health journal

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Health Medical


Students are required to maintain weekly reflective narratives throughout the course to combine into a final, course-long reflective journal that integrates leadership and inquiry into current practice as it applies to the Professional Capstone and Practicum course.

In each week's entry (total of 9 week entry), you should reflect on the personal knowledge and skills gained throughout the Professional Capstone and Practicum course. Your entry should address a variable combination of the following, dependent on the specific practice immersion clinical experiences you encountered that week:

  1. New practice approaches
  2. Intraprofessional collaboration
  3. Health care delivery and clinical systems
  4. Ethical considerations in health care
  5. Population health concerns
  6. The role of technology in improving health care outcomes
  7. Health policy
  8. Leadership and economic models
  9. Health disparities

In the final submission, each of the areas should be addressed in one or more of the weekly entries.

This reflection journal also allows students to outline what they have discovered about their professional practice, personal strengths and weaknesses that surfaced, additional resources and abilities that could be introduced to a given situation to influence optimal outcomes, and finally, how they met competencies and course objectives.

User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service.

Explanation & Answer



Health Journal Week 9
Institution Affiliation




My first achievement for this week was on the understanding of the adoption of new
approaches in nursing. For the nurses each day they encounter various pressures from the patients,
their family and from the job itself as they work to meet targets for each day. There is a unique
gap between knowledge and practice and efforts to close these gaps define the path which new
approaches to all the health aspects are taken. Nurses across all levels feel the theory-practice gap
but most with the student nurses (Benner, Hughes, & Sutphen, 2008). Generalizing the theory
expected and the practice that is most common in the field it becomes difficult to establish a
functional relationship with the knowledge been. Technically practicing as a nurse means that there
is a wide range of the approaches that can be adopted and only an evaluation of relevance and the
costs would necessary is considered. It's essential to have a revision of the curriculum and
establishing a liaison between the education and all the practice areas. The adoption of the
evidence-based practice in the making of clinical decisions has been very significant on the side
nurses working to establish a new set of changes.
The second achievement for the week was defining the extent to which intraprofessional
collaboration has been affected and barriers to this collaboration. Technically nurses perform their
tasks within specific levels of operations unique both by experience and responsibility. The levels
also define the arms of leadership. Mostly the effective collaboration occurs among nurses in the
same professional levels such that at each level limitations on expertise limit the quality of services
received by the patients (Supper et al., 2015). The purpose of collaboration would be ensuring that
the primary care gives have an extensive system that each of the members understands and
subscribe despite their level of experience. Only through this approach would collaboration be
beneficial to the improvement of health outcomes.


Benner, P., Hughes, R. G., & Sutphen, M. (2008). Clinical reasoning, decisionmaking, and
action: Thinking critically and clinically.
Supper, I., Catala, O., Lustman, M., Chemla, C., Bourgueil, Y., & Letrilliart, L. (2015).

Interprofessional collaboration in primary health care: a review of facilitators and barriers
perceived by involved actors. Journal of Public Health, 37(4), 716-727.

Running head: HEALTH JOURNAL WEEK 10

Health Journal Week 10
Institution Affiliation




The first achievement for the week was an understanding of the most critical population
health concerns which are common in almost every region, state, and community. Since as
caregiver one can be a decision maker in the different areas, the common interests define the
framework of improvement of various services. As a health practitioner, a noble task of advocacy
requires that one understand of those concern that would be beneficial to the said community as
well as define a sense of growth that in overall would result to an improvement of the quality of
patients outcome. In the US nutrition, physical activity and obesity have been a significant health
concern for the teens and adolescent for a considerable period. Nutrition has been incorporated
into the curriculum as part of the efforts to improve the individual nutrition decision making
(Athena health, 2016 February 16). Teen pregnancy has raised ethical concerns for the caregivers.
With many advocating that abortion would be the best decision policymakers are continually
concerned with the most effective solution that would help control such pregnancy and equally
protecting the future of the young girls especially for the minorities.
The second achievement was in healthcare delivery and the effectiveness of the clinical
system in improving healthcare. Like any other factors that have been focused on improving the
health outcomes, the integration of various institutions is significant in the improvement of health.
Effective organization of the healthcare resources helps to utilize the potential for each making the
process of caregiving an obligation for competent groups and individuals. Clinical systems have
unique and significant benefits in the improvement of care outcomes. Clinical information system
defines one such system that has high regards to the improvement of patient's outcome. The
implementation of the system is not without limita...

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