for
every big hotel. How to differentiate your loyalty? Uh, membership. Um, that's important for,
um, the hotel to consider, um, and unique experience. Hilton pre mentioned about the the
beehive. They have beehive on top of the big building, and they use those bee honey, uh, to,
um to be used in their restaurant like F and B sector. Um, and, uh, uh, some of the hotels we
will create the if it's the boutique hotel will, uh, have some, uh, local destination. Um, um,
attraction like you. They they can, uh, share with you of the the, um, itinerary and guide you to
some of the places, especially in the tourist attraction, not necessarily the the city corporate
hotel, but everyone you If you need to retain the good, good customers, you need to think
broadly. That's why sometimes the hotel will tell us they want to work with our young students
because you have a lot of good ideas. And if some of them are very interesting, they will apply
that, Um and I think that's good with the tight budget. Uh, customers are very smart. They can
compare price, they negotiate with you. They even want your design of the room become very
smart. And you can separate, um, the, um, the area by yourself. Use the curtain. This is a
budget hotel design competition winner. Um, they give you the space you create, and this one
is You can, uh, separate the the space by yourself. And, uh, same as this collaborative room. We
can separate the room. We can combine the room and based on our needs. Um, so I think a lot
of things for our, um, uh, customers to, uh to tell the hotels and the hotels need to be more
innovative. So some of the hotel brands, like Marriott in their head of office in, uh, United
States. They have, um, the research hub to study, uh, consumer needs and and be more
innovative. Uh, and, uh, Hilton has their Hilton University to provide a training and a lot of the,
um um the employee development through their, uh, global online, uh, university, The digit the
virtual university called Hilton. Uh, university. Um, so I think it's, um So it's keep changing the
hotel space, and, uh, it becomes interesting. Is the because Because customers keep changing.
Then you If you work in a very good hotel, they need to come up with new idea. You apply. And
I think that's, um very, uh um dynamic. Um and, uh, we don't A lot of our young students don't
want to work in a 9 to 5 work office like similar. They want to talk to people, work with a
creative idea, I think. Then hotel, maybe create that space for you to to play and consider, um,
the machines that that that's the technology advisors human contact. So cruise ship has, um,
this machine, this is the, uh, chan, uh, Changi Airport in Singapore. Uh, I've taken the, um,
photo. Um, but the idea is how we can embed technology better if the sector said customer
experience is crucial. They need a very, uh, customised service rather than a robot dealing with
them. We need robots, but at the same time, it's just to deliver some of the, uh, food or, um,
sometimes, uh, a customer order something you ask a robot to deliver to the hotel room. That's
very popular now, But is that the only thing you can do? I think technology definitely will
become a topic that our students can work on. Uh, in this course we have me, uh, Novatel,
Brisbane. Uh, South bank, Um, has, uh, asked our students work on metaverse topic, and I'm
I'm sure some of our students work on that, um, last year, it's not easy. And how to position
that very clearly. It's good for consumers. Even consumer may have no idea about metaverse.
Um, so it's just a lots of a question and thinking in the space how to deal with, um, the virtual,
um, world, Um, this is old. It's many years the, uh, Pokemon go. But there are many new things.
The the the automatic, um, reality. Uh, not only the the the, um uh, glasses. But also, many
other things can be implemented in the hotel or whether or not that is a good return of
investment. Whether those kind of thing can enhance customer experience for a particular
segment, we need, like, hotels need to, um, understand more. So these are the, um, automated
reality. Um, this is Metaverse. There are many examples. Um, lots of shifts after post covid you
can. You can take a look at these slides by yourself later. Um, the recovery, I think recovery say
something, but also tell us people keep changing people have different budget, uh, hotels, um,
become more and more challenging. So hotel managers need to find the solution. That's why I
think we need to keep ourselves. Um uh, think about the the the the new change and work on
that. So overall, we just use this property as a context to understand people's needs to be more
creative, to have some critical thinking, uh, try to solve the problem for the hotel is, um we deal
with the relationships among three stakeholders. That's the core. This is the latest slide. Later,
uh, two slides is the crucial big picture for us to work on. We call the hotel operations, um,
model. So we deal with the relationship among organisation. Uh, could be the owner. Could be
the corporate office. Um, who own the property? Um, Or they they manage as a management
company. Like, um, a call me. They are management company. They manage the hotel, they
recruit a lot of the employees. Um, um, sometimes, uh, the country like Australia or, um uh, a
lot of other global city. They they have multiculture multireligious, um, employees. Then how to
deal with the employees conflicts. Cultural background is a big issue. And the labour issue, uh,
and so on. So employees have a lot of things need to be solved. And and the guests. So you
need to manage, uh, and take care of employees. They look after guests and then pay money
and you run the business. So these are the core stakeholders. Um, and there are seven major
responsibilities. A hotel manager, general manager need to look after. So among those three
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