Ashworth College Week 5 Systematic Interventions Discussion and Responses
Learning OutcomesThis week students will:Implement a system intervention to promote health and behavior change.Identify a self-management intervention to monitor symptoms, medication, and/or stressors.Create a Personal Action Plan for a hypothetical client.IntroductionIn the final week of the course, self-management, professional referrals and systemic interventions will be addressed in the weekly discussion. You will culminate the course with a summative assignment, where you will assume the role of a health and wellness professional developing goals, strategies, and a follow-up plan for the client avatar you created at the onset of the course.Required ResourceTextHilliard, M.E., Riekert, K. A., Ockene, J. K., & Pbert, L. (2018). The handbook of health behavior change(5th ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing. Retrieved from https://redshelf.comChapter 13: Chronic Disease Management Interventions: Cardiovascular DiseaseChapter 14: Diabetes Management Behaviors: The Key to Optimal Health and Quality of Life OutcomesChapter 15: Behavioral Management of Chronic Respiratory Diseases: Examples from Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary DiseaseChapter 16: Chronic Infectious Disease Management InterventionsChapter 17: Adherence to Treatment and Lifestyle Changes Among People with CancerChapter 18: ObesityChapter 22: Health Care Provider and System Interventions Promoting Health and Behavior Change.Welcome to Week FiveCongratulations! You have officially made it to week five! This week, you will have the opportunity to apply all that you have learned via your final paper. Be sure to set aside ample time to draft your discussion board posts and final paper. If you desire assistance, please post your question under the “Ask the Instructor” tab before the deadline.TipsWhen approaching the final paper, you are encouraged to step into the shoes of a health and wellness professional working with the client avatar you created at beginning of this course. Envision the client avatar sitting directly across from you sharing their symptoms, psychosocial history, challenges, etc... This will help you empathize and devise a plan of action collaboratively. If you find it difficult to imagine your client, search the web or library to find information about individuals who display similar symptoms or issues as your avatar. Before submitting your final paper, it is recommended that you proof-read your submission and review your Turn-It-In report to ensure that your work reflects academic integrity.Intellectual Elaboration (Lecture)Our final lecture in this course covers systemic interventions and professional referrals. “To be maximally effective, strategies for promoting healthier behaviors need to address not just the individual patient, but also health care providers and systems” (Hilliard, Riekert, Ockene, & Pbert, 2018, p. 459). Unfortunately, there are many barriers to implementing interventions within a healthcare system. For example, there is an emphasis on addressing acute needs, rather than primary and tertiary prevention efforts. Likewise, many physicians do not receive adequate education in medical school regarding health behavior change skills and may hold the belief that some clients are not motivated to change. For example, a physician working with Marie (see Week 1 Guidance) may assume that an unsuccessful attempt to manage her weight indicates that she is not committed to making short-term or long-term changes. Referrals for mental health services and intensive behavioral change treatments can also be difficult to access within primary care settings.Given these challenges, educational and policy changes are recommended. This includes changes to existing curriculum and residency training within medical programs. Within primary care settings, additional training regarding evidence-based care and patient registries that include reminders for conducting assessments and implementing intervention can also improve the treatment outcomes. Manca, Aubrey-Bassler, Kandola, Aguilar, Campbell-Scherer, Sopcak,& Grunfeld’s (2014) Better 2 Program is a collaborative care approach that demonstrates efficacy in using registries and collaboration within a clinical setting. This program provides individuals at risk for cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes with at-risk assessments and interventions using shared decision-making and motivational interviewing.Care management models are also useful for clients who are in need of referrals. For example, in the case of Marie, a physician might work in conjunction with a health counselor. The health counselor would periodically meet with Marie to assess clinical progress using various instruments and establish goals for a personal action plan. Over the course of treatment, the health counselor would provide the physician with an update regarding Marie’s progress, as well as, any other providers who is apart of her treatment team. It is important to note that the written consent is needed from the client to share information between providers. This approach can also be utilized to connect the client to local, regional, and national resources. For example, it is very common for clients with chronic conditions to present with mental health symptoms (e.g., anxiety, depression, insomnia). Connecting with and referring clients to local support groups can assist in the maintenance of behavioral change.In summary, behavioral change is influenced by internal and external factors. When working with clients with acute or chronic conditions, be open to seeking supervision and consulting with others. Reflection Questions:What tools might you use to help a physician have quick and easy access to resources that provide guidance on how to target health behaviors?What are three things that you have learned in this course that you will apply to your personal, academic, or professional life?ReferencesHilliard, M.E., Riekert, K.A., Ockene, J.K., & Pbert, L. (2018). The handbook of health behavior change (5th ed.). Retrieved from https://redshelf.comManca, D. P., Aubrey-Bassler, K., Kandola, K., Aguilar, C., Campbell-Scherer, D., Sopcak, N., & ... Grunfeld, E. (2014). Implementing and evaluating a program to facilitate chronic disease prevention and screening in primary care: A mixed methods program evaluation. Implementation Science, 9(1), 1-19. doi:10.1186/s13012-014-0135-7Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated. Treatment Team [CLO: 2]Prior to completing this discussion, please read Chapter 22: Health Care Provider and System Interventions Promoting Health and Behavior Change in Hilliard, Riekert, Ockene, and Pbert (2018), and any relevant Instructor Guidance.For this week’s discussion, assume the role of a health care provider who is responsible for implementing system interventions to promote health and behavior change. Share at least one intervention from Chapter 22 in Hilliard, Riekert, Ockene, and Pbert (2018), and describe how you would establish two-way communication and partnerships within your local community. Next, outline some of the challenges and ethical issues that you may encounter when working collaboratively.Post your response by Day 3 and respond to two of your classmates by Day 7. Include one of the course texts and one additional scholarly resource in your response. Use APA formant and organize your post using subheadings.Guided Response: Review two of your classmate’s posts and evaluate the system intervention they shared. Suggest another intervention that may be used in the final paper. Include one reference to support your comments to your classmates.