Disscussion 10

User Generated



Purdue Global University


In the last nine weeks, you have undertaken an intensive study of applied behavior analysis principles and the strategies derived from those principles. You have learned a great deal about the variables that influence behavior and how to hypothesize the probable function of a target behavior by reviewing antecedent-behavior-consequence (A-B-C) data recorded during direct observation during, at minimum, three observation sessions.

Although this is a non-graded Discussion Board, this activity might prove interesting for you — and a lot of fun!

Begin by watching the Functions of Behaviour video of Jayden. In this video, he is exhibiting behaviors that serve a variety of functions that fall under attention, access to tangibles, escape/avoidance, and/or sensory.

Please respond to the following:

  • Describe one of the scenes depicting a specific behavior function. What is the target behavior in your chosen scene? Identify the function and explain the variables you examined that led you to your conclusion.
  • Recommend a behavior intervention approach that could be used to modify the target behavior.
  • Based upon the Behavior Analyst Certification Board's (BACB's) Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts, what possible ethical violations did the behavior analyst make in producing this film? (Keep in mind that she had parental consent to make and publish the video.)

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Explanation & Answer



Functions of Behavior

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Functions of Behavior: Analysis of Jayden’s Behavior
The video shows an instance of avoidance behavior when Jayden is pressured to eat a
cucumber. When Jayden is forced to eat, he takes his time to answer, and tries to distract his
mom by telling her that the bear should eat it (Tara, min 4:04). The focus behavior in this case is
noncompliance with the caregiver’s demand; the targeted behavior in question here is Jayden’s
strategies for escaping instructions. It has the purpose of avoiding or prolonging a task since
Jayden’s actions result in a temporary avoidance of the task. To identify the purpose of this
behavior, it is necessary to assess the antecedent, the behavior, and the consequence that
followed. The antecedent was when the caregiver told Jayden to take a bite of the cucumber. The
behavior was his refusal, which included vocal objection as well as stalling strategies. The result
was that it was necessary to cease giving him the cucumber for the moment; however, the
caregiver kept interacting with ...

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