Hci 213 ass 7

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College of Health Sciences Department of Health Informatics ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET Course name: Medical Coding and Billing Course number: HCI 213 CRN Answer the following question- Assignment title or task: Identify any ten CPT codes and any ten ICD-10 codes that are frequently used in medical coding and patient billing purposes in healthcare. Also, give a proper description for each code. Student Name: Student ID: Submission date: Instructor name: Grade: Restricted - ‫مقيد‬ …..out of 10 College of Health Sciences Department of Health Informatics Assignment Instructions Instructions ▪ Assignment submitted without cover sheet will not be considered for grading. ▪ Fill all required information on assignment cover sheet. Things to consider when writing in APA style: ▪ The font color must be black. ▪ The font size is 12. ▪ The font type is Times New Roman. ▪ The paragraph must be justified. ▪ Double line spacing. ▪ Do not Bold, Italic, or Underline the paragraphs Authors' names (edited year). Title of resource. Retrieved from http:// (add the link of your reference) ▪ If you have more than one author write their names in alphabetical order. Write their last names, add comma, then write the first letter of their first names. ▪ If the reference has six or more authors, simply provide the last name of the first author with "et al." from the first citation to the last. For example: Thomas et al. ▪ Restricted - ‫مقيد‬ The title of the reference must be ITALIC. College of Health Sciences Department of Health Informatics CPT Codes Description (Use of code) ICD -10 Codes Description (Use of code) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. References: Restricted - ‫مقيد‬
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Explanation & Answer


College of Health Sciences
Department of Health Informatics

Course name:

Medical Coding and Billing

Course number:

HCI 213

Answer the following question-

Assignment title or task:

Identify any ten CPT codes and any ten ICD-10 codes
that are frequently used in medical coding and patient
billing purposes in healthcare. Also, give a proper
description for each code.

Student Name:
Student ID:
Submission date:

Instructor name:

Restricted - ‫مقيد‬

…..out of 10

College of Health Sciences
Department of Health Informatics

Assignment Instructions

Assignment submitted without cover sheet will not be considered for grading.

Fill all required information on assignment cover sheet.

Things to consider when writing in APA style:

The font color must be black.

The font size is 12.

The font type is Times New Roman.

The paragraph must be justified.

Double line spacing.

Do not Bold, Italic, or Underline the paragraphs

Authors' names (edited year). Title of resour...

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