78.Follow the requirement to write a 300words short essay by answering questions.

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Follow the requirement to write a 300words short essay by answering questions.

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Link to the film: https://digitalcampus.swankmp.net/rio278752/Mobile/Play/#/play/4667 If login needed: Account name: YAN2151439 Password: Threestone2014 Based on your learning from the first half of the class, answer the following questions. Be sure to apply the concepts you have learned and demonstrate your understanding of the information. Each response should include 3 to 4 well-developed paragraphs. 1. Based on the Apollo 13 film clip, describe the importance of this particular conflict. Why is organizational conflict important in general? (15 points) 2. 2. What conflict negotiation tactics did Jim Lovell use with the medical director and mediator? Compare those tactics to those that Jim uses when he speaks with Ken and advises him of the situation. (15 points) 3. 3. Compare and contrast the communication differences between the two organizational groups within this film clip. Make sure to highlight the audience, communication adaptation, verbal, and nonverbal changes. (20 points)
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Explanation & Answer


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The conflict originated when Jim Lovell learnt that Ken who was one of crewmate had measles
and therefore will not be able to attend the mission. The main cause was that the astronaut
next in line of duty was inexperienced in simulator. Jim Lovell, due to doubting experience of
the next astronaut in line of duty had no faith at all in the astronaut resulting to conflict. His
fears were likelihood of unexpected eventuality due to the lack of the required know how on
the simulator aspects of astrology. This conflict is very critical in any organization set-up. By
doubting the expertise of the astronaut next in line of duty on his simulator capacity, it opened
up a scenario where an alternative as to simulator aspects had to factored in. had there been
no such conflict, the simulator aspects could altogether be ignored a factor that can result into
unexpected end being met in an organization.
The second instant of conflict arose between the diagnosed astronaut and the diagnosis. The

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