The information that you will need for the discussion can be found in Case 13a, p. 48; and Case 19, p. 132 of Thinking Critically About Ethical Issues.For one of these cases, identify the parties and the moral issue(s) at stake, keeping an eye out for similarities that it shares with the other case. Concentrate on identifying the relationships among the individuals. What relationships of care need to be maintained or developed?
Part II
In this week's module we saw that the ethics of care views human life in terms of cycles of attachment. Overlapping relations and cycles of relations make up who we are as individuals. We do not get a sense of who we are by detaching ourselves from our relations with others. This contrasts with the conception of defining the self in separation from and even opposition to others. Do you agree with the idea that we are who we are in terms of our relations, and that we are neither independent nor separate?
In the AVP for this week we also saw that Gilligan rejects Kohlberg's assumption of a hierarchical ordering that places abstract thinking above thinking in terms of narratives involving human relations when trying to gauge the moral development of individuals. Do you see her critique as a strong one? And if so, what might the success of her critique suggest about employing similar feminist approaches to other areas of the Western philosophical tradition beyond just ethics—such as metaphysics or epistemology? These disciplines too, have tacitly assumed—at least since the Enlightenment—that genuine insight into the nature of reality and the structure of truth is to be arrived at via a penchant for abstract thinking, universalizable principles, and a strict adherence to rationality. For instance, how might a feminist, or what other philosopher's have called a “Communitarian”, approach to the metaphysical question concerning the nature of the individual, or self—and what it means to be one—contrast with what Hobbes or Kant took the self to be?
The reference that needs to be involved in the answer of Part two's answer is...
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Explanation & Answer

Discussion on ethics
Part 1
In case 13a, p.48; the parties involved are the married couple and their 22 year old daughter. The
couple has discovered that their daughter is a lesbian. One of the moral issues at stake in this
case is the daughter’s practice of lesbianism. Her parents regard this behavior as moral
degeneracy. Another moral issue in this case is her parents’ consideration not to attend their
daughter’s graduation and not welcome her home due to her sexual preference. The couple want
their daughter to renounce her sexual preferences before welcoming her home. The similarities in
these cases is that there is intimate relationships, fear and unacceptance for the outcomes of the
relationships. The couple fear that their daughter’s lesbian relationship is moral degeneracy and
not willing to accept her. Ethelred is unwilling to accept marri...