synopsis on health or health care

User Generated




Conduct some independent research and locate an article about a current event related to health and/or healthcare that has affected your community.

Offer a 1-paragraph synopsis of the article. Then, in 1-2 pages, address the following:

Is this event something that is common in your community or more of an isolated incident? If it is something that is common in your community, what strategies would you suggest be implemented in your community to combat it? If it is a rare occurrence, why do you believe it happened? How would you advocate for your client if they were the victim in this situation?

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The yearly international conference that covers Gynecology, and Obstetrics Pathology
that was held in Orlando, USA from March 30th to 31st this year, and was organized by the
Conference Series LLC Ltd was a unique eye-opener to the women in my community
(Conference series). The theme of the conference will look at the possible ways of expanding the
prospects of providing healthcare to women. During the conference, there were scientists,
oncologists, and physicians who provided in-depth information about the empirical, constructive,

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