Mission, Vision, and You

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Mission, Vision, and You

Purpose of Assignment

The Week 1 assignment allows students to explore a company that they are familiar with and relate this to their own experiences to determine the importance of the mission and vision of a business as well as the influence this may have on their own role. The assignment will also allow the student to explore the effects of a company not having a mission statement.

Assignment Steps

Resources: Week 1 textbook readings. Chapters 1, 2, & 4

David, Fred R. & David, Forest R. (2017). Strategic Management: A Competitive Advantage Approach, Concepts and Cases (16th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

Choose a company that has both a mission and vision statement. This should not be the same company you will choose for the assignments for Weeks 2-5.

Prepare a minimum 700-word summary in which you address the following:

  • Identify the company's mission statement.
  • Identify the company's vision statement.
  • Explain what role these have on the way the business operates. Evaluate whether the company's actions seem to align to their vision and mission statements.
  • Examine how the mission and vision of the organization might affect or guide you as an employee or manager in the company.
  • Analyze what you think would be the effect if the company did not have a mission statement.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Cite a minimum of two peer-reviewed references.

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Explanation & Answer



Mission, Vision, and You
Student’s Name


Institutional Affiliation





An organization's vision and mission statements provide guidance on where the
organization is going and what values are mirrored by the organization towards that journey. It is
carried out with a view to announcing to the whole world, exactly what the organization intends
to accomplish, or the reason for which it is established. It is the organization's very foundation
and mirrors the firm's consistent core beliefs regardless of good and bad times in the business
cycle that influence deals and thus benefits. It is incredibly expansive, however at the same time,
precise, crisp, and entirely to the point (David & David, 2017).
Google's mission statement is to “sort out the world’s data and make it all around open
and valuable.” Ever since its establishment, the association has focused its efforts on building up
its select calculations to increase suitabi...

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